

     This web site contains materials relating to the history of Buddhism in Taiwan, including journal articles (full text in many cases), indexes to books and journal articles, transcripts of interviews, historical documents, multimedia resources, etc.





     The purpose of this project is to integrate humanities and science in the study and creation of this Taiwanese Buddhist Digital Database, which will contain the largest database in this area of study. Although Taiwanese Buddhism has played an important role in the more than 300 years of history, there are not many studies or reports in this field of studies, to say nothing of digital databases. Therefore, it is important to establish this unique database.






  1. 林美容(中央研究院民族學研究所研究員)--「清代與日據時代之齋堂及其派別」
  2. 顏尚文(中正大學歷史學研究所教授)--「南臺灣佛教寺院的分佈與發展-明鄭時期至日據時期」
  3. 鄭志明(南華管理學院宗教研究中心主任/哲學研究所教授)--「日據時代鹿港之齋堂及民間佛教信仰」
  4. 林朝成(國立成功大學中國文學系副教授)--「以臺南德化堂為中心之臺灣齋教研究」
  5. 楊惠男(國立臺灣大學哲學系教授)--「從明鄭時期「名士佛教」到清代臺灣佛教之『三教同源』現象的思想考察」












     This website was established and structured as an outgrowth of three previous projects: 1. Buddhist history and thought in Taiwan from the Zheng/Ming period to the beginning of the Japanese Colonial period; 2. The formation of the "Four Major Dharma Lineages" of the Japanese Colonial period, and related research topics; 3. The revival of Buddhism in Taiwan and related topics.

     The first two were originally supported by grants from the National Development Committee of the Legislative Yuan, and the third with assistance from the Sociology Institute of the Academia Sinica. The first was a joint effort by by four scholars from different institutions working over a period of three years (1997-2000). The second was an individual plan that received support for a two-year period (2000-2002). Both proposals had a common purpose: to collect and edit materials relating to the Qing dynasty period (particularly gazetteers), and the Japanese Colonial period (especially articles from the magazine "The South Seas Buddhist" translated into Chinese). The third proposal focused its attention on postwar materials related to new Buddhist movements such as the Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Associaiton, Fo Kuang Shan, Dharma Drum Mountain, New Rain, the Zhongtai Temple, and others. The methodology includes both collection and editing of historical documents as well as interviews with significant figures and other materials unrelated to the original three proposals that might be of assistant to scholars studying Taiwan Buddhism.

     This project was made possible with the generous support of the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange and the Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies.