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佛法的人間性與現實性=The "Earthliness" and "Pragmatism" of Buddha Dharma
Author 楊郁文 (著)=Yang, Yu-wen (au.)
Source 中華國際佛學會議實錄(第3屆):人間淨土與現代社會: = The Record of Chung-Hwa International Conference on Buddhism(3rd): The "Earthly" Pure Land and Contemporary Society
Pages113 - 149
Publisher法鼓文化出版社=Dharma Drum Culture
Publisher Url
Content type會議論文=Proceeding Article
Note主題:人間淨土與現代社會;版次:初版. 集叢:佛學會議論文彙編, 1. 英文提要:頁160; 中文論文提要:頁92.
Keyword說法; 念法; 現法; 人間; 五濁; 清淨道; Yang, Yu-wen; 楊郁文
Abstract一. 為完成人格,需要作「證」自覺,覺他,覺行圓滿——成佛; 為成佛,需要學習佛所實「行」的道法——學佛; 為學佛,需要了「解」佛所開示的法門——佛學; 為佛學,需要「信」受佛所說法——佛法; 為佛法之信,解,行,證,需要親近善士,聽聞正法,內正思惟,法次法向,見法涅槃.《阿含》的「佛法」提供了建設「人間淨土」的藍圖,經營和樂「當代社會」的根本方法; 要「了解佛法」,「隨念佛法功德」,「信受佛法」,「依法奉行」乃至「圓滿佛法」.

二. 要了解,把握「佛法」:1. 首先需要體會佛陀說法之原則:(1) 凡有所說法必有使聞法者得其義利,(2) 儘可能使聞法者可愛,可意其語,(3) 從不說違反真理,實相之語. 2. 佛陀以法說,義說,法次法說,使弟子得法饒益,義饒益,梵行饒益. 3. 說法之終極目標在為調伏弟子令其自得究竟安穩,涅槃.

三. 佛陀開示「六念法門」,使弟子培植佛法的善根,信根; 以「依法不依人」之觀點,「念法」的重要性當為每位佛教徒所關切. 當隨念佛法之功德:由世尊所善說之法是「現見的,即時的,來見的,導引的,諸識者各自當知」.

四. 佛法以人為本,比之諸天,人類有其特勝. 有情雖處「五濁」,依綠生,滅,皆可淨化. 認識人間,了解淨土,建設人間淨土,是為諸佛之常法; 「佛法」能圓滿之.

五. 現代機械化的工業,服務性為主的後工業,乃至國際性的資訊工業社會,物質生活條件在改變,社會組織形態在變化,然而做人的道理及原則不變,靈性的需求及人格的圓滿並無差別. 「佛法」相應與「現代社會」,能教化現代人,醫治「病的現代社會」. 出離世俗漏習的賢聖者,內存無量的慈,悲,喜,拾四等心,外以善巧布施,愛語,利行,同事四攝法,攝受教導眾生; 則人間得以淨化,人人過著安和樂利的生活. 這是最理想又實際可實現的真,善,美的現代社會.

1. In order to perfect personality,one has to "realize" awakening oneself,awakening deeds -- to become a Buddha. In order to become a Buddha, one has to learn the dharma "practiced" by the Buddha -- to learn from the Buddha. In order to learn from the Buddha, one has to "understand" the technique expounded by the Buddha -- Buddhology. In order to understand Buddhology,one has to "put faith in" and accept the "faith, understanding,practice,and realization" of Buddha dharma, one has to follow a virtuous man,listen to right dharma, reflect on oneself rightly,practice dharma and love dharma, realize dharma and attain nirvana.

The "Buddha dharma" of Agama Sutras provide the blueprint of establishing "earthly pure land" and the fundamental ways of managing a peaceful and happy "modern society":"to understand the Buddha dharma","to be mindful of the merits of Buddha dharma","to have faith in and accept Buddha dharma","to follow and practice Buddha dharma",and "to fulfill Buddha dharma".

2. In order to understand and grasp "Buddha dharma",(1) First one has to realize Buddha's principles in teaching dharma:A. any dharma teaching should make the listeners gain the benefit. B. Do best to make the listeners love and be pleased with the words. C. Never talk the words, which are against the truth and reality. (2) Buddha used teaching of dharma, teaching of meaning,and teaching of practice to make disciples gain the profit of dharma, the profit of meaning,and the profit of pure practice. (3) The ultimate goal of teaching dharma is to subdue disciples in order to make them gain the ultimate peace and nirvana.

3. The Buddha taught "the six ways of mindfulness" to make disciples cultivate the virtue root and faith root of Buddha dharma. According to the viewpoint of "Abide by the dharma not person",every Buddhist should concern with the importance of being mindful of dharma. One should be mindful of the merits of Buddha dharma:Because the dharma taught skillfully by the Buddha is to be seen immediately,to be realized spontaneously,to be seen in the future,and to be used as guideline,all people of good knowledge should know it.
4. Buddha dharma is based on humankind. In comparison with the heavenly gods, humankind has its own specialties. Although sentient beings live in "five turbidities",they can be purified according to the principle of dependent arising and dependent extinguishing. To recognize the earthly,to understand the pure land,and to establish the earthly pure land are the eternal dharma of all Buddhas. This can be fulfilled by "Buddha dharma".

5. In modern society of mechanized industry,service-oriented post industry,and even internationalized information industry,the conditions of material life and the forms of social organization are changing,yet the theory and principle of being a person as well as the needs of spirituality and the fulfillment of personality remain unchanged and no different. "Buddha dharma" can comply with "modern society",educate modern people,and cure the "sick modern society". Being free of the worldly defiled habits, the sages and saints internally maintain the four immeasurable
Created date2000.11.13
Modified date2015.08.11

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