

初期大乘佛教「文殊法門」之研究 ── 以印順的詮釋為中心=A Study of "Manjusri Practice" of Mahayana Buddhism in the Early Stage ── Mainly Based on the Interpretation of Yin Shun
著者 邱敏捷 (著)=Chiu, Min-chieh (au.)
出版サイト https://www.most.gov.tw/
キーワード初期大乘佛教=Mahayana Buddhism in the early stage; 文殊法門=Manjusri Practice; 印順=Yin Shun; 《文殊般若經》=Panna Manjusri Scripture; 《維摩詰經》 =VimalakīrtiScripture
抄録文殊菩薩素有大智文殊之稱。初期大乘佛教佛經典中與文殊有關內容達四十 七部之多,其重要性不言可喻。印順《初期大乘佛教之起源與開展》特別楬櫫「文殊法門」,與傳統「念佛法門」、「觀音法門」並列、等觀,並針對文殊法門加以探究、釐析,堪稱是這一法門研究之奠基者與領航者。 文殊在佛教中兼有智與信雙重象徵意義,乃大乘佛教中重要的代表。依印順的考察,文殊法門有其修行旨趣、修行方法,與「般若法門」、「阿閦佛國」有所 關聯。文殊法門展現異於傳統聲聞乘之風格,其開拓性為縮短出家與在家的差別,重視在家菩薩與女性;然「皆依勝義」,「但說法界」,其教化不免「偏到」, 忽略了佛教修行的次第性與隨機設教的適應性。另值得注意的是,在各類文殊經典中,《文殊般若經》對中國禪宗影響甚深;而《維摩詰經》頗受中國文士之青睞,居士佛教也因此興發,這些都反映出文殊經典在中國佛教發展的特殊義涵。 本研究擬探討初期大乘佛教文殊法門之面貌與風格,而以印順的詮釋為中心。預定的研究綱目有:初期大乘佛教文殊法門之成立,包括主要經典、修行旨趣、修行方法;文殊法門與「般若法門」、「阿閦佛國」之關聯;印順對文殊與文殊法門之理解與評論,包括文殊之象徵意義,文殊法門的開拓性與偏到,以及文殊經典對中國佛教的影響。本研究將以印順的論說為主軸,融入並比較現有學界已有之研究觀點,予以系統性探討。

Manjusri Bodhisattva has always been called Great Wiser Manjusri. Among the scriptures of Mahayana Buddhism in the early stage, a great number of 47 scriptures have contents relating to Manjusri. The importance of Manjusri can be clearly seen. Yin Shun especially introduced “Manjusri Practice”in his work, Origin and Development of Mahayana Buddhism in the Early Stage. He juxtaposed it with “Practice of Reciting Namo Amituofo”and “Bodhisattva Practice,”and viewed three of them as being on equal position. Focusing on Manjusri Practice, Yin Shun made deep investigation and analysis. He can be called a founder and pioneer of the studies of such Practice. In Buddhism, Manjusri has double symbolic meanings: wisdom and trust, both of which are important and representative themes in Mahayana Buddhism. According to the studies and observation of Yin Shun, Manjusri Practice has its fun of practice and methods of practice, and is related to “Panna Practice”and “Budda Land of Akshobhya.” The presentation of Manjusri Practice is different from the style of the traditional vehicle of voice hearers. The pioneering part of Manjusri Practice is that it shortens the difference between being a monk or nun and being a secular Buddhist, and it values secular Bodhisattva and females. Nevertheless, for “everything following the doctrines” and “sticking to legal regulations,” the enlightenment of Manjusri Practice is inevitably “biased,”having neglected the sequential way of Buddhism practice and the adaptability to random establishment of religion. Besides, there is one thing noteworthy: among the various kinds of Manjusri scriptures, Panna Manjusri Scripture had deepest influence on the Chinese Zen Buddhism, and VimalakīrtiScripture was meanwhile quite popular among the Chinese intellectuals. Therefore, monk Buddhism became prosperous. All of these reflect the special meaning of Manjusri Scripture in the development of the Chinese Buddhism. The study intends to explore the profile and style of Manjusri Practice of Mahayana Buddhism in the early stage, and take the interpretation of Yin Shun as the basis. The preset research items are: Establishment of Manjusri Practice of Mahayana Buddhism, which includes its main scriptures, fun of practice, methods of practice; How Manjusri Practice is Related to “Panna Practice”and “Budda Land of Akshobhya”; Yin Shun’s Understanding and Criticisms on Manjusri and Manjusri Practice, which includes the symbolic meaning of Manjusri, pioneering and biased parts of Manjusri Practice, and the influence of Manjusri Scriptures on the Chinese Buddhism. The study would take the viewpoints of Yin Shun as the basis, melt them in the study, and compare them with the viewpoints of other researchers in the existing academic circle so as to make systematic exploration.
目次一、計畫緣起與目的 1
二、研究結果與討論 7
三、計畫成果自評 7
四、參考文獻 8


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