未來式動詞 (Future Tense)
屬格的用法 (Genitive Case)
獨立屬格結構 (Genitive Absolute)
(或強化字根) (未來式接尾詞) 現在式語基 + issa 或 essa (7th) + 現在式動詞語尾 ( ti等) <未來式語基> |
gam > gam-issa-ti 他將去 (he will go)
bhu > bhav-issa-ti 他將是、將有 (he will be, there will
labh > labh-issa-ti 他將獲得 (he will get)
sam-vi-bhaj > samvibhaj-issa-ti 他將分與 (he will share)
dis > des-essa-ti 他將開示 (he will teach)
【注】:as 及其它表示 'to be' 的動詞很少用自已的未來式,而均以
bhavissati 代之。
< labh > |
sg. |
pl. |
3rd. |
labh-issa-ti (他將獲得) |
labh-issa-nti (他們將獲得) |
2nd. |
labh-issa-si (你將獲得) |
labh-issa-tha (你們將獲得) |
1st. |
labh-issa-mi labh-issa-m (我將獲得) |
labh-issa-ma (我們將獲得) |
※ 除「第一人稱單數」多一個語尾 -m 外,其餘與現在式完全一樣。
(0) 表示未來動作。
‧' Na tava Bhagava parinibbayissati, na yava Bhagava bhikkhu-samgham
arabbha kibcid eva udaharatkti. ' = (阿難想:)「世尊將不會般
涅槃,除非世尊做了某些關於比丘眾的(最後)教示。」 (The
Blessed One will not attain final Nibbana until he has made some sta-
tement about the order of bhikkhus.) (D.II.p.99.末3行,大般涅槃經)
(1) 表達「可能(probable)、假設(hypothetical)、決定(decision,1st.
‧' Sacqham bho rajjam labhissami, samvibhajissami vo rajjenati.' = 「好
友們!如果我獲得王位,我會將王國分與諸位。」 (" If, gentle-
men, I gain the kingship,I will share it with you.") (D.II.p.233.末2行,
‧'Satta vo bhikkhave aparihaniye dhamme desessami,tam sunatha sadhukam
manasikarotha, bhasissamkti ' = 「諸比丘!我將為你們宣說七不退
法,仔細聽,好好思惟!我就要說了。」 ( ' Bhikkhus, I will teach
you seven things that are conducive to welfare. Listen, pay careful atten-
tion, I will speak.') (D.II.p.76.L27-28,大般涅槃經)
(2) 表達「自然律(law of nature)、習慣(habit)」(終會、必會),此時語
氣比用現在式表達「永恆真理(eternal truth)」時還強。
‧' Dhir atthu kira bho jati nama, yatra hi nama jatassa jara pabbayissatkti. '
= 「賢友!『生』這事 實在可厭!--既然生者都必將衰老!」
( ' Shame on this thing birth, since to him who is born old age must
manifest itself !') (D.II.p.22.L20-21,大本經)
(3) 其它:還可用來表達「困惑、訝異」(「怎麼會 ... 呢?!」)或
「遺憾、非難」(「怎麼 ...?」、「竟然 ...!」)等情感
性的語氣。(常配合 Katham hi nama = 怎麼、竟然)
⊙ 表達「困惑、訝異」
‧' Katham hi nama tava mahato bhikkhu-samghassa addha-telasanam
bhikkhu-satanam n' eva khipita-saddo bhavissati na ukkasita-saddo na
nigghoso ti.' = 「一千二百五十位比丘這樣大的比丘團體,怎麼
會沒有一點咳嗽聲、清喉嚨聲、或任何其他聲音?!」 ( ' How
is it that from this great number of twelve hundred and fifty bhikkhus
not a sneeze, a cough or a shout is to be heard ') (注:nigghosa <
ni(r)-ghosa = 出-聲 (shouting out),即任何發出的聲音。) (D.I.
⊙ 表達「遺憾、非難」
‧ Tassa mayham bhante etad ahosi : " Ayam ca imesam samana-brahma-
nanam sabba-balo sabba-mulho. Katham hi nama sanditthikam
samabbaphalam puttho samano vikkhepam byakarissatiti " = 大
之說?!」 (And I thought : " Of all these ascetics and Brahmins, he
is the most stupid and confused. For how could (will) he reply by evasion
on being asked about the fruits of the homeless life " ) (注:(1) 此
處 Ayam 指六師外道中的 Sabjaya Belatthi-putta 「散若耶毘羅提
子」,是詭辯論者,對所有論題不做決定。 (2) mulha < muh義為
「錯亂、迷惑」,即頭腦不清楚。(3) vikkhepa 義為「混淆、錯亂
」,此類論者通常被稱為 amara-vikkhepika 即「如鰻魚般滑動不定
,令人難以捉摸而徒增疑惑的「詭辯論者」。) (D.I.p.59.L14-18,
‧ Atha kho tassa aggikassa jatilassa etad ahosi : " Yava balo ayam darako
abyatto. Katham hi nama ayoniso aggim gavesissatkti " = 當時,那
這樣不正確的方法取火?!」 (Then the jatila thought : " How stupid
this boy is, how senseless ! What a thoughtless way to try to get a fire ! ")
(注:a-yoniso, ad. 不如理、不正確、不聰明。) (D.II.p.341.L25-
(1) 被動態的未來式:
如: han > habba-ti > habb-issa-ti 他將被殺 (he will be
pa-ha > pahiya-ti > pahiy-issa-ti 它將被斷捨 (it will be
given up)
da > diya-ti > diy-issa-ti 他將被給予 (he will be
(2) 此外還有「使役未來」、「使役被動未來」等,如:
‧da > dapeti > dapessati / dapayissati = 他將令施 (he will cause to
give) (使役未來)
‧da > dapiyati / dapiyati > dapiyissati = 他將被令施 (he will be caused
to give) (使役被動未來)
單數 複數
buddha m. 佛 > buddh-assa buddh-anam
phala n. 果 > phal-assa phal-anam
kabba f. 少女 > kabb-aya kabb-anam
判別法 F 「屬格」表示「名詞與名詞」之關係,「為格」則表示
(1) 表達某人、事(學說、主張)、物的「所有者(Possessor)」。即「所
(2) 表達某「部份(part)」的「全體(whole)」。即「全體」與「部份」
的關係,如:這是「Renu 王子的」(Gen.) 手。
(1) 直接置於名詞前,表達該名詞之「所有者(Possessor)」。
‧rabbo thupo = 國王的塔 (a king's monument)
(2) 表達「A有B」
F「A (Gen.) + B (Nom.) + be動詞 (hu)」(A的
‧rabbo putto hoti = 國王有個兒子 (The king has a son)
(3) 幾個慣用句型:
A. 表達「某人有...想法」:(Gen. + be動詞)
‧tassa evam hoti ... = 他有這樣的想法/他這麼想 (of him thus it is
/ he has this thought) (或idam assa hoti …= 他有這個想法 ……)
(用例請參前面「未來式的意義及用例」(3) 表達「遺憾、非難」)
B. 表達「經過...的時間」:
‧sattahassa accayena ... pabbajissama = 七天後 ... 我們將出家 (
after a week ... we will go forth)
‧mama accayena = 在我死後 (after me / after I have passed away /
after my death)
(1) 作「分詞(即名詞性動作)」的作者(Agent)或受者(Patient)。
A. 作為「動作作者」的屬格 (Agent-Genitive / Subjective Genitive)
‧Bhavam hi Sonadando brahmanassa Pokkharasadissa sakkato garu-
kato manito pujito apacito. = 因為種德尊者為沸伽羅娑帝婆羅
門 所恭敬、尊重、敬愛、崇敬、尊崇。 (For the Reverend
Sonadanda is esteemed, made much of, honoured, revered, wor-
shipped by the Brahmin Pokkharasadi) (D.I.p.114.L18-19,種德經)
‧Yesam bhikkhave bhikkhunam deva Tavatimsa adittha,oloketha bhi-
kkhave Licchavi-parisam. = 諸比丘!凡是未曾見過三十三天
眾的比丘們,諸比丘!你們就看看離車眾吧! (Bhikkhus, any
of you who have not seen the Thirty-Three gods, just look at this
troop of Licchavis !) (D.II.p.96.倒1-2行,大般涅槃經)
‧... tassa cqyam sila-sampada citta-sampada pabba-sampada abhavita
hoti asacchikata, atha kho so araka va samabba, araka va brah-
mabba. = ... 而他(卻)未能於「戒之圓滿(具足)、心(定)之
距婆羅門法很遠! (... but if his morality,his heart and his wisdom
are not developed and brought to realization, then indeed he is still far
from being an ascetic or a Brahmin.) (注:samabbam 為 samana
態、沙門之為沙門的內涵」,指具足戒、定、慧。) (D.I.p.167.
‧Yo hi koci bhikkhave ime cattaro satipatthane evam bhaveyya satta-
vassani, tassa dvinnam phalanam abbataram phalam patikavkham,
ditthe va dhamme abba sati va upadisese anagamita. = 諸比丘!
者現法證悟;或者如果還有執取殘餘,則為不還果。 (Bhikkhus,
if anyone should develop these four foundations of mindfulness in
such a way for seven years,one of two fruits could be expected for
(by) him : either final knowledge here and now, or if there is a trace
of clinging left,non-return.) (注:abba 證悟,此處指四果阿羅
漢;anagamita 即三果阿那含。) (D.II.p.314.L11-14,大念處經)
B. 作為「動作受者」的屬格 (Patient-Genitive/Objective Genitive)
‧Civaram patisevati, yavad - eva sitassa patighataya unhassa patigha-
taya, ... n' eva madaya na mandanaya, yavad - eva ... vihimsupara-
tiya brahmacariyanuggahaya. = 受用衣服只是為了驅除寒冷、遮
止炎熱,... 並非為了憍慢、為了裝飾,而只是要 ... 止息惱害、
資益梵行。 (Use a robe simply for warding off the cold,for warding
off the heat, ...not for indulgence, not for personal charm, but just for
... keeping it unharmed, for furthering the Brahma-faring.) (M.I.p.
‧Ahan tena samayena purohito brahmano ahosim tassa yabbassa yajeta.
= 我當時是主司那次祭祀的國師婆羅門。 (或:我當時是國師
婆羅門,是那次祭祀的司祭者。) (At that time I was the high
priest who performed that sacrifice (Gen.). ) (注:purohito「國師
上的事務,如祭祀等。) (D.I.p.143.L26-27,究羅檀頭經)
(2) 可代替具格,表達「充滿(full of)、具有」之義。
‧Atha kho tam Ananda gahapati-ratanam ubhohi hatthehi udakam omasitva
puram hirabba-suvannassa kumbhim uddharitva rajanam Maha-Sudassa-
nam etad avoca : " Alam ettavata maharaja, katam ettavata maharajqti
" = 阿難!當時這位居士寶便以雙手觸(入)水,而後取出滿瓶
金幣,對大善見王說:「大王!這樣足夠嗎?這樣可以嗎?」 (Then,
Ananda, the householder touched the water with both hands and drew
out a pot full of gold coins,saying : " Is that enough,great king Will that
do ,great king ") (注:puram hirabba-suvannassa kumbhim直譯「
充滿金幣的瓶子」。ettavata 程度詞,意為「這樣(多)」,so far,
to that extent) (D.II.p.176.L22-26,大善見王經)
‧Puna ca param bhikkhave bhikkhu imam eva kayam uddham padatala
adho kesa-matthaka taca-pariyantam puram nanappakarassa asucino
paccavekkhati. = 再者,諸比丘!比丘省察這個身體--從腳底
。 (Again,monks,a monk reviews this very body from the soles of the
feet upwards and from the scalp downwards,enclosed by the skin and
full of manifold impurities.) (D.II.p.293.L10-12,大念處經)
(3) 常與表示「方位」的不變化詞連用,表達「在A的(Gen.) 前、後、
‧me pitthito = 在我後面 (behind me)
‧sattannam ... kayanam antarena = 在七種元素之間 (between the
seven bodies -- atomic particles)
‧me purato = 在我前面 (in front of me)
‧uttaram nagarassa = 城北 (north of the city)
A1 ... V1 , A2 … V2 , B ... V Gen. pp./ppr.Gen. (同前) Nom. 主要動作 |
(1) 表達「當 A1做V1,A2做V2時,B做V」。
‧evam purohitassa vadamanassa, raja pakkami = 當國師這麼說時,國
王走開了。 (When the high priest said thus, the king went away)
(2) 表達「即使/僅管 A1做V1,A2做V2,B仍然做V」。
‧matapitunnam rudantanam, rajaputto pabbajito = 儘管父母傷心,王
子還是出家了。 (Although his parents were weeping, the prince went
forth) (matar, f.母; pitar, m.父)
附: |
屬格 語尾變化 一覽 |
(1) 母音結尾的語尾變化:
單數 複數
buddha m. 佛 > buddh-assa buddh-anam
aggi m. 火 > agg-ino agg-inam
bhikkhu m. 比丘 > bhikkh-uno bhikkh-unam
phala n. 果 > phal-assa phal-anam 同
akkhi n. 眼 > akkh-ino akkh-inam
akkh-issa 男
assu n. 淚 > ass-uno ass-unam
ass-ussa 性
kabba f. 少女 > kabb-aya kabb-anam
jati f. 生 > jat-iya jat-inam
nadi f. 河 > nad-iya nad-inam
dhenu f. 牡牛 > dhen-uya dhen-unam
jambu f. 閻浮樹 > jamb-uya jamb-unam
(2) 子音結尾的語尾變化:
單數 複數
attan m. 自我 > attan-o attan-am
att-assa att-anam
rajan m. 王 > rajin-o rabb-am
raj-assa raj-anam
rabb-assa raj-unam
kamman n. 業 > kammun-o *
kamm-assa kamm-anam
bhagavant m. 世尊 > bhagavat-o bhagavat-am
bhagavant-assa bhagavant-anam
gacchant m. 去 > gacchat-o gacchat-am
(ppr.) gacchant-assa gacchant-anam
hatthin m. 象 > hatthin-o
hatth-issa hatth-inam
gamin n. 導者 > gamin-o
gam-issa gam-inam
vacas n. 語 > vacas-o
vac-assa vac-anam
ayus n. 壽 > ay-uno * ayus-am
ay-ussa ay-unam
pitar m. 父 > pit-u * pit-unam
pit-uno pit-unnam
pit-ussa pit-anam
matar f 母 > mat-u * mat-unam
mat-uya mat-unnam
(3) 代名詞類的語尾變化:
單數 複數
ta(d) m.n. 彼 > t-assa t-esam (-esanam)
n-assa n-esam (-esanam)
單數 複數
eta(d) m.n. 此 > et-assa et-esam (-esanam)
ima(m) m.n. 此 > im-assa im-esam (-esanam)
assa esam (esanam)
ka m.n. 何 > k-assa k-esam (-esanam)
k-issa *
ka-ci m.n. 某 > kassa-ci kesab-ci (kesanab-ci)
kissa-ci *
ya(d) m.n. 其 > y-assa y-esam (-esanam)
sabba m.n. 一切 > sabb-assa sabb-esam (-esanam)
amu m.n. 此 > am-ussa am-usam (-usanam)
ad-ussa *
ta(d) f. 彼 > t-aya t-asam (-asanam)
t-issa(ya) *
eta(d) f. 此 > et-aya et-asam (-asanam)
et-issa *
ima(m) f. 此 > im-aya im-asam (-asanam)
im-issa(ya) *
assa(ya) asam
ka f. 何 > k-aya k-asam (-asanam)
ka-ci f. 某 > kaya-ci kasab-ci (kasanab-ci)
ya(d) f. 其 > y-aya y-asam (-asanam)
sabba f. 一切 > sabb-aya sabb-asam (-asanam)
amu f. 此 > am-uya am-usam (-usanam)
aham 我 > m-ama (me) amh-akam (no)
m-amam asm-akam
amham amh-am
tvam 你 > t-ava (te) tumh-akam (vo)
t-umham tumh-am