
清代臺灣傳統佛教伽藍建築在日治時期的延續=Traditional Buddhist Monasteries in Taiwan during the Qing Dynasty and their Transformation under Japanese Colonialism
作者 黃蘭翔 (著)=Huang, Lan-shiang (au.)
出處題名 中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies
頁次139 - 206
出版者中華佛學研究所=Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies
出版者網址 http://www.chibs.edu.tw/publication_tw.php?id=12
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
使用語言中文=Chinese; 英文=English
關鍵詞佛教伽藍配置=Buddhist Monastic Layout; 四大門派=Four Head Monasteries of Taiwanese Buddhism; 近代日本佛教=Modern Jaese Buddhism; 日本殖民統治=Japanese colonialism; 佛教建築之傳承=continuity of traditional Buddhist monasteries

All of the major regimes in Taiwan including Koxinga, Qing, Jaese and the KMT, have been strongly influenced by Buddhism. However, due to their ethnic, geographic, and historical differences, each regime fostered certain unique characteristics in Buddhist architecture. Therefore, we can find a great diversity among Buddhist monasteries in Taiwan. At the same time, the essence of Buddhist monasteries may continue despite the change of alien regimes. This study attempts ot analyze the characteristics of traditional Buddhist monasteries in Taiwan and their transformation under Jaese colonialism. I will trace the continuity of Buddhist monasteries from the Qing dynasty to Jaese colonial period. Of the hundreds of Buddhist monasteries in Taiwan, selecting one that is most representative is a difficult problem. Based on Jaese reports and contemporary research in Buddhism, this paper chooses the Kaiyuan Monastery in Tainan as a pure historical Buddhist monastery and the Longshan Monastery in Taipei as a Taoism-influenced historical Buddhist monastery. During the Jaese colonial period, there were the so-called four head Buddhist monasteries in Taiwan. This study chooses two of them as examples to explain the layout and the development of these head monasteries. According to Qing imperial decree, Buddhist monks in Taiwan were to go to the Yongquan Monastery in Fuzhou, Fujian, for their ordination. This practice was continued in the successive periods. I will also examine the layout of the Yongquan monastery, because it contained elements of both Caodong and Linji lineages. Likewise, I will examine the plans of Taibei bieyuan and the Huguo chansi, which are branch monasteries of Jaese Sōtō and Rinzai head monasteries respectively. Through the study of these examples, this paper clarifies some historical errors regarding Buddhist monasteries and unveils some interesting phenomena between the Qing dynasty and Jaese colonial rule. The major findings can be summarized as follows. First, there was a truly orthodox Buddhist layout in Taiwan, represented by Kaiyuan monastery. This traditional layout continued from the Qing dynasty through Jaese colonization to modern time. Second, a typical pattern in Buddhist monastic layout, represented by Longshan monastery (called "palace-type" layout), continued to be built even during the Jaese colonial period. Third, the head monasteries, represented by Linquan si and Fayun si, were erected under Jaese colonial rule while the traditional Taiwanese building style was adopted.Fouth, modern Jaese monasteries, represented by Sōtō school's Taipei Bieyuan and Rinzai's Huguo chansi, were erected in colonial Taiwan. Generally speaking, after Taiwan became a Jaese colony, the orthodox Buddhist layout in Taiwan, as well as the representative, "palace-type" layout were maintained, while the monasteries that were built under colonial rule still employed the traditional Taiwanese model. Yet, from the viewpoint of organization and building prototype, they departed from Chinese monasteries gradually, and maintained independence from Jaese political influence.
目次一、前言 142
二、選取研究案例 143
三、臺灣佛教寺院個案興建的歷史沿革 151
四、從幾個臺灣佛教寺院個案所看到的臺灣伽藍特質 170
五、結論 179
ISSN10177132 (P)

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