

『대일경』의 보살사상=The Bodhisattva Ideal of Mahāvairocana Sūtra
著者 李鳳順 (著)=이봉순 (au.)
掲載誌 불교학연구=Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies
ページ217 - 260
出版サイト http://www.kabs.re.kr/
出版地Daegu, South Korea [大邱, 韓國]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
キーワード대일경=Mahāvairocana Sūtra; 보살=bodhisattva; 三句法門=Teaching of three Verses; 보리심=Enlightened mind; 悲心=Altruism; 方便=Upāya
抄録 All teaching system in Mahāvairocana Sūtra is based on the Teaching of Three Verses (三句法門)―Enlightened mind is cause, Altruism is root, Upāya is Ultimate (菩提心爲因, 悲心爲根, 究竟爲方便)―in the Section of Stage of Mind (住心品). The theoretical and practical system in the bodhisattvas' thought of this sūtra must be also explained by the Teaching of three Verses. In the Esoteric Buddhism, ordinary people should realize bodhicitta (菩提心), so to speak, Mahābodhicitta surpassing the ordinary people's mind in order to become a Buddha.
All of the bodhisattvas make bodhicitta inherent in ordinary people's mind a cause and relieve ordinary people from pains in reality regarding them as dharmakāyabuddha. They also make use of upāya for achieving salvation of ordinary people and enlightenment and develop buddha's omniscience ultimately. Through these activities bodhisattvas disclose the thought of the bodhisattva. In Mahāvairocana Sūtra the bodhisattva is defined as a being who seeks bodhi and omniscience in its mind with delight. This definition succeeds the definition from early buddhism to ten stages in Prajñāpāramitā Sutra (般若經) and Avatamska Sutra (華嚴經). But the peculiarity of the bodhisattvas' stages of Mahāvairocana Sūtra is that the ultimate stage lies in the first stage.
The bodhisattvas' thoughts of Mahāvairocana Sūtra which put this world in the same category with the Mahāvairocana Buddha World give us a promising message that worldly realty is the same with pure Buddha World. And this sutra teaches us that our life is meaningful only when we can truly know our mind.
目次I. 머리말 217
II. 『대열경』 보살사상이 이론적 근거 218
1. 대열경 보살사상의 출발점 218
2. 三句의 법문과 보살사상 220
1) 방편을 구경으로 한다 221
2) 보리심을 인으로 한댜 223
3) 대비를 근으로 한다. 227
III. '보살'의 정의 229
1. 자신의 마음에서 보리와 일체지지를 찾고 구하는 사람 229
2. 머무는 바 없는 마음에 머무는 사람 230
3. 삼세무애지계(三世無礙智戒)를 받아 불의 삼밀에 상응한 사람 231
4. 심매야로 미음을 깨쳐 중생을 일롭게 하는 존귀한 진언자 232
5. 5계를 수지하고 일체지를 추구하는 재가자 232
6. 보리를 즐겨 구하는 자 233
IV. 『대열경』의 보살도 236
1. 三密加持 237
2. 월륜관 240
3. 阿字觀과 五字嚴身觀 241
4. 사지염송관 244
5. 만달라관 245
V. 보살의 수행계위 248
1. 3겁의 수행단계설 249
2. 6무의 습득의 수행단계설 250
3. 10지설 251
VI. 결어 256
ISSN15980642 (P)

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