
《大乘起信論》與佛耶對話=The treatise on the awakening of faith in the Mahayana and Buddhist-Christian dialogue
作者 陳倩 (撰)=Chen, Qian (compose)
出版者網址 https://www2.crs.cuhk.edu.hk/tc
出版地沙田, 香港, 中國 [Sha Tin, Hong Kong, China]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞《起信論》=Awakening of Faith; 佛耶對話=Buddhist-Christian Dialogue; 終極實在=ultimate reality; 人性論=concepts of human nature
本文試圖探討,以《起信論》這部“大乘共法”本身為綱領,在當今的佛耶對話研究中是否可以有更多可供發掘的課題?《起信論》的內容全面涉及終極實在(ultimate reality)、人性論、拯救論、信仰觀與修行觀,這些方面的比較正是當前佛耶對話的重要內容。而筆者所見,關於這些主題,當前的研究不僅鮮有論及《起信論》者,基督教傳統中的參與方也僅限於天主教與新教。本文將提出,被忽視的東正教傳統實亦有更豐富的內容可與大乘佛教對話,例如其與新教傳統頗為異趣的人性論和成神論。而在修行觀的比較中,部派佛教及禪宗的修行實踐是佛教一方最大的主角,這些比較的結果,往往終止於耶佛二宗教在終極目的上的根本差別。本文將提出,若以《起信論》的修行觀為對象,或許可以改進(或推進)這類對話的內容。通過上述的系統考察,筆者認為,作為如來藏思想之代表經典與大乘佛法之總括,《起信論》應當是一適宜而“大公”的對象,來拓展和推進對話的空間。

The Treatise on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana (here after AFM) is a very important Śāstra which had far-reaching influence in Chinese and even in East Asian Buddhism. In the late 19th to early 20th century, it was translated into English by D. T. Suzuki and Timothy Richard respectively as a representation of East Asian Mahayana Buddhist classics. There are some studies on Suzuki’s and Richard’s translations and interpretations of AFM which focus on their hidden agenda, such as Suzuki tended to stress not only the distinctiveness of Mahayana Buddhism vis-à-vis other forms of Buddhism, but also that vis-à-vis the Western thought. Richard used a lot of Christian terms to translate the text in order to show that Buddhism and Christianity were basically two expressions of the same divine revelation. However, there are relatively few studies focusing on AFM’s role in the communication between Buddhism and western culture, especially Christianity.
In recent years, there are many comparative studies of Buddhism and Christianity. Some of them used the model of “one-heart-with-two-gates” formulated in AFM to interpret the Christological formula articulated at the Council of Chalcedon in CE 451. These studies show that the Tathāgatagarbha thought is more helpful in compare to Madhyamika and Yogācāra schools in Chinese Christian theology.
But these discussions on AFM is restricted to the model of “one-heart-with- two-gates” and do not cover many other issues or concepts in the treatise. As many other aspects or main themes of the treatise maybe relevant to the contemporary Buddhist-Christian dialogue, the significance of AFM for Buddhist-Christian studies has not been properly explored. This research starts with the texts of AFM themselves. A close reading of the treatise shows that the treatise covers many issues concerning ultimate reality, concepts of human nature, salvation, and practice. These issues are among the main themes in the prevalent comparative studies, but the existing explorations of AFM are far from adequate.
Furthermore, the current dialogue between Buddhism and Christianity on relevant topics might have been dominated by the comparison with Protestantism and Catholicism. However, the Orthodox tradition, especially its doctrine of theosis and the related spiritual practice, is quite different from those two denominations, but it can also be relevant to the dialogue with MahayanaBuddhism. This research shows that the treatise’s view of the relevant themes can enrich the existing dialogue and point out some of the untrodden areas for the dialogue.
目次摘要 ii
Abstract iv
導論 1
第一部分 7
第一章 緒論 7
一《大乘起信論》的地位與影響 7
二《起信論》向西方的傳譯 10
三 研究綜述 13
(一) 鈴木大拙譯注:Asvagosha’s Discourse On the Awakening of Faith In the Mahayana. 13
(二) 李提摩太譯:The New Testament of Higher Buddhism——Translation of the Awakening of Faith 15
(三)《起信論》與當代佛耶對話 17
第二章《大乘起信論》的主題 28
一 導言 28
二 悲慘世界與如來藏 . 29
(一)“起信”的本體論依據 30
(二)信仰的層次 33
三 《起信論》的拯救37
四 《起信論》的修行觀 40
(一)修“止” 41
(二)修“觀” 43
五 結語 47
第三章 鈴木大拙與《起信論》 49
一 導言 .49
二 《起信》三論 50
(一)真如 . 51
(二)三身論 54
(三)信 57
三 鈴木大拙的訴求 59
(一)“洋格義” 59
(二)為大乘正名 63
四 逆向東方主義 65
五 結語 70
第四章 李提摩太與《起信論》 72
一 導言 72
二 翻譯《起信論》之因緣73
三 李提摩太之立場 75
(一) 普遍啟示? 75
(二) 福音預備? 77
(三)為了和平與公義的未來宗教 82
四 “相似福音”背後 83
(一)深層的共性 84
(二)李提摩太的疏失 89
五 結語 89
第五章《起信論》與基督教神學 91
一 導言 91
二 《起信論》與基督論 92
(一)基督論 92
(二)如來藏與基督論 98
三 “三一論”與“三身論” 112
(一)三一論 112
(二)三一論與三身論 120
(三)小結 127
第二部分 129
第六章 《起信論》與耶佛對話中的終極實在 129
一 導言 129
二 虛己的上帝(kenotic God)與動態的空(dynamic śūnyatā) 130
三 上帝與真如 137
(一)真如遍在 140
(二)上帝的內在 142
四 結語 146
第七章《起信論》與耶佛對話中的拯救論 148
一 導言 48
二 從人性論到拯救論 149
三 “真如熏習”與“啟蒙者基督” 154
(一)《起信論》論“真如熏習” 155
(二)啟蒙者基督 157
四 拯救中的自力與他力問題 161
(一)佛教中的自力與他力 161
(二)路德神學中的“自力”與“他力” 164
五 結語 167
第八章《起信論》與耶佛對話中的修行觀 169
一 導言 169
二 禱告與坐禪 170
三 苦修傳統與“戒定慧”三學 172
四 《起信論》與內在對話 177
五 結語 186
第九章 結論 187
參考文獻 192
後記 200

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