
『諸王統史明示鏡』の著者と成立年=The Authorship and Dating of the gSal ba'i me long=しょおうとうしめいじきょうのちょしゃとせいりつねん
作者 山口瑞鳳 (著)=Yamaguchi, Zuiho (au.)
出處題名 東洋学報=Journal of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko=トウヨウ ガクホウ
卷期v.60 n.1/2
頁次1 - 18
出版地東京, 日本 [Tokyo, Japan]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
關鍵詞チベット; 14世紀; チベット史; ラマダムパ・ソナム・ゲルツェン; rGyal rabs rnams kyi byung tshul gsal ba'i me long
摘要 rGyal rabs rnams kyi ʼbyung tshul gsal ba’i me long chos ʼbyung is one of the most important sources for the history of ancient Tibet, but we cannot yet give any determinative discussion on the date of the writing and the authorship. Prof. G. Tucci put back its date at the end of the 15th century for the reason that the gSal ba’i me long contains a quotation from the Deb ther sngon po written in 1478 A, D. However, while we cannot find such a phrase as previously mentioned by F. W. Thomas anywhere in the gSal ba’i me long, we locate it easily in the Fifth Dalai-lama’s Chronicle as Prof. R. A. Stein has pointed out.
A. I. Vostrikov, having rejected Prof. Tucci’s assertion, replaced for the author bla ma dam pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan with (gZhu khang ba) Legs pa(ʼi) shes rab who had presented himself as editor in the colophon of the Lhasa edition, in accordance with the Fifth Dalai-lama’s comment and gave for the date of writing the middle of the 15th century, somewhat before 1478 A. D., year of the first printing of the gSal ba’i me long. The genealogy of Ya tse kings mentioned in this work covers the period up to about the early 15th century.
Dr. B. I. Kuznetsov, who edited a critical text of the gSal ba’i me long according to the Lhasa edition, having denied Vostrikov’s view, assigned the authorship to bla ma dam pa and explained the date of sa pho ʼbrug as the time when the author “began to compile”. Nevertheless, “legs par(b)sgrigs pa” cannot mean other than “I have compiled”.
The present writer also attributes the authorship to bla ma dam pa, respecting dPa’ bo gtsug lag ʼphreng ba’s comment, but wants to add that the date of sa pho ʼbrug was mistakenly transmitted from sa pho sprel, because bla ma dam pa calculated in the text the years from the death of Buddha until the date of writing which was 1368 A. D., sa pho sprel. In order to support this explication it is showed that the History of Buddhism by Yar lung jo bo was written in 1336 A. D. and thus Pri ti mal, the king of Ya tse last mentioned in the gSal ba’i me long must have lived before that time, for the name of the same king is quoted from the Yar lung jo bo’s History in the mKhas pa’i dga’ ston. As to the gloss in which the fall of the Yuan and the rise of the Ming are mentioned, we know also that it was added following the main text.
目次はじめに 1
I 2
II 3
IV 8
V 9
VI 11

ISSN03869067 (P)
建檔日期1998.04.28; 2002.09.30

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