

思惟菩薩造像在魏晉南北朝流行演化之因緣探討=The evolutional causes of the images of Contemplative Bodhisattvas in the Great Division Period of China
著者 王立文 (著)=Wang, Lin-wen (au.) ; 簡婉 (著)=Chien, Wan (au.)
掲載誌 佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science
巻号v.5 n.1
ページ24 - 31
出版サイト http://www.obf.org.tw
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
キーワード思惟菩薩=Contemplative Bodhisattvas; 犍陀羅=Ghandhara; 漢化=sinicize; 十二因緣=twelve dependent originations
The Contemplative Bodhisattvas is characterized by resting the right elbow vertically on the right knee, with two extended fingers of the right hand touching the right cheek, the left hand putting on the right ankle, and the right leg crosses over the pendent left leg. Such an image, known as “the pose of the thinker,” belongs to the Ghandhara style of the Kusana period (1st–3rd century). This image, mainly denoting Siddhartha or Maitreya, prevailed in the Great Division Period of China (5th–6th century) and had become one of the significant Buddhist imageries in China. Stylistically, this image has undergone constant changes in China, beginning with a formative phase mainly relying on the stylistic influence from India. Not until the middle and late phases of the Northern Wei are the images sinicized. Details of heads and arms are rounder than those from the early phase of Northern Wei Dynasty, while the loose-fitting robe assumes a life of its own—the cascade-like pattern of drapery folds forms a rhythmic pattern of great elegance. In the Eastern and Western Wei Dynasties, the images develops a new style in which every aspect of the figures is carefully treated as to reveal the beauty of the torso and the luster of the skin, while the drapery folds become simplified and lighter. The images from the Northern Qi Dynasty and Northern Zhou Dynasty are characterized by an unprecedented perfection—the facial expressions being subtler,the torso more mellifluous and their drapery lines more succinct and abstract.From the view point of Buddhism, Buddhist arts is simply one vehicle of numerous convenient methods for promoting Buddhism, aiming at making people aware of the birth and death of cosmic life.However, all artists, including the creators of Buddhist arts, were inspired by their social life and
circumstance. So, none of their artworks were not created with materials selected from the worldly life and from the surrounding reality. It is impossible to shun the secular life in the creation of Buddhist arts. As
one of the Buddhist images, the Contemplative Bodhisattvas also reflected the social life of that time through various styles in forms, from those at Yun-gang Cave on the model of the empires in Northern Wei Dynasty, to those in manners of the Southern-Dynasty officials and scholars, as to those imitating
ordinary people in Eastern Wei Dynasty. All of those demonstrate that the evolution of the images of Contemplative Bodhisattva in China had been under deep influence of worldly concepts with a view to cater for the need of people. Based on twelve dependent originations in Dharma, this paper attempts to explore how Contemplative Bodhisattva images prevailed and developed in ancient China by presenting three groups as artisans, empires and ranking officials as well as civilians, and discussing the interaction of mind and physical life of which so as to comprehend the cause of the evolution of this image.
ISSN16072952 (P)

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