



The Bodhisattva's Ten Profound Vows towards the LGB Queers


1.                願我生生修菩薩道時,得聞念佛往生淨土的微妙法門,得聞西方極樂世界及阿彌陀佛的名號。不但我自己稱念阿彌陀佛的名號,我亦弘揚西方淨土法門,教一切眾生稱念阿彌陀佛,發願往生西方極樂世界,願一切眾生往生西方極樂世界成佛,是為菩薩的第一大願。

2.                願我生生修菩薩道時,得聞觀世音菩薩的名號,受持、稱念觀音名號,我亦弘揚觀音法門,教一切眾生得聞觀音名號,稱念觀音名號,同蒙觀音的救渡,是為菩薩的第二大願。

3.                願我生生修菩薩道時,得聞六字大明、觀音微妙心印,受持稱念觀音的六字大明,直至成佛,永不退失。我亦教一切眾生稱念六字大明,同蒙觀音的救渡,是為菩薩的第三大願。

4.                願我生生修菩薩道時,得聞綠度母及二十一度母的名號,受持綠度母咒及二十一度母大法。我亦教一切眾生受持、稱念綠度母咒及餘二十度母的咒語,同蒙包括綠度母的二十一度母的救渡,是為菩薩的第四大願。

5.                願我生生修菩薩道時,得聞文殊師利菩薩的名號及睹其形象,稱念文殊師利菩薩的名號,及向文殊師利菩薩祈禱。我亦向一切眾生宣說文殊師利菩薩的名號,及稱讚文殊師利菩薩的功德,普勸受持,同蒙文殊師利菩薩的加持,智慧開朗,速證菩提,是為菩薩的第五大願。

6.                願我生生修菩薩道時,得聞普賢菩薩的名號,及其殊勝的普賢十大行願。普願我及一切眾生同稱念普賢菩薩的名號,同修普賢十大行願,同入普賢行願海,是為菩薩的第六大願。

7.                願我生生修菩薩道時,得聞地藏菩薩的名號,皈依及稱念地藏菩薩名號。我亦教一切眾生皈依及稱念地藏菩薩,願我及一切眾生因皈依地藏菩薩,生生世世不墮三惡道,常生人天,恆修佛法,是為菩薩的第七大願。

8.                願我生生修菩薩道時,得聞東方世界藥師七佛的名號,受持藥師七佛法門。普願我及一切眾生同發藥師七佛的大願,同修藥師七佛法門,同稱念藥師七佛的名號,乃至以醫藥救療眾生的一切疾病,是為菩薩的第八大願。

9.                願我生生修菩薩道時,我廣修五戒、十善、三十七助道品、四攝、六度等菩薩行,恆常幫助一切眾生,願以此功德,迴向我及一切眾生同證菩提,同登彼岸,永不退轉於阿耨多羅三藐三菩提,是為菩薩的第九大願。

10.           願我生生修菩薩道時,我不歧視一切不同性傾向及不同的同志。凡同性愛者、雙性愛者及異性愛者,我悉皆歡喜接受,教他們學習佛法,同發願修證菩提,同修佛法,同登彼岸,是為菩薩的第十大願。


註:地藏菩薩的英語名稱可以譯為 Earth Treasure Bodhisattva



The Bodhisattva’s Ten Profound Vows towards the LGB queers

1.    In the determination of practicing the Bodhisattva Path life by life, I shall hear the profound dharma door of chanting the Buddha’s name and transcending the consciousness into the Pure Land, and hear the holy name of Western Blissful World and Amitabha Buddha.  Not only I shall be chanting the name of Amitabha Buddha, I also shall preach the Western Pure Land Dharma Door, teach all of the sentient beings to chant the name of Amitabha Buddha, generalize the will to transcending into the Western Blissful World, and determinate all of the sentient beings transcending into the Western Blissful World and achieve the Buddhahood.  It is the first great vow of this Bodhisattva.

2.    In the determination of practicing the Bodhisattva Path life by life, I shall hear the holy name of Avalokiteshvara (Guan Yin) Bodhisattva, hold and chant the Avalokiteshvara’s name.  I also shall preach the Avalokiteshvara Dharma Door, teach all of the sentient beings to hear and chant the Avalokiteshvara’s name, I and all of the sentient beings are being saved by the Avalokiteshvara together.  It is the second great vow of this Bodhisattva.

3.    In the determination of practicing the Bodhisattva Path life by life, I shall hear the Six Syllable Mantra (Lotus Mantra), the profound mind seal of Avalokiteshvara, hold and chant the Avalokiteshvara’s Lotus Mantra until becoming the Buddha.  I also teach all of the sentient beings to chant the Six Syllable Mantra, moreover, I and all of the sentient beings are being saved by the Avalokiteshvara together.  It is the third great vow of this Bodhisattva.

4.    In the determination of practicing the Bodhisattva life by life, I shall hear the holy names of the Green Tara and the Twenty-One Transformations of Tara, hold and chant the Green Tara Mantra and the Tara Tantric Practice.  I also shall teach all of the sentient beings to hold and chant the Green Tara Mantra and other twenty Taras’ Mantras.  Therefore, the sentient beings and I are being saved by the Twenty-One Taras include the Green Tara.  It is the fourth great vow of this Bodhisttva.

5.    In the determination of practicing the Bodhisattva life by life, I shall hear the holy name of the Manjushri Bodhisattva and see his holy image, chant the name of Manjushri, and pray to the Manjushri.  I also shall preach the name of Manjushri Bodhisattva to all of the sentient beings, and praise the merits of the Manjushri Bodhisattva.  I advise all of the sentient beings to hold the Manjushri’s name, so that we can get the blessing from the Manjushri Bodhisattva, open the wisdom, to achieve the Bodhi more quickly.  It is the five great vow of this Bodhisattva.

6.    In the determination of practicing the Bodhisattva life by life, I shall hear the name of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, and his victorious Ten Great Practicing Vows.  I hope the sentient beings and I can chant the name of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva’s name together, practice the Samantabhadra’s Ten Great Practicing Vows together, and enter the vow ocean of the Samantabhadra Bodhisattva together.  It is the sixth vow of this Bodhisattva.

7.    In the determination of practicing the Bodhisatta life by life, I shall hear the name of the Earth Treasure (Ksitigarbha) Bodhisattva, take the refuge to the Earth Treasure Bodhisattva, and chant the name of Earth Treasure Bodhisattva.  I also shall teach all of the sentient beings to take refuge to the Earth Treasure Bodhisattva, and chant the name of Earth Treasure Bodhisattva.  I hope we can always reborn in the human ream and heaven realm, and practice the Buddha’s Dharma, and do not fall into the lower three realms because of taking refuge to the Earth Treasure Bodhisattva.  It is the seventh great vow of this Bodhisattva.

8.    In the determination of practicing the Bodhisattva life by life, I shall hear the names of the Eastern Worlds’ Medicine Guru (Baisajyaguru) Seven Buddhas, hold the dharma door of the Medicine Guru Seven Buddhas.  I hope I and all of the sentient beings generalize the great vows of the Medicine Guru Seven Buddhas together, practice this dharma door together, chant these seven buddhas’ names together, and save and heal the sentient beings’ illness by the medicine.  It is the eighth great vow of this Bodhisattva.

9.    In the determination of practicing the Bodhisattva Path life by life, I shall widely practice the Five Percepts, Ten Meritorious Acts, the Thirty-Seven Principles of enlightenment, the Four Receptions, and the Six Paramitas and other Bodhisattva Acts, and always help all of the sentient beings.  I shall return these merits to myself and all of sentient beings can achieve the Bodhi together, reach the liberated bank, not backwards in the Buddha Bodhi.  It is the ninth great vows of this Bodhisattva.

10.                       In the determination of practicing the Bodhisattva Path life by life, I do not discriminate all of the sexual orientations and all of different queers.  I am glad to accept all of the queers, regardless of the homosexuals, bisexuals, and heterosexuals.  I shall teach them to practice the Buddha’s Dharma, together generalize the vows to practice and achieve the Bodhi, together practice the Buddha’s Dharma, and achieve the liberated bank together.  It is the tenth great vow of this Bodhisattva.

