

Techniques for Collating Multiple Text Versions in the Digitization of Classical Texts: The CBETA Taishō Buddhist Canon as an Example=數位化古籍校勘版本處理技術 -- 以CBETA大正藏電子佛典為例
著者 王志攀 (著)=Wang, Zhi-pan (au.) ; 杜正民 (著)=Tu, Aming (au.) ; 周邦信 (著)=Zhou, Ray Bang-xin (au.) ; 釋惠敏 (著)=Huimin, Bhikkhu (au.)
掲載誌 中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies
ページ299 - 325
出版者中華佛學研究所=Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies
出版サイト http://www.chibs.edu.tw/publication_tw.php?id=12
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
言語中文=Chinese; 英文=English
キーワードElectronic Chinese Buddhist canons=中華電子佛典; multi-version=校勘版本; markup language=標記語言(XML,HTML); tag sets=標籤集; Text Encoding Initiative=全文文獻編碼標示標準
抄録The Chinese translation of Buddhist texts began in the Later Han (25-220 c.e.) and continued into the Yuan dynasty (1279-1368). Fuqin Daoan苻秦道安 (580-651) and others in the Sui and Tang dynasties compiled catelogs categorizing those texts. Various terms were used to refer to the Chinese Buddhist canon: Yiqie zhongzang jingdian一切眾藏經典 (All classics of the pi?akas), Yiqie zangjing一切經藏 (Canon of all classics), and Da zang jing大藏經 (Complete canon of classics). However, the circulation of texts was limited because all manuscripts were copied by hand. It was not until the year 971 (Kaibao 4 of the Northern Song dynasty) that a printed version of the Buddhist canon was created, through the use of carved wooden plates. Called the Kaibao 開寶canon, printed copies were sent to Japan, Khitan, Xixia, Kory? (Korea), and also distributed throughout the Chinese kingdom. Later in the Song, numerous other canons were produced, including the Khitan 丹本, Zhaocheng 趙城, Wanshou 萬壽, Vairocana 毘盧, Yuanjue 圓覺, Zifu 資福, and Qisha 磧砂 canons. The Kory? canon (or Tripi?aka Koreana) was also printed during this period. In the Yuan dynasty, compilation continued with the Puning 普寧and Hongfa 弘法canons. During the Ming dynasty (1368-1644), the Southern 南, Northern 北, and Fangce 方冊 (or Jiaxing 嘉興) canons were compiled. During Qing dynasty (1644-1911), the Dragon canon 龍藏was compiled.
The Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association's (cbeta) electronic edition of the Buddhist canon is based on the Taishō edition. The compilation and publication of the Taishō 大正edition, long favored by scholars, began at the end of the Taishō period, in 1924 and ended in 1934. It is a collation of the Kory? canon against the Song, Yuan, and Ming versions, with reference to Shōsoin 正倉院collection, as well as to Early Dunhuang, Pali, and Sanskrit manuscripts. The Taishō canon employs annotations to indicate variant readings found in the different versions. The cbeta electronic version retains all of this information in xml format, which is then rendered into html for display. Individual, uncollated versions of a text can also be selected and displayed for the user. We hope that this description of how such a system was created and how it is used may be of assistance to those interested in creating multi-version, collated electronic texts.

我國漢譯佛典,起自後漢,迄於元代。有秦道安乃至隔唐,雖有蒐集分類,編成目錄,總稱佛典為「一切眾藏經典」、「一切經藏J 、「大藏經」 但是流通皆賴書寫。直至宋開寶四年(971)始刻印(木版印刷)版本,稱為開寶藏,並頒賜給日本、契丹、西夏、高麗諸國,以及國內各地。此後有契丹藏(丹本)、金藏(趙城本)、萬壽藏、昆盧藏、圓覺藏、資褔藏、積砂藏等宋朝版本,以及韓國的高麗藏;元代有n寧藏、弘Õ藏等;明朝刊刻南藏、北藏等;清朝的龍藏。
目次1. Canons referenced in the Taishō canon volumes 1-55, 85
2. Taishō references to the Pāli canon
3. Text critical notations in the Taishō
4. CBETA's emendations and version research
4.1 Stylistic changes
4.2 Text critical abbreviations
4.3 Version Information
5. CBETA Taishō techniques digitizing multiple versions
5.1 xml markup and its html appearance
5.2 Difficulties: collation and structural tags
5.3 Conclusion
ISSN10177132 (P)

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