
Indian Texts Series - Siksha-Samuccaya - A Compendium Of Buddhist Doctrine
作者 Santideva
出版者Lee Press
出版者網址 http://leeprecision.com/
出版地Cork, UK [科克, 英國]
摘要The manuscript of this book was brought from Nepal by Mr. Cecil Bendall, and edited by him for the Russian Bibliotheca Buddhica (St. Petersburg, 1897). When Mr. Bendall returned to Cambridge as Teacher of Sanskrit, he began a translation of it, in which Mr. E. B. Cowell, then Professor of Sanskrit, seems to have helped, since a part of the MS. was in his handwriting. This portion, which was delivered to me as complete, proved to be in need of revision ; indeed, a good deal of it has been re-written. On the death of Mr. Cowell, when Mr. Bendall succeeded him as Professor, I began to work with him upon the translation, and continued the work until his death. The part we did together was chapters III, IV, V, and part of VI, pp. 44-125 of the Sanskrit text.

On his deathbed, Mr. Bendall asked me to finish the work, and I undertook the task as a sacred duty, although I was well aware of my own insufficiency for the task unaided. Indeed, for me unaided it would have been impossible ; but I have had the most generous and ungrudging aid of the chief living autho- rity on Buddhism, Buddhist Sanskrit, and Tibetan Mr. L. de la Vallee Poussin, Professor of Sanskrit at Brussels. During his residence in Cambridge, from 1914 to 1918, M. de la Vallee has revised every passage in which I felt a difficulty. The acknowledgment which I make here to him is quite inadequate to express my gratitude for his kindness. If the work meet with the approval of scholars, the credit is his : any errors that remain will be mine. We have to thank Mr. F. W. Thomas, Librarian of the India Office, for the loan of the Tibetan translation of this work.
目次I. Salutation to all Buddhas and Bodhisatvas! i
II. The Duty of Self-Preservation 37
III. Avoidance of Evil 46
IV. Avoidance of Evil 61
V. Avoidance of Evil 100
VI. Preservation of the Person 117
VII. Care of Enjoyments 142
VIII. Purification from Sin 157
IX. The Perfection of Patience 175
X. The Perfection of Strength 184
XI. Praise of the Forest Seclusion 188
XII. Preparation of the Thought 196
XIII. Subjects of Intent Contemplation 216
XIV. Self-Purification 225
XV. Purity in Enjoyment and Religious Action 245
XVI. The Increase of Good Conduct 251
XVII. The Praise of Worship 270
XVIII. Recollection of the Three Jewels 283
XIX. Increase of Holiness 307
ISBN1444620479; 9781444620474

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