
McGhee, Michael  


已收錄 12 篇著作,其中有3 篇全文  

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Vipassi, Dharmachari


全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  Editorial: Greeks, Galatians and Western Buddhists: Christianity, Buddhism and ‘social responsibility’ McGhee, Michael Contemporary Buddhism: An Interdisciplinary Journal 2002
  Editorial: minding the (explanatory) gap McGhee, Michael Contemporary Buddhism: An Interdisciplinary Journal 2003.11
  Facing Truths:Ethics and the Spiritual Life McGhee, Michael Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research
  Freedom, Emotion and Mind McGhee, Michael (著) Western Buddhist Review 1997.08
  Homosexuality in the Japanese Buddhist Tradition McGhee, Michael (著) Western Buddhist Review 2001.12
  In praise of mindfulness Buddhist meditation and moral freedom McGhee, Michael Religious Studies 1988.03
  Individual Buddhists McGhee, Michael (著) Religious Studies 1993.12
  Moral Philosophy and ‘Buddhist Ethics’ McGhee, Michael Contemporary Buddhism: An Interdisciplinary Journal 2001
  Philosophy, Religion and the Spiritual Life McGhee, Michael 1992.08.02
  Regarding Matthew Arnold McGhee, Michael (著) Western Buddhist Review 2001.12
  The Turn Towards Buddhism McGhee, Michael (著) Religious Studies 1995.03
  Transformations of Mind:Philosophy As Spiritual Practice McGhee, Michael 2000