

瑜伽與道教修煉功法之研究=A Study of Practicing Techniques of Yoga and Taoism
著者 羅涼萍 (著)=Lo, Liang-ping (au.)
掲載誌 玄奘人文學報=Hsuan Chuang Humanities Journal
ページ139 - 173
出版者玄奘人文社會學院=Hsuan Chuang University
出版地新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
キーワード瑜伽; 道教養生; 經脈; 氣輪; 三摩地; 形神相合

The skills of Yoga performance and the Taoist techniques of cultivating the life are the presentation of the experience and wisdom of Indian and Chinese cultures. Due to the different emphases laid on by diverse factions, their methods and contents appear various and plentiful. People pay attention to the effect of health care mostly on talking about Yoga and Taoist practicing techniques. As result of lacking exercise and working pressure, the techniques mentioned above have become the means of stretching limbs, releasing pressure and sliming care for the modern people. Scholars generally laid the stress on a certain scripture or faction when they studied the techniques of Yoga and those of Taoist cultivation of life. The studies of related theories and practicing skills haven’t been wholly made. This article makes a basic research on the theories and practices of Yoga performance and Taoist techniques of cultivating the life separately, particularly on the contents and characteristics of the fundamental concept of practicing purpose and method. The paper tries to discuss simultaneously the similarities and differences between Yoga performance and Taoist techniques of cultivating the life through the perspective of comparative religion. It contains five paragraphs: A. Introduction: explains the researching motive and aim. B. Rules and techniques of Yoga performance: explores the eight techniques of Ashtanga Yoga, Asana (posture), Pranayama (breath control), Dhyana (meditation), and dietary. C. Rules and techniques of Taoist cultivation of life: probes into the practice with both internal and external alchemy, Daoyin (conducting the movement of body and limbs), Xingqi (conducting the air inside of the body), Cunsi (meditating), and Bigu (avoiding grains). D. Similarities and differences between Yoga performance and Taoist techniques of cultivating the life: compares the purpose and method of Yoga performance with the ones of Taoist practice. E. Conclusion.
目次一、前言 140
二、瑜珈的修練法則與功法 141
(一) 瑜珈的派別與八支功法 142
1. 瑜珈的派別 142
2. 瑜珈的八支(八階) 143
(二) 體位法 144
1. 體位法的意涵 144
2. 體位法的功效 145
(三) 呼吸法 146
1. 呼吸法的意涵 146
2. 調息的方法 147
3. 呼吸法的目的 148
(四) 冥想法 150
1. 冥想的意涵 150
2. 冥想的境界 150
(五) 飲食法 151
1. 物質自然的三種屬性 151
2. 悅性、變性、惰性的力量與食物 153
3. 斷食法 154
三、道教的養生法則與功法 155
(一) 道教的內外雙修 155
(二) 導引 157
1. 導引的定義與起源 157
2. 導引的方法與目的 157
(三) 行氣 159
1. 行氣的定義與基本理論 159
2. 行氣的方法 160
(四) 存思 162
1. 存思的定義與基本理論 162
2. 存思的方法 162
(五) 辟穀 163
1. 辟穀的原理與功效 163
2. 辟穀的方法 163
四、瑜珈修練與道教養生之異同 164
(一) 修練方法之異同 164
1. 方法的共通性 164
2. 經脈與氣輪 165
(二) 修練目的之異同 167
1. 生命之氣的攝養 167
2. 三摩地與形神相合 169
五、結論 170
ISSN18156541 (P)

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