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關帝與佛教伽藍神之關係,兼論關帝神格屬性應歸於道而非佛 =The Relationship Guan Di and the Buddhist Deity Sangharama: To Attribute the Character of Guan Di to Taoism, Not the Buddhism
Author 蕭登福 (著)=Hsiao Teng-fu (au.)
Source 成大宗教與文化學報=Journal of Religion and Culture of National Cheng Kung University
Pages65 - 84
Publisher Url
Location臺南市, 臺灣 [Tainan shih, Taiwan]
Content type期刊論文=Journal Article
Keyword關帝=Guan Di; 道教=Taoism; 佛教=Buddhism; 智顗=Zhi Yi

Usually speaking, people advocate the character of Guan Di (關帝) refers to three religions, such as: Fu Mo Da Di in Taoism, Wen Hen Di Jiung in Confucianism and Sangharama in Buddhism. Among these aspects , Guan Di is not related to Buddhism originally. Their relationship started from the time of Emperor Tang De Tsong(唐德宗).The record of Repairing of Guan Di Temple written by Dong Tin(董挺),refered about Guan Di helped Zhi Yi(智覬)to construct Yui Chung Temple(玉泉寺) with his divine power. Guan Di who was the leading role, Zhi Yi was only a minor role. But in Song Dynasty, the Buddhist clergy began to emphasize the merit of meditation from the monk, the leading role changed into Zhi Yi, and Guan Di became an adorer and converted to be a Buddhist. Therefore Guan Di was described as a deity of protector for Buddhist temple. As a matter of fact ,this skill explanation was made in order to exaggerate the power of Buddhist monk to lure more disciple of Zhi Yi had written about the re-construction of Yui Chan Temple(玉泉寺) never spoke about the Guan Di helped the temple rebuilt in seven days, only related that the place was deserted and full of wild animals. According to the procedure of Guan Di to become a deity from man, and the title baptized by the emperors of manydifferent dynasties. The theory was based on “Li Chi‧method of worship”(《禮記‧祭》).Because Guan Di had a great favor to country and people, so as to be worshiped as a god. Paralled his titles, in the times of three kingdoms (三國時代), he was baptized as Zhong Huei Gong(忠惠公),later rebaptized as San Tieh Fwu Mo Da Di Shen Wei Wan Zhen Tien dzuen Guan Sang Di Jiung (三界伏魔大帝神威遠雲天尊). His class was ascended from Hou(侯), Gong(公), Wang(王),Di(帝), Tien Dzung(天尊). Because of his glorious miracle, benefited country and people profound , So his title was generated continually. Guan Di became a deity through his merit ,to cultivate his merit and virtue through a deity, he was given many titles repeatedly through his merit and virtue. The procedure was attributed to the way of Taoism. The way a man became a deity and saint ,and the titles as god, this is a procedure of Taoism. It is different from Buddhism, such as: Arhat pratyaka-Buddha,Buddha. The deity character of Guan Di attributed to Taoism, not Buddhism is apparently.
Table of contents壹、關帝和佛教的關係,肇始於唐代關帝彰顯神力助智顗建玉泉寺 67
貳、宋代僧人巧手轉變關帝皈依智顗,成為佛教護法神 68
參、元明以後經小說的傳揚,關帝成為佛教護法神 71
肆、由史料及文獻上看,關帝皈依智顗,出於僧人附會並非史實 73
伍、從佛教的修行法門上看關帝不屬於佛教神祇 74
一、小乘佛教修行以四諦十二因緣為主 74
二、大乘佛教修行以六度為主 75
三、密教修行法以壇場及三密相應為主 76
陸、由關帝的成神作聖,看關帝的宗教歸屬應屬於道教 77
一、由因功受祀者為神,論關帝神格歸屬於道教 77
二、道書所載死後修仙法門,尸解十轉、地仙天仙、三清大羅天仙等修煉次第 79
柒、由歷代對關聖帝君的封號論關帝神格應歸屬於道教 81
捌、結語 83

ISSN18136400 (P); 18136400 (E)
Created date2014.05.30
Modified date2017.08.16

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