

著者 釋仁聞 (著)=李佳玲 (au.)
出版サイト http://www.fgu.edu.tw/
出版地宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
キーワード慧思; 安樂行義; 一佛乘; 無相行; 隨自意三昧; 忍辱

Due to cultural changes in the over 2,000 years since its birth in the fifth century B.C. and its transmission around the world, Buddhism could not avoid an accumulation of relative truths added to it as later developments. These so-called developments are perhaps helpful in revealing the absolute truth of the Dharma, but they also may conceal the true nature of the dharma. So, while understanding the Dharma with a twenty-first century, globalized worldview, we should also study Buddhism’s original concerns in the footsteps of the past saints, with the classic scriptures as the foundation for the life of those seeking self-cultivation. This paper researches the explanation of one chapter of the Lotus Sutra by Tiantai Second Chinese Patriarch, Master Hui-Si, in his work, The Meaning of Steadiness,Happiness and Activity in Lotus Sutra.
Through the ages, the main interpretation of the Lotus Sutra has been that the prominent feature of its thought is the chapter of “expedient means.” However, Hui-Si instead selected “the course of ease and bliss " as the representative for integral Dharma gate lotus practice devoid of distinguishing features, and used this to construct the basis for the overall blueprint of cultivation in the lives of people working towards becoming attaining Buddhahood –The Meaning of Steadiness,Happiness and Activity in Lotus Sutra. This work is formed by the profound interaction between Hui-Si’s own life experience and the Lotus Sutra classic teachings. This paper will analyze the three major elements of this interpretation – Buddha nature, concentration and forbearance. These three major elements are used as the paper’s structure, separated into chapters, by discussing in turn the thoughts and arguments revealed by Hui-Si in this work and the intention of the overall structure of the work. There are three directions of research:
1. Searching for the source of the scriptural and ideological basis of the three major elements in the thought of Hui-Si’s Meaning of Steadiness,Happiness and Activity in Lotus Sutra, and interpreting this scriptural basis as the foundation for further addressing places where individual, unique interpretation can be found.
2. Analyzing principles of the interrelationships between the three major elements in Hui-Si’s Meaning of Steadiness,Happiness and Activity in Lotus Sutra.
3. Discussing interaction between the three major principles and Hui-Si’s life experiences.
With The Meaning of Steadiness,Happiness and Activity in Lotus Sutra, Hui-Si constructed the basis for a blueprint for practice. What makes it most accessible is that this classic may be called the Buddha’s teaching for the masses in the last days. Hui-Si interpreted this sutra as though Buddha was teaching the Dharma personally. To this day, The Meaning of Steadiness,Happiness and Activity in Lotus Sutra is still an accessible way to explain the Lotus Sutra to contemporary masses, giving today’s scholars matters for self-reflection.
目次緒論 1
一、研究動機與目的 1
二、文獻回顧與前人研究成果 5
(一)、根本依據 5
(二)、慧思之生平及其時代背景之文獻資料 5
(三)、《法華經安樂行義》思想探究 6
1、禪觀思想探究 6
2、如來藏思想探究 7
3、忍辱思想探究 8
三、研究範圍與方法 8
四、研究綱要 9

第一章 《法華經安樂行義》作者與內文要素 12
第一節 慧思生平 12
第二節《法華經安樂行義》之三大要素 17

第二章 《法華經安樂行義》對法華一佛乘之詮釋 20
第一節 慧思之前《法華經》注之詮釋 20
第一項、世親《法華經論》 20
第二項、僧叡之九轍分判 23
第三項、道生《妙法蓮華經疏》 25
第四項、慧觀〈法華宗要序〉 28
第五項、法雲《法華經義記》 29
第二節 《法華經安樂行義》對《法華經》立意之詮釋 35
第一項、解釋方式由「理」轉向「眾生」實踐的可行性 35
第二項、視四安樂為大乘頓覺行 37
第三項、以「忍辱」為四安樂行之主軸 38
第四項、以如來藏作為一佛乘之立論根據 40

第三章 《法華經安樂行義》之禪修法門 48
第一節 慧思使用禪定用語之界定 48
第一項、禪定分位之界定 49
第二項、「三昧」之使用 51
第三項、「禪波羅蜜」之界定 54
第二節 慧思所定《法華經》禪修之法門 57
第一項、有相行與無相行二分法門之探源 57
一、慧思個人修行之歷程 58
二、《大智度論》之無相三昧 59
三、楞伽禪之二入四行觀 60
四、北地教判之通說 62
第二項、有相行、無相行次第淺深之探討 64
第三節 無相四安樂之關鍵——隨自意三昧 70
第一項、《隨自意三昧》與《首楞嚴三昧經》 71
一、住此三昧能以神力隨意自在 71
二、住此三昧一切三昧皆悉隨從 72
三、隨虛空是隨意如虛空無所隨 72
四、住此三昧能現聲聞而不隨音聲 74
第二項、隨自意三昧法門之特性 77
第三項、隨自意三昧在安樂行中之重要性 79
一、隨自意三昧為法華二行之基礎 79
二、隨自意三昧於無相行之關鍵性 83

第四章 《法華經安樂行義》之忍辱思想 85
第一節 慧思特重忍辱之原因 85
第一項、個人屢遭毒害與時代的動蕩 85
第二項、北方禪師的實踐性格 88
第二節《法華經安樂行義》忍辱名義之依據 93
第一項、《大智度論》忍辱之分類 94
第二項、《法華經安樂行義》與《大智度論》三忍之異同 102
一、皆依所緣立名 102
二、名義之差別 103
三、《法華經安樂行義》中忍辱因果之二義 104
四、「安」、「樂」、「行」與三忍之詮解 106
第三節《法華經安樂行義》忍辱之意涵 114
第一項、《大智度論》「等忍」意義之發揮 114
第二項、忍可佛說諸法的難忍 116
第三項、忍性的根源與目標——平等性 122

結論 125
一、《法華經安樂行義》的建構圖式 125
二、有相行與無相行的實踐省思 130
三、《法華經安樂行義》在當代宗教實踐上的意義 130
四、未來研究方向 132

附錄(一)《法華義記》T33P573A~C 134
附錄(二)《法華義記》T33P573A~C 135
附錄(三)《法華義記》T33P573A~C 139
參考書目 144

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