
Shapiro, S. I.  


已收錄 12 篇著作,其中有1 篇全文  

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全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  A transpersonal approach to care of the dying Coberly, Margaret; Shapiro, S. I. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology
  Abraham Maslow and Asian psychology Cleary, Tom S.; Shapiro, S. I. Psychologia: An International Journal of Psychology in the Orient 1996.12
  Book Review: Brush Mind By Kazuaki Tanahashi Shapiro, S. I.; Sherrill, David M. Buddhist-Christian Studies 1991
  Book Review: Buddhism and Healing: Demiéville's Article "Byō" from "Hōbōgirin" by Mark Tatz, Paul Demiéville Shapiro, S. I. Buddhist-Christian Studies 1986
  Book Review: Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Eastern Thought By John R. Suler Gross, Philippe L.; Shapiro, S. I. Buddhist-Christian Studies 1994
  Book Review: Monastery Without Walls: Daily Life In the Silence By Bruce Davis Shapiro, S. I. Buddhist-Christian Studies 1991
  Book Review: Paths Beyond Ego: The Transpersonal Vision By Roger Walsh, Frances Vaughan Shapiro, S. I.; Sherrill, David M. Buddhist-Christian Studies 1995
  Book Review: The Dragon Who Never Sleeps: Verses For Zen Buddhist Practice By Robert Aitken Shapiro, S. I. Buddhist-Christian Studies 1994
  Book Review: The Life and Letters Of Tofu Roshi By Susan Ichi Su Moon, Tofu Roshi Shapiro, S. I. Buddhist-Christian Studies 1991
  Contemporary Issues in the Americanization of Zen Shapiro, S. I. Buddhist-Christian Studies 1991
  Death and Dying in the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition Coberly, M.; Shapiro, S. I. Living and Dying in Buddhist Cultures 1998
  The double bind and Koan Zen Fujita, George Y.; Jichaku, Patrick; Shapiro, S. I. Journal of Mind & Behavior