

《清文繙譯全藏經》書名、修書機構、翻譯刊刻時間考=The Title, Publisher, and Dates of Translation and Printing of the Qingwen fanyi quan zangjing
著者 章宏偉 (著)=Zhang, Hong-wei (au.)
掲載誌 法鼓佛學學報=Dharma Drum Journal of Buddhist Studies
ページ311 - 355
出版サイト https://www.dila.edu.tw/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
キーワード乾隆時期=Qianlong era; 《清文繙譯全藏經》=Qingwen fanyi quan zangjing; 滿文大藏經=Manchu Buddhist canon; 清字經館=Qing zijing guan; 翻譯刻印時間=translation and publication
全藏經」只是新擬的書名而已。本文據乾隆帝為這部大藏經所撰序文〈清文繙譯全藏經序〉,及乾隆時期文獻中關於《清文繙譯全藏經》記述的內外證,首先為這部滿文藏經正名。清字經館是專為修《清文繙譯全藏經》而設的機構,屬內務府。有學者把清字經館歸為「外朝臨時設置的修書各館」之一,並說清字經館隸屬於軍機處,是不對的,本文對清字經館及譯刻人員進行了討論。本文根據中國第一歷史檔案館藏清宮檔案,否定了《清文繙譯全藏經》工程開始於乾隆三十七年和乾隆三十八年的二種說法,提出乾隆三十六年的觀點,並且確定是西元1772 年,不是西元1771 年。乾隆四十四年十一月二十五
日,「照依妙應寺供奉之蒙古秘密經樣式」裝潢完竣的第1 函《大般若經》二十八卷,呈御覽得到允准,表明《清文繙譯全藏經》的刷印、裝潢工作由此正式開始。乾隆五十五年二月初一日,乾隆帝作〈清文繙譯全藏經序〉,標誌《清文繙譯全藏經》翻譯工作完成。對於《清文繙譯全藏經》譯刻完成時間,本文否定了乾隆五十五年等說法,提出乾隆五十九年四月二十六日,「所有滿文《大藏經》108 函,12 套業已刊印、裝潢、頒發完畢」之論點。
Emperor Qianlong’s translation of the Qingwen fanyi quan zangjing 清文繙譯全
藏經 (as well as his compilation of the Siku quanshu 四庫全書) was done after
he was sixty. However, because scholars have not been aware of the descriptions
found in Qing dynasty texts regarding this work, a Manchu-language Buddhist
canon, and especially because the canon itself does not contain title pages (nor does its colophon, imprint, or table of contents mention a title), this canon has been given many different names by different scholars. The current article provides the correct title, based on a preface by Qianlong as well as on internal and external evidence found in the descriptions of contemporary texts. According to these sources, the proper title is Qingwen fanyi quan zangjing. The Qing zijing guan 清字經館, belonging to the Imperial Household
Department, was an institution formed expressly for the editing and publishing of the Qingwen fanyi quan zangjing. Scholars have incorrectly stated that the Qing zijing guan did not belong to the court, was formed on a temporary basis, or belonged to a military office. The current article discusses the Qing zijing guan and the staff responsible for the translation and plate-carving.
Based on the Qing gong dang’an 清宮檔案 held at the Zhongguo diyi lishi
dang’an guan 中國第一歷史檔案館, the present article refutes theories that the
translation of the Qingwen fanyi quan zangjing was begun in Qianlong 37 or 38,
arguing that the correct year is Qianlong 36, during the first months of 1772.
According to the colophon, the first section was completed and presented for the emperor’s approval on the 25th day of the 11th month of Qianlong 44 (Jan. 1, 1780). This marks the start of printing and binding. On the 1st day of the 2nd month of Qianlong 55 (March 16, 1790), Qianlong wrote a preface for the Qingwen fanyi quan zangjing, indicating that the translation of the collection was complete. The present article argues against the view that the printing of this collection was completed in 1790, proposing instead the 26th day of the 4th month of Qianlong 59 (May 24, 1794), based on another colophon which states that the printing and distribution of the Manchu-language canon was completed on that date.

目次前言 313
一、《清文繙譯全藏經》書名考 316
二、《清文繙譯全藏經》的修書機構──清字經館 321
三、《清文繙譯全藏經》翻譯刻印時間考 331
(一)《清文繙譯全藏經》工程於乾隆三十六年開始啟動 331
(二)《清文繙譯全藏經》在乾隆五十九年刻印完成 342
ISSN19968000 (P)

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