
Straight from the Heart: Buddhist Pith Instructions
作者 Brunnholzl, Karl
出版者Snow Lion Publications
出版者網址 http://www.snowlionpub.com/
出版地Ithaca, NY, US [伊薩卡, 紐約州, 美國]
附註項Includes bibliographical references.

Preface 8
In Praise of Prajnaparamita by Rahulabhadra with a Commentary by Rongdon Sheja
Kunrig 14
Three Praises by Nagarjuna 23
A Summary of the Stages of Meditating on the Ultimate Bodhicitta by Asvagho?a 40
A Presentation of the Three Natures and Nonconceptual Wisdom by Asa?ga 48
Instruction on the Three Natures by Vasubandhu 62
Nine Stanzas on Prajnaparamita and their Autocommentary by Kambala 75
From The Prayer Requested by Namke Nyingbo by Padmasambhava 85
The Great Stanzas on Prajnaparamita by Aryadeva 87
Two Texts by Atisa 99
Pith Instructions on Mahamudra by Tilopa with a Commentary by the Fifth Shamarpa, Goncho Yenla 122
The Entrance into the Prajna of Madhyamaka by Candrakirti 150
On Maitripa and his Cycle of Twenty-five Works on Mental Nonengagement,
including Sahajavajra?s Commentary on the Ten Stanzas on True Reality 156
Vajrayudha?s Praise to Manjusri with a Commentary by Jamyang Kyentse Wangbo 236
Padampa Sangye?s Meetings with Milarepa and the Nun Dudsi Gyi 248
Gampopa?s Song When He Reached Enlightenment 264
Three Songs by Rechungba 267
The Song about the Few by Baromba Tarma Wangchug 280
The Great Elimination of Obstacles by Kyobpa Jigden Sumgon 287
Two Songs by Tragba Gyaltsen 290
Two Texts by Sakya Pa-cita 335
A Song on Impermanence by the Omniscient Longchen Rabjam 342
Songs for and by the Mahasiddha Tangtong Gyalbo 344
Supplication to the Tagbo Kagyu by Pengar Jambel Sangbo with a Commentary by
Thrangu Rinpoche 362
The Lamp That Illuminates the Four Dharmas by the Fourth Shamarpa, Chokyi Tragba
Yeshe Balsangbo 383
A Song to the Guru by Sakya Chogden 394
Lord Milarepa?s Instructions to Master Gampopa with a Commentary by the Eighth
Karmapa, Mikyo Dorje 398
A Pronouncement of Realization: A Song on View, Meditation, Conduct, and
Fruition by the Sixth Shamarpa, Chokyi Wangchug 406
The Song of Supplicating Machig Labdron by Karma Chagme 449
A Song on the View by Janggya Rolpe Dorje with a Commentary by Ju Mipham
Rinpoche 457
A Song on the View by the Thirteenth Karmapa, Dudul Dorje 497
Two Poems by Patrul Rinpoche 510
Pointing Out Instructions by Kunkyen Dashi Oser 516
Pith Instructions on Mahamudra by Ju Mipham Rinpoche 519
Instruction to Practice the Divine Dharma with Pith by Gendun Chopel 521
Appendix: The Four Great and Eight Lesser Kagyu Schools 527
Glossary: English-Sanskrit-Tibetan 529
Bibliography 535
Endnotes 554
ISBN9781559392792; 1559392797

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