
蕅益智旭之淨土念佛思想=A Study Ouyi's Pure Land Buddist Thought
作者 邱美華 (撰)=釋聞融 (compose)
出版者網址 https://web.nhu.edu.tw/
出版地嘉義縣, 臺灣 [Chia-i hsien, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞仁=Benevolence; 蕅益智旭=OuyiZhixu; 信願行=Faith, Vow and Practice; 持名念佛=Chanting Buddha's Name; 四土=Four Kinds of Pure Land; 《阿彌陀經要解》=Amitabha Sutra Yao Jie

OuyiZhixu (1599-1655) uses Buddhism to interpret Confucianism because that Confucianism is the mundane world view centers around Benevolence. Human being has its own Benevolence which represents ones real temperament, real life and contains inner morality. Buddhism is the supra-mundane world view, is seeking of truth, and speaks up for the path of Bodhisattva to Buddhahood. Truth will certainly manifest itself in the mundane world view. Hence the practicing of Buddhism and Confucianism both theoretically based on common point. That is why QuyiZhixu is the bridge builder of intercommunication between Confucianism and Buddhism.
OuyiZhixu has fundamental learning of Confucianism and Buddhism. In addition to that he seeks truthful explanation of Essential nature and Characteristic upon practicing and variously studies all doctrines of different sects. Later his writings were mixed with Tien Tai's theory because he was deeply influenced by Tien Tai Sect on his learning course. For instance, Amitabha Sutra Yao Jie was composed when OuyiZhixu was 49 years old. Among three Pure Land's sutras, he pays much attention to Amitabha Sutra. For this reason, the Amitabha Sutra Yao Jie is the most important writing under his Pure Land theory. In Amitabha Sutra Yao Jie, OuyiZhixu interpreted Pure Land theory by the Tien Tai's thought. Firstly, he illustrated the Amitabha Sutra with Tien Tai's Five heavy-profound- meanings. Then, based on sequential and conditional structure of Buddhism, he let the Buddhist practitioner to get better understanding the content of Amitabha Sutra's theory. These structure are the one who and whom say it will explain the sutra's name, the Reality will be the Positive Substance, three endowments of Faith, Vow and Practice will be the basic doctrine of practicing, the clear mind of No Quit to Pure Land will be the giving strength, and finally the Speech without asking and the Comprehend of Bodhisattva's nurture will be the teaching structure.
The Pure Land practitioners are focused on how to practice to get there, The Western Pure Land. To answer it, the practitioner must possess three endowments of Faith, Vow and Practice. These three endowments are correlated. Faith, there are six kind of faith, self-faith, faith-other, faith-course, faith-effect, faith-matter, and faith-reality. Vow, there are two teachings of vow, disliking and detaching Saha Land then seeking after with pleasure of the Ultimate Bliss, and making a vow that contains Faith and Vow. Practice, it is chanting Buddha's name, or is chanting particular name, is a simple and easy short-cut. The most easy practicing methods have that it can be achieved immediately and completely, can be popularized through all three categorized groups of sentient beings, can be taught either sharp or dull group, and can be spread all over to whomever get it. This easy practicing method contains two fields, the Three Kind of Wisdom and Mindfulness Chanting Buddha under a high level of meditative concentration. The Three Kind of Wisdom is Hearing Wisdom, Thinking Wisdom and Practicing Wisdom. The Mindfulness Chanting Buddha under a high level of meditative concentrati
目次摘要 I
目錄 IV
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 當代研究成果之評價 4
一、 念佛思想之考察 4
二、 其他思想之考察 10
第四節 研究方法 20
一、 文獻學方法 21
二、 思想學方法 21
第五節 全文結構述要 22
第二章 蕅益智旭的生平及其著作 24
第一節 蕅益智旭的學思歷程 24
一、 出家前之學思歷程 24
二、 出家修行的三個時期 31
第二節 蕅益智旭的著作 48
一、 融通諸宗與會歸淨土 48
二、 嚴持戒律與專志求生 49
三、 重要著作 49
四、 與本論文主題相關的著作 50
第三章 蕅益智旭的淨土思想與天台教理之關連 57
第一節 中國淨土宗的開展 57
第二節 判教思想與釋經方法 61
一、 五時八教 61
二、 化法四教之義理 65
三、 圓教的六即 69
四、 五重玄義 74
第三節 《阿彌陀經要解》之五重玄義 77
一、 釋名 78
二、 辨體 79
三、 明宗 81
四、 論用 83
五、 教相 85
第四章 蕅益智旭的念佛思想 87
第一節 信願行三資糧 87
第二節 六種信 91
一、 信自 91
二、 信他 92
三、 信因 93
四、 信果 93
五、 信事 94
六、 信理 94
第三節 願為要務 95
一、 厭離娑婆與欣求極樂 96
二、 發願兼具信與行二資糧 98
第四節 持名念佛與往生 100
一、 三慧 102
二、 念佛三昧 106
三、 散心念佛與帶業往生及圓生四土 109
第五節 四土 111
第五章 結論 116
【參考書目】 120
表格 一《阿彌陀經要解》與〈持名念佛歷九品淨四土說〉對照表 114

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