

佛教「供佛齋天」儀式的療育意涵探討=A Research on the Therapeutic and Educational Significance of the Buddha and Heavenly Offering
著者 釋永東 (著)=Shih, Yung-dong (au.)
掲載誌 新世紀宗教研究=New Century Religious Studies
巻号v.7 n.2
ページ1 - 56
出版サイト https://www.mwr.org.tw/
出版地臺北縣, 臺灣 [Taipei hsien, Taiwan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
キーワード拜天公=Worship the Heaven; 供佛齋天=Heavenly Offering; 《金光明懺法》=the Golden Light Repentance; 《金光明經》=the Suvarnaprabhāsottama-sūtra; 療育=therapy

According to the Chinese folk tradition, the ninth day of the New Year is celebrated as the birthday of the Heaven. The Heaven is honored as the ruler of the universe and the leader of all the Deva Lords. Therefore, the Heavenly Offering conducted on this particular day is popularized in Taiwan. Buddhists do not take refuge in the heavenly beings. Why is the Heavenly Offering held in the Buddhist temple in Taiwan as well? The Heavenly Offering cannot be found in any Indian Buddhist texts. It appeared in Chinese Buddhism until Chih-yi, the Patriarch of Tian-Tai School, composed the Golden Light Repentance wherein the seats for the specific Deva Lords were set up. The Golden Light Repentance was revised by increasing more Deva Lords in the Song dynasty. Later on the Buddha and Heavenly Offering became one of the ceremonies conducted for the New Year in the Buddhist monastery during the Yuan dynasty. The Buddha and Heavenly Offering usually starts from 11:00pm and ends at the next noon after sending all the sages off. This ceremony takes a long time and used to be held in the midnight. Why does it still attract Chinese Buddhists? Is it significant and valuable for the function of therapy and education?
The paper covers six chapters. Chapter one is preface. Chapter two defines the keywords and discusses the ignificance of the Buddha and Heavenly offering. Chapter three explores the origin and development of the Heavenly Offering. This Heavenly Offering is conducted based on the Suvarnaprabhāsottama-sūtra (the Golden Light Sūtra) and the Twenty-four Deva Lords invited are those who attended the Assembly of the Golden Light and pledged to protect all practitioners of the Dharma. Chapter four elucidates the content and procedure of the Buddha and Heavenly Offering. Chapter five explores the implicit function of therapy and education of the Buddha and Heavenly Offering. And Chapter six concludes all the preceding chapters.
目次壹、緒言 4
貳、「供佛齋天」的相關詞義探討 7
一、關鍵詞釋義 7
(一)拜天公 7
(二)供天 8
(三)齋天 8
(四)齋 8
(五)天 9
二、「供佛齋天」的實質意義探討 12
參、「供佛齋天」的起源和演變 13
一、施設淨食供天人 13
二、二十四諸天共分六組 15
肆、「供佛齋天」的儀式內容和進行方式 22
伍、「供佛齋天」的療育意涵 30
一、供品的療育意涵 30
(一)、「香」的供養 31
(二)、「花」的供養 31
(三)、「燈」的供養 32
(四)、「塗」的供養 33
(五)、「果」之供養 34
(六)、「茶」之供養 34
(七)、「食」之供養 35
(八)、「衣」之供養 36
二、傳統「供佛齋天」法會程序的療育意涵 38
(一)第一嚴淨道場方法 38
(二)第二清淨三業方法 39
(三)第三香華供養方法 39
(四)第四召請誦咒方法 40
(五)第五讚歎述意方法 40
(六)第六稱三寶及散灑方法 41
(七)第七禮敬三寶方法 42
(八)第八修行五悔方法 42
(九)第九明旋遶自歸方法 44
(十)第十明唱誦金光明典方法 44
三 、「供佛齋天」儀式進行引發的療育意涵 45
(一)踴躍報名參加供三寶的席位,滿足了事業成功的炫耀心理 45
(二)一年之計在於春的新春祈福,對整年事業經營有安心作用 46
(三)報名諸天席位的冷熱門差距,反應社會經濟現象和大眾需求 46
(四)請三寶及諸天神吃飯,滿足中國人好客心理 47
(五)巴結討好帝釋,當其下凡巡視人間的功過時,能手下留情 47
(六)培養青少年敬老尊賢禮讓的美德 47
(七)藉著各種供品的傳供儀式,能凝聚眾人虔誠恭謹的心 47
(八)獻供隊伍衣著光顯亮麗,滿足人們愛熱鬧的心理 48
(九)海外華人有回家擁抱自己中華文化的感覺 49
(十)吸引非佛教徒的西方人士學生好奇圍觀 49
(十一) 懺悔前籤發願努力以赴的心理療育功效 49
陸、結論 50
ISSN16843738 (P)

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