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曇鸞大師淨土思想之研究=The Study of Tan-Luan on Pure Land Concept
Author 許志雄 (撰)=Hsu, Chi-shung (compose)
Publisher Url
Location新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
Content type博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
Publication year103
Keyword二道二力; 他力本願; 持名念佛; 自力與他力

The history of Buddhist culture in China, Pure Land has the most extensive cultural beliefs of the people based on their list of these factions Meditation Buddha Dharma become the foundation, the impact to the old.
It is widely taken for Group, Li Dun fully compensated, start easily and high achievement, but the effect is less hard macros. Pure Land Dharma become one of the most important sects of Chinese Buddhism, its ideology and practice the long-term impact on the trend of Chinese Buddhism.
Study the cause Xinghuoliaoyuan of, when first opened EMI who were chanting the atmosphere, do not pull the eternal tree Jodo group 昙鸾 master. It Tanluan inheritance, absorb Indian Mahayana Buddhism Amitabha Pure Land beliefs, combined with Turkey's livelihood practical, to establish their own unique Pure Land doctrine. Amitabha China's history of faith, is thus dominated by the Vipasya who were chanting dominated, holding the name Buddha again I read mainly.
In this development process, it is Tanluan taken a decisive step, he turned to hold the name of the Buddha, and clearly advocate I read the law, which greatly expanded the Jodo faith acceptability and popularity for the Pure Land faith in Turkey The spread opened up a new world party.
Pure Land Dharma, wide camera group machines, Li Dun fully compensated, start easily and high achievement, but the effect is less hard macros. Its practice philosophy, to specifically read Amitabha sixth flood the holy name.
Hold this flood name to the fruit to sleep, repair because geocentric, Bing million lines of merit, with incredible magical. Dharma Zen teaching law its unifying, general is on the lower roots. Similarly both engines, such as Tempe cover. Munekado evolution from that reality to the concept of the Buddha image, the concept of advocacy want to hold the name, on behalf of many people.
However, the first appeal, influence, especially away, open atmosphere were chanting EMI's holding, tree Pure Land Jesus Christ who do not pull the group, only one person can master study
Table of contents誌謝 I
摘要 II
目錄 IV
第一章、緒論 1
第一節、研究動機 1
第二節、研究目的 2
第三節、研究方法與內容 3
第二章、淨土高僧曇鸞大師的風範 6
第一節、北魏曇鸞大師 6
一、學通內外,裡用自如 6
二、訪問學道,探求精神 7
三、倡行念佛、重信願行 8
四、具足戒德、定寂慧明 10
五、往生西方、親證佛力 11
六、大悲法門、千古傳頌 11
第二節、曇鸞的生平淨土思想 12
一、曇鸞生平 12
二、曇鸞的著述 14
三、曇鸞大師的淨土思想 15
(一)他力本願論 15
(二)總以五念門往生之因 17
(三)對於稱名念佛的重視 17
四、淨土的分類 18
(一)淨土非三界所攝 18
(二)阿彌陀佛是報身佛,極樂淨土是報土 19
五、曇鸞淨土思想的影響 19
第三節、淨土曇鸞大師與念佛法門 21
一、曇鸞大師行履 21
(一)曇鸞所處地域及人文環境 21
(二)曇鸞出家之因緣 22
(三)曇鸞出家後的學養 22
二、曇鸞淨土學說 25
(一)二道二力說 27
(二)他力本願說 29
(三)持名念佛的修行方法 31
三、自力與他力 33
(一)禪境相對 35
(二)禪境合流 36
(三)自力與他力之融合 37
第三章、四大淨土比較研究 38
第一節、教主之比較 39
一、彌勒菩薩 39
二、阿閦佛 42
三、阿彌陀佛 43
四、藥師佛 47
第二節、因地本願之比較 50
一、彌勒菩薩的本願 51
二、阿閦佛的本願 52
三、阿彌陀佛的本願 54
四、藥師佛的本願 60
第三節、淨土狀況之比較 64
一、彌勒淨土 65
二、阿閦佛淨土 68
三、西方極樂淨土 71
四、藥師佛淨土 73
第四節、往生法門之比較 77
一、彌勒淨土往生法門 77
二、阿閦佛淨土往生法門 81
三、阿彌陀佛淨土往生法門 83
四、藥師佛淨土往生法門 92
第四章、從曇鸞淨土理論探討起 96
第一節、阿彌陀佛本願之意涵 96
一、淨土信仰特色與信仰體系 96
二、淨土思想起源 96
三、曇鸞在淨土信仰史上的地位與貢獻 97
四、曇鸞專修淨土,彌勒信仰中土化 97
五、曇鸞信奉阿彌陀佛西方極樂淨土 98
第二節、曇鸞淨土理論與道教神仙學說 99
一、佛教與道教之對立 99
二、曇鸞受道教神仙思想的影響 101
三、曇鸞將佛號比為道教方術音辭 102
四、淨土理論受神仙學說變化與反應 103
第三節、般若性空,萬法因緣和合 104
一、淨土殊勝、依諸佛之願力 104
二、乘佛願力,往生成佛 104
三、曇鸞理論與淨土信仰的中國化 105
第四節、曇鸞淨土理論超越各系法門 106
一、下手易成功高,用力少而得效速 106
二、淨土法門是仗他力的易行道 106
三、念佛三昧入禪定 107
四、曇鸞淨土思想實踐與改造 108
第五節曇鸞大師的歷史地位在探討 110
一、淨土法門創力與傳承 110
二、曇鸞大師和道綽大師歷史功績 112
三、未例十三祖的緣由 116
第五章、結論 118
參考文獻 120
Created date2016.08.23
Modified date2023.04.14

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