
微觀菩提─立體設計創作=Microscopic Bodhi : three-dimensional design creation
作者 許宏再 (著)
出版者網址 https://www.ntua.edu.tw/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞慾望=desire; 符號學=Semiotics; 3d列印=3d printing; 立體設計=Three-dimensional design

Human desires are endless. Western philosophy believes that it is the satisfaction of demand,whether physical, psychological, selfish, or selfless. In the concept of Buddhism, it is considered to be the cause of ignorance and no wisdom, that is, greed, jealousy, and znfatuation, all kinds of psychological confusion, and the process is always painful.
Since the Buddha's enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, the Bodhi tree is the symbol of Buddhism. It has almost been equated with the Buddha's enlightenment. In the concept of semiotics, the Bodhi tree symbolizes wisdom and enlightenment. In the Vimala, the concept of placing Sumi mountain into the mustard is now in line with the concept of microscopic, and there is another very different world in the microscopic world.
However, from the perspective of Western semiotics and postmodernism, there is no good or bad point in the essence of desire. Everything is just because of the demand, and the people who come into contact with it have different differences. For example: the desire for good things, the desire for success is a kind of greed; the injustice of injustice, the unhappiness of unscrupulous organization;the persistence of the goal, the adherence to the truth, is not another kind of greed, jealousy, and infatuation. This should be the same with the concept of self-sufficiency in Buddhism. There is no self-sufficiency in all kinds of laws. There is no constantity, no fixed essence, no right or wrong, no good and evil, and everything returns to the origin. The so-called enlightenment of Buddhism is that if the world realizes this, it is necessary to have wisdom to break away from these sufferings
The analytical methods used in this creation are literature exploration methods and creative practice methods. After sorting out the relevant literature, the various desires are divided into three categories according to the concept of greed, jealousy, and infatuation in Buddhism.
The linden tree structure was analyzed by electron microscopy to obtain three kinds of three-dimensional structures: organic circular holes, columnar structures and hexagonal honeycomb structures. The 3D printing method was used to apply the structure to the elements of three-dimensional creation to construct various forms of desire and create A microscopic world.
The Bodhi tree represents wisdom and enlightenment. The related creation can also be said to symbolize the wisdom of the material to construct the ignorant desire. The purpose is to understand the essence and source of the desire and trouble, and hope that the viewer can be able to Recognizing that the so-called desire is an illusion from a Buddhist point of view. As long as the mind turns and sees the essence of desire, As long as the mind turns and sees the essence of desire, regardless of its composition, it can be recognized that its essence is Bodhi. Every piece of work has its emptiness, whether it is obvious or hidden. I hope that the works can resonate with the viewers, and convey that those who suffer from desires can break their own contradictions and be able to see the nature and see Buddhahood on their own. Get wisdom early and get
目次謝誌 I
摘要 III
目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 創作研究背景與動機 1
第二節 創作研究目的 2
第三節 創作研究方法 2
一、文獻探討法 2
二、創作實驗法 4
第四節 創作研究範圍與限制 5
第五節 研究架構 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 西方的慾望哲學 7
第二節 佛教經典 17
一、妙法蓮華經 17
二、維摩詰經 20
第三節 符號學 20
一、索緒爾 22
二、羅蘭‧巴特 23
三、後現代主義 25
第三章 創作實驗 29
第一節 所需設備及軟體 29
一、電子顯微鏡 29
二、濺射鍍膜機 30
三、3D列印機 31
第二節 樣品取樣 34
一、取樣步驟 34
二、樣本成像整理 37
第二節 創作樣品分析 38
一、葉面結構分析 39
二、葉脈結構分析 40
三、樹皮部分分析 40
四、樹幹部分 41
第四章 創作論述 42
第一節 創作理念 42
第二節 創作內容與形式 43
一、貪系列作品 43
二、嗔系列作品 51
三、癡系列作品 57
第三節 創作技巧與方法 65
一、貪系列作品 71
二、嗔系列作品 84
三、癡系列作品 92
第四節 展覽規劃與設計 105
一、展區規劃 105
二、展場動線規劃 106
二、創作展覽邀請卡與海報 111
第五章 結論與建議 116
第一節 創作省思與結論 116
第二節 未來展望與建議 118
參考文獻 119

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