

Early Ch'an in China and Tibet
著者 Lai, Whalen ; Lancaster, Lewis R.
出版者Asian Humanities Press, Jain Publishing Company
出版サイト http://www.jainpub.com/
出版地Fremont, CA, US [費利蒙, 加利福尼亞州, 美國]
シリーズBerkeley Buddhist studies series
キーワードBuddhism--China; 禪宗=Zen Buddhism=Zazen Buddhism; Philosophy, Buddhist; Conference proceedings--Buddhism; Buddhist literature; Buddhism--Tibet; Buddhism--history
抄録Ch'an (Zen) Buddhism was popularized in the West by writers such as D. T. Suzuki and Alan Watts as a kind of romantic abstraction outside of history. The papers in this volume, originally presented at a unique conference sponsored by UC Berkeley and the San Francisco Zen Center, go a long way toward revealing the complex historical development of Ch'an theory and practice in China and Tibet. The papers on China reveal Ch'an not as a single line of transmission from Bodhidharma, but as a complex of contending and even hostile factions. Furthermore, the view that sees Ch'an as the sinicization of Buddhism through Taoism is questioned through an examination of the Taoism that was actually prevalent during the establishment of Ch'an in China. The papers on Tibet take us to the heart of the controversies surrounding the origins of Buddhism in that country, based on exciting research into the Tunhuang materials, the indigenous rDzogs-chen system, and the Sudden vs. Gradual Enlightenment controversy. Of particular note in this volume is the inclusion of several translations of papers by noted Japanese scholars who have led the way in this type of research, made available to the Western reader for the first time.
目次I. China
a. State of scholarship
New Japanese studies in early Ch'an history / Philip Yampolsky
b. Formative period
The Li-tai fa-pao chi and the Ch'an doctrine of sudden awakening / Yanagida Seizan
Seng-ch'ou's method of dhyana / Jan Yun-hua
T'an-ch'ien and the early Ch'an tradition : translation and analysis of the essay "Wang-shih-fei-lun" / Whalen W. Lai
The teachings of the fourth Ch'an patriarch Tao-hsin (580-651) / David W. Chappell
The concept of li nien (being free from thinking) in the Northern line of Ch'an Buddhism / Robert B. Zeuschner
Early Hua-yen, meditation, and early Ch'an : some preliminary considerations / Robert M. Gimello
The early Ch'an monastic rule : Ch'ing-kuei and the shaping of Ch'an community life / Martin Collcutt
c. The developing tradition
The "recorded sayings" texts of Chinese Ch'an Buddhism / Yanagida Seizan
Lin-chi on "language-dependence," an interpretive analysis / Ronald L. Burr
Sinitic mandalas : the Wu-wei-t'u of Ts'ao-shan / Whalen W. Lai
d. Interaction
The ambiguity of the Buddha-nature concept in India and China / Andrew Rawlinson
The problem of desire and emotions in Taoism and Ch'an / John Visvader and William C. Doub
The pure and the impure : the mencian problematik in Chinese Buddhism / Whalen W. Lai
II. Tibet
a. State of scholarship
The study of Tibetan Ch'an manuscripts recovered from Tun-huang : a review of the field and its prospects / Daishun Ueyama
b. Tibetan meditation systems and Ch'an
Meditation trends in early Tibet / Herbert V. Guenther
The great perfection in the tradition of the bonpos / Per Kvaerne
Indian materials on the doctrine of sudden enlightenment / Luis O. Gomez

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