The Sanskrit-English Exercise Key (Lesson 13):


1. Female servants brought food.

2. Hari worshipped goddesses and gods.

3. The great king came with the wife.

4. On the river's bank holy men practised yoga.

5. On the city streets assembled many people.

6. Glory to Shiva, the Lord of the whole earth.

7. Mother gave ornaments to the daughter.

8. Indra with [his] wife Indrani live in Nandana.

9. In the assembly we saw many beautiful robes of women.

10. In ponds there is no clean water.

11. Truth prevails.

12. The prince with soldiers hunts for deers in forests.

13. Fighters played dice in the garden there.

14. Great king's wife is called queen.

15. The water of rivers runs towards the sea, but the life of human towards death.

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The English-Sanskrit Exercise Key (Lesson 13):


1. maharanya dasyo bhusanani ratnani caharan |

2. vapya jalamanayamah |

3. nagarani nadinaj tiresu tis.thanti |

4. bala udyane 'divyanvrksanarohajwca |

5. sainikaih saha maharajo 'pyagacchat |

6. nadyo nadibhih samudrena va sajgacchante |

7. putri sada janakena jananya ca snihyate |

8. ksatriyo maharajasya putrij paryanayannrpatirabhavacca |

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