
漢傳禪佛教之起源與開展 ── 中華禪法鼓宗默照禪修行體系之建構=The Origins and Development of Chinese Chan Buddhism: A Study of the Mozhao/ Silent Illumination Chan Meditation System of the Dharma Drum Lineage
作者 釋果暉 (著)=Shi, Guo-huei (au.)
出處題名 聖嚴研究:第八輯=Studies of Master Sheng Yen Vol.8
頁次7 - 61
出版者網址 http://www.ddc.com.tw/
出版地臺北, 臺灣 [Taipei, Taiwan]
資料類型專題研究論文=Research Paper
附註項作者單位:法鼓文理學院副教授=Associate Professor, Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts
關鍵詞慧解脫=Wisdom Liberation; 不依禪=Non-dependent Absorption; 默照=Mozhao/ Silent Illumination; 四念住=Four Bases of Mindfulness; 四無量=Four Immeasurable States of Mind
摘要佛教傳入中國之後,經過千百年與漢文化之相互激盪與融合,本土化最成功並截取中、印兩大文化 — 佛教文化與漢文化之精髓,而足以代表漢傳佛教之特色者,可說是唐宋以來的禪宗;爛熟的禪宗也反過來影響著以儒、道為主體的漢文化。當我們用「漢傳禪佛教」一詞時,有著超越宗派而多少代表整體漢傳佛教之意味。以戒、定、慧三學的不同面向來界定漢傳禪佛教的話,叢林制度主要屬戒律學的範圍,而禪佛教的修行體系與思想雖也與戒學有關,但主要屬於定學與慧學的範圍。後兩者是本文所要探討的部分。漢傳禪佛教中,經常提到「禪門無門」、「言語道斷」,歷代禪宗祖師龐大的語錄多以實修指導為主,禪宗向來寡談其在整體中、印佛教發展中,禪佛教思想與修行體系之建構。本文做新的嘗試,以跨越中、印佛教歷史思想發展之主軸,來探討漢傳禪佛教之禪修思想起源與發展,輔以漢傳禪佛教重要相關經論及祖師著作等,來探究禪宗傳承自印度佛教及演變為漢傳禪佛教中,有其一貫禪修思想核心之可能。最後則回歸到聖嚴法師創建的中華禪法鼓宗的禪法思想,探討法師如何承接初祖達摩、六祖惠能大師乃至虛雲老和尚之禪法脈絡,並如何加以開展而成為中華禪法鼓宗之禪法特色。由於此論題較為龐大,本論文將以默照禪為主。

After its introduction to China, Buddhism undergoes dramatic competition against and fusion with Chinese culture for hundreds of years. Chan School after the Tang and Song dynasties could be regarded as the most successfully localized school. Drawing from the essence of both Buddhist and Chinese culture, it best exemplifies the characteristics of Chinese Buddhism. After having fully matured, it turns out to be a strong influence to the Confucian- Daoist Chinese culture. When the term “Chinese Chan Buddhism” is used, it more or less indicates the general Chinese Buddhism as a whole. If one studies Chinese Chan Buddhism from the perspective of the Three Cultivations (śikṣā-traya) – precept (vinaya), centration (samādhi) and wisdom (prajñā) – the Conglin/Monastic system is mainly related to the precepts. Though the thoughts and practice of Chinese Chan Buddhism are also related to the precepts, but they are more closely related to concentration and wisdom. The latter will be the focus of this study.
“Gateless gate of Chan” and “where the path of words is cut off” are both ideas often mentioned in Chinese Chan Buddhism. There has been many discourses from Chan predecessors, which has been and continues to be guiding texts for Chan practice.
However, historically, Chan School talks little about constructing a system of Chinese Chan Buddhist thoughts and practice within the general Indian and Chinese Buddhist development. In this study, a new attempt is proposed. The author would like to investigate the origins and development of Chan practice in Chinese Chan Buddhism from the viewpoint of the history of Indian and Chinese Buddhist thoughts. On the other hand, through studying important Buddhist scriptures and works from Chan masters, this paper also like to discuss whether Chan School, inheriting from Indian Buddhism then transforming to a sect in Chinese Chan Buddhism, has a coherent thought for Chan practice. The aim is to evaluate and cultivate the characteristics of the Dharma Drum Lineage of Chinese Chan Buddhism. As this topic is too broad, this study will focus mainly on Mozhao/ Silent Illumination.
目次一、前言 9
(一) 前人研究 9
(二) 研究方法與限制 10
1. 研究方法 10
2. 研究限制與解決途徑 10
二、印度佛教重要禪修解脫觀念與漢傳禪佛教 11
(一) 慧解脫與漢傳禪佛教 11
(二)「不依禪」與漢傳禪佛教 13
三、印度佛教重要禪修方法與默照禪 32
(一) 四念住與默照禪 32
1. 四念住在默照禪中的運用 32
2. 四念住與默照禪的對應關係 37
(二) 四無量心與默照禪 41
四、結論 54
參考文獻 56
英文摘要 60

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