
《般舟三昧經》之空觀與實踐方法=The Concept of Śūnyatā and Practice in Pratyutpanna-Buddha-Saṃmukhāvasthita-Samādhi-Sūtra
作者 釋修萬 (撰)=Lin, Yuan-mao (compose)
出版者網址 https://www.dila.edu.tw/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞不可得=Non-cognition(anupalabdhi); 無相=Signless(animitta); 法性=Thatness(dharmatā、); 實相念佛=Thusness Buddha-Recollection; 大乘止觀=na meditation

As one of the earliest extant Mahāyāna sūtra-s, Pratyutpanna-Buddha-Saṃmukhāvasthita-Samādhi-Sūtra lays foundation for “the concept of śūnya” seen in the early Mahāyāna prajñāpāramitā literature. It uniquely combines “Buddhas of the Ten Directions / Pure Land” belief and “prajñāpāramitā” theory, the two most representative systems of the early Mahāyāna thought, in the meditative practice. This thesis attempts to argue that pratyutpanna samādhi is a Mahāyāna meditative method that uses “seeing the Buddha” as the medium and puts the theory of Mahāyāna prajñā concept into practice through the Recollection of the Buddha, and the consept of “seeing the Buddha but non-cognition” penetrates the theory and pactice of pratyutpanna samādhi in order to fulfill prajñāpāramitā. This thesis points out that although pratyutpanna samādhi is a Mahāyāna meditative technique that is developed from buddhānusmṛti of the original Buddhism, its method and goal are, however, different from buddhānusmṛti. We can call pratyutpanna samādhi a paradigm shift of buddhānusmṛti in relation to the meditative practice. This thesis will also explain how Pratyutpanna-Buddha-Saṃmukhāvasthita-Samādhi-Sūtra brings forth a successful transition from śrāvaka meditation to bodhisattva meditation by skillfully interpreting the basic concepts and meditative methods of the original Buddhism in terms of Mahāyāna śūnya taught in the prajñāpāramitā literature, using aśubhāsmṛti, smṛtyupasthāna and buddhānusmṛti as examples.
Pratyutpanna-Buddha-Saṃmukhāvasthita-Samādhi-Sūtra teaches about the theory and practice of śūnya, with penetration into realization as the aim of the practice. “Practicing walking-meditation (caṅkramana) for ninety days without sleep” has been considered the main feature of pratyutpanna samādhi and even the requisite for achieving it ever since pratyutpanna samādhi began its circulation in China and Japan. This misconception has caused the meaning, goal and even the method of practice of pratyutpanna samādhi to become more obscure and misdirected. In order to correct this misconception and to reveal the true meaning of pratyutpanna samādhi, I will explore how the meaning of śūnya evolved from the original Buddhism to early Mahāyāna Buddhism so that we can see the lineage and the development of the concept of śūnya that Pratyutpanna-Buddha-Saṃmukhāvasthita-Samādhi-Sūtra represents. Furthermore, I will also make a philosophical study of the concept of śūnya illustrated by pratyutpanna samādhi to derive that pratyutpanna samādhi should be categorized as Thusness Buddha-Recollection and Mahāyāna śūnya samādhi and point out the link between “nimitta/nāman”and “anupalabdhi” highlighted in early Mahāyāna Buddhism. I therefore conclude that Pratyutpanna-Buddha-Saṃmukhāvasthita-Samādhi-Sūtra explicates the concepts of śūnya of the prajñāpāramitā literature such as “all is empty”, “the very nature of existence is empty”, “without inherent nature”.
I will explain wh
目次摘 要 i
目 次 iv
表 目 錄 viii

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 2
第二節 研究方法與進路 5
第三節 前人研究概況 8
一、專書及期刊論文方面 10
(一)般舟三昧之見佛方面 10
1. 在般舟三昧系統下之見佛 10
2. 「念」佛與般舟三昧之見佛 11
3. 夢喻與般舟三昧之見十方佛 13
4. 見道位、無生法忍與般舟三昧之見十方佛 15
(二)般舟三昧之禪觀操作方面 17
1. 禪觀操作方式與般舟三昧 17
2. 般舟三昧之佛身觀與淨土觀 18
3. 十方佛觀之實踐及北傳淨土學之完成 21
(三)般舟三昧之思想解讀及其影響方面 22
1. 般舟三昧之空思想:無想、無相、涅槃、緣起與實相 22
2. 般舟三昧對龍樹大乘思想建立之影響 24
3. Paul M. Harrison對《般舟三昧經》之思想解讀 26
二、國內學位論文方面 28
第二章 《般舟三昧經》之傳譯與價值 30
第一節 《般舟三昧經》之版本 31
一、梵、藏、英、日及蒙古語版本 31
(一)梵文本 31
(二)藏譯本 32
(三)英譯本 33
(四)日譯本 33
(五)蒙古本 34
二、漢譯現存四種譯本 34
(一)譯本各別經錄說明 34
(二)異譯本之品目及內容比對 37
(三)異譯本之譯者與年代爭議 39
第二節 《般舟三昧經》之歷史貢獻 44
一、大乘思想史方面 45
二、大乘發展史方面 45
三、佛教文獻學方面 49
四、中國漢語方面 50
第三節 小結 52
第三章 《般舟三昧經》之性格與實踐 53
第一節 《般舟三昧經》之性格 53
一、融合淨土與般若思想 53
二、般舟三昧與無生法忍的關聯 53
三、以大乘視角闡釋不淨觀、四念住及佛隨念 55
四、以大乘立場肯定頭陀行 56
第二節 般舟三昧之實踐方法及相關議題 62
一、強調戒行基礎的般舟三昧觀 62
二、誤解常行三昧即般舟三昧之成因 65
(一)《般舟三昧經》梵本之經名譯法及〈四事品〉內容 65
(二)中日祖師對於「般舟三昧」與「常行三昧」之互用 76
1. 智顗大師倡「常行三昧」對後世般舟三昧認知的影響 76
2. 般舟三昧對日本佛教宗派建立之影響 78
三、《般舟三昧經》中所說的「疾得法」 79
(一)「疾得法」並非證得般舟三昧不可或缺的條件 79
(二)「九十天經行、不坐卧、不睡眠」出現之淵源 81
(三)「疾得法」之修行指導出於《道行般若經》之推論 85
(四)「經行caṅkramana」對止觀之助益 88
第三節 般舟三昧「定中見佛」之淵源 92
一、原始佛教經典之「定中見天人」說 93
二、大乘經論之「定中見佛」說 96
三、定中見佛之疑義解析 103
(一)鳩摩羅什大師的回應 103
(二)般若經系之夢中見佛 106
第四節 小結 112
第四章 《般舟三昧經》之空思想 115
第一節 原始佛教之空義:因緣生滅,緣起性空 115
第二節 初期大乘般若學之空義:不生不滅,當體即空 126
第三節 般舟三昧之空觀 134
一、「不來不去」的「定中見佛」 134
二、三昧中獲「未曾聞法」與大乘起源 136
三、「見佛而不可得」的大乘空三昧 137
四、以大乘空觀修習四念住 146
五、體解般舟三昧的七個譬喻 149
(一)夢中見佛的譬喻 149
(二)無礙的譬喻 150
(三)婬女的譬喻 151
(四)空澤的譬喻 154
(五)夢中歸鄉的譬喻 155
(六)不淨觀的譬喻 156
(七)影像的譬喻 157
六、《般舟三昧經》是般若經典原型之一 160
第四節 小結 162
第五章 結論 163
引用文獻 169
一、佛教藏經或原典文獻 169
二、中日文專書、論文 171
三、西文專書、論文 178

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