

從佛學與科學談同體性=Exploration of Oneness from Both Buddhism and Science
著者 王守益 =Wang, S. George ; 王淑琴 =Wang, Shu-chin
掲載誌 佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science
巻号v.7 n.2
ページ60 - 69
出版サイト http://www.obf.org.tw
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
キーワード同體性=Oneness; 心物二元=mind-matter dualism; 牛頓物理=Newtonian physics; 相對論=relativity theory; 光速=velocity of light; 大圓滿覺=grand perfection enlightenment
We have previously proposed the equivalence of philosophical Noumenon and the Buddhist Nirvana. Now we first state the Oneness (or wholeness) of our universe from Buddhist point of view. Then we illustrate the Oneness of our universe from scientific point of view. Finally we find that both the scientific and Buddhist points of view consistently display the truth and ever existing nature of the Oneness of our universe. Buddhist Oneness can be understood in the context 'Mind, Buddha and sentient beings are of no difference'. It can also be seen from the Buddhist term 'Oneness Compassion'. When Kuan-Yin Bodhisattva manifested Enlightenment, he found himself being as a whole with the enlightened mind of all the Buddhas in the ten directions upwards and with all sentient beings in the six realms downwards. In modern physics the 4 dimensional space-time concept of Einstein's Relativity exhibits also the Oneness, which in Stephen Hawking's words is: "Space and time not only affect but also are affected by everything that happens in the universe." This is again in consistency with the Buddhist idea: "One is all, and all is one". The consistency on Oneness should not come from an accidental coincidence. It should come from the laws of Nature, which can be interpreted from the philosophy of Mind-Matter Dualism. To understand the consistency from the Mind-Matter Dualism, we consider Einstein's Relativity Theory, which is based on an assumption that velocity of light is constant. This assumption can be seen as an antecedent of Mind on Physics; and therefore we claim that Relativity Theory should contain Mind in its antecedent hypothesis. Clearly Buddhism is a learning based upon Mind. Thus Mind in common with both Relativity and Buddhism should be the cause for the consistency. Quantum physics has similar situations. Thus modern physics including relativity theory and quantum physics as its essential parts should have the consistency on Oneness with Buddhism. On the contrary, classical Newtonian physics, which is artificially based, does not have such consistency. The mind of doing works of charity and loving people by most religions should result from the ultimate source of Oneness. There also exists Oneness in our ordinary daily living. In the practical application of Buddhist cultivation, the concept of Oneness may even lead to thelevel of Grand Perfection Enlightenment.
ISSN16072952 (P)

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