
  1. 主持人:釋惠敏,為國立台北藝術大學教授兼教務長與共同科主任,並擔任中華電子佛典協會主任委員,負責大正藏電子化的工作。具豐富的行政經驗,足以協調本計畫的各項作業。
  2. 共同主持人:楊惠南,任教於台大哲學系,近年來從事台灣佛教的研究不遺餘力。並累積相當多的資料,將致力於本計畫各項資料的研究與提供。
  3. 共同主持人:杜正民,任教於中華佛學研究所,兼佛學網路資訊室主任,及圖書資訊館館長並擔任中華電子佛典總幹事及負責台大佛學數位圖書館暨博物館等網路工作,具多年的佛學資料庫與網路工作經驗。
  4. 國外合作主持人:Charles B. Jones,目前任職 Executive Director, Institute for Interreligious Study and Dialogue, the Catholic University of America。其博士論文為 Buddhism in Taiwan: A Historical Survey (China, Folk Religion, Zhaijiao),並出版有 Buddhism in Taiwan: Religion and the State, 1660-1990 (Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press, 1999) 等書,為國際間研究台灣佛教著名學者。


The Applicants and their working procedures are as follows:

  1. Ven. Huimin Bhikkhu, the Dean of Academic Affairs and Dean of the Department of Humanity, National Institute of the Arts, is also the Director of the Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association (CBETA). He has a wide knowledge of Buddhism and sufficient working experience.
  2. Mr. Yang Huinan, professor of the Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University. He has researched Taiwanese Buddhism for several years and had accumulated a large quantity of materials in Taiwanese Buddhist Studies.
  3. Mr. Tu Aming, the Head of the Buddhist Studies Information Network Center at the Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies, is also the Head of the Digital Buddhist Library and Museum. He has sufficient experience in the field of Network design and administration.
  4. Dr. Charles B. Jones, Executive Director of the Institute for Interreligious Study and Dialogue, the Catholic University of America. His dissertation, Buddhism in Taiwan: A Historical Survey, and his book, Buddhism in Taiwan: Religion and the State, 1660-1990 (Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press, 1999) made him a recognized specialist in the field of Taiwan Buddhist Studies.


  簡言之,本計畫擬於兩年內在主持人釋惠敏的統籌與協調下完成所有的工作項目。亦即,由共同主持人楊惠南負責內容 (Content) 的蒐集與建構,提供完整且大量的台灣佛教資料。於網路技術 (Net Technique) 方面,則由杜正民提供最新網路科技,及具人文需求的電子功能。此外,本計畫擬由國外共同主持人中、英文資料解說,引導國外讀者使用,以發揚中華與台灣文化於國際間。


     The aim of this project is to collect historical material related to the study of Taiwanese Buddhism from the Ming-Zheng Period and the Qing Dynasty to present, and analyze the situation and development of Taiwan Buddhist history and thought throughout its history, then to digitalize all the available material and make it freely accessible on the internet by users around the world. This will assist in the understanding of Taiwan Buddhism, and through this, the history of Taiwan as a whole.