
Ethics As Found In Lamklon
作者 Prayad Paññâvaro
出版者Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
出版者網址 http://www.mcu.ac.th/En/index.php
出版地Bangkok, Thailand [曼谷, 泰國]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
使用語言英文=English; 泰文=Thai
校院名稱Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
指導教授Phramaha Phithoon Vithuro
摘要 The aim of the study is to find categories, details and teaching methods of Ethics (the rules of moral conduct) as found in Lam Klon (a kind of North-Eastern folksongs) The scope of Study is confined in the folksongs sang by these six prestigious folksong singers, namely, Thongmak Chantalue, Khen Dalao, Booncheun Boonsri, Thongkham Peng-dee, Boonpeng Phaiphiewchai and Chaweewan Damnern. The method of study is to collect data from various sources, e.g. relevant text, document, research-work, recording tape and from practical field.

From the study, it was found that Ethics found in Lam Klon can be divined in to two categories, namely (i) Traditional ethics (ii) Buddhist ethics.

(i) Traditional Ethics. There are fourteen Kinds of Heet-khlong (guideline of conduct) to be followed by various groups of people depending on their status and duties as follows :
Ethics for ruler-class. A good governor must govern the subjects in accordance with Tasapitrajadhamma (Ten kinds of rule for the king) and follow the fourteen Heet-Baan-khlong-Muang (guideline of governing)

Ethics for subject-class. A good subject must be loyal to the three great institutions, namely, nation, religion and the King, abides by the law of state, be industrious in one own works and follows the policies of state.

Ethics for general public. People of the cycle of family and relatives, i.e., grandfather -grandmother, maternal grandfather-grandmother, parents, husband wife, children, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, and so on, should conduct oneself properly in accordance with status, age and sex. In a broader sense of Ethics for the public, all householders should join hands together in stabilizing community by following Heetsibsong (Twelve month Traditions). They should also have a good faith towards Buddhism. Monks should study and conduct themselves in accordance with the teaching and disciplines laid down by the Buddha, guide the public, carry out the religious daily-routine and take part in work for welfare of the public.

(ii) Buddhist Ethics. In the Lam klon, various Buddhist terms are often Mentioned and referred to, e.g., the doctrine of Kamma, rebirth, hell, heaven, morality, giving, the future Buddha named Ariyamettriya, the doors of degeneration, gratitude and three characteristics of all things (emphasizing on impermanence)

The study reveals that in traditional ethics, the ethics for people in the cycle of family and relatives are more emphasized, in Buddhist ethics, the doctrine of kamma is more emphasized than the others.

There are Six methods of teaching of Ethics found in this study. They are. Direct teaching. Teaching by giving parables or analogies, teaching by giving comparisons, teaching by referring to sacred things which already reverenced by the people, teaching by the method of ridicule with sarcasm, and teaching by Phaya Phasit (Isaan Folk proverbs).

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