
作者 陳宗元
出處題名 中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies
頁次149 - 166
出版者中華佛學研究所=Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies
出版者網址 http://www.chibs.edu.tw/publication_tw.php?id=12
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
使用語言中文=Chinese; 英文=English
關鍵詞依他起; 相分; 見分; 理世俗; 中道思想; 佛智
摘要世親在《唯識二十論》裏,提出了「唯識無境」的理論,破斥外境實有論的諸小乘外道學說,從而確定了唯識學派的基本立場. 時世親造《唯識三十頌》欲進一步樹立唯識正義,然未及造長行即已圓寂. 後世傳有十大論師各自造釋以解釋《唯識三十頌》. 唐代玄奘法師將其參糅成今之《成唯識論》. 雖說參糅但據今之日本學者勝又俊教在《仏教における心識說の研究》一書中指出,實是以護法的解釋為正義而參糅其他數家而成. 此中關於識中有相或無相,為安慧和護法間最大的差異點. 據《成唯識論》及其諸註識書所言,安慧堅持相見二分為遍計所執性的無,主張無相唯識的純一元識論. 也就是強調絕對識體的純淨無染性. 可是護法不認為如此,他不僅繼承了陳那的知覺理論,明顯地開展出有相唯識的學說,並學習陳那以世俗諦和勝義諦立場各別建立認識理論的方法,建立真俗二諦的唯識立場. 也因此護法最初欲維護理世俗層次「唯識無境」的有相立場,也不時地批判安慧不重世俗諦的無相理論,及反駁清辨等中觀學者在「一切法空」之下否定識有的偏差. 在理世俗的層次上,他
強調相見二分是依他起性的有,心和心所各有別體,識的體和用各有其性質. 無用無相之智非是佛智等. 但護法也非是停留在有相唯識的層次,最後還是說明真勝義諦的無相,平等及依他起和圓成實非一非異等境界. 雖安慧和護法的不同,只在立足點的相異. 可是護法強調在俗須言俗,在真須言真,知真後方知真俗不二. 能諦觀諸法差別和無差別兩面的道理,才是大乘的真俗妙理. 如此的思想也才是護法別於安慧的獨特見解.

Vasubandhu made in his `Vimstika` (Twenty Verses on Mere Consciousness) the assertion that merely
consciousness is real,not the outer objects. He refuted the real existence of the outside world as
propounded by the philosophers of the `Hinayana` schools and by non-Buddhists, thus establishing the
basic doctrines of the Mere Consciousness School.
In order to further clarify the truth of the mere consciousness philosophy,Vasubandhu at the same time also composed the `Trimsatika karikas` (Thirty Stanzas on Mere Consciousness),however he passed away without being able to write a prose commentary. According to tradition,ten exegetes later propounded their respective interpretations of the Thirty Stanzas on Mere Consciousness. T'ang master Hsuan-tsang collated their works, writing a treatise known today under the title `Vijnapti-matratasiddhi` (Establishing the Doctrine of Mere Consciousness). However,though it is said that he collated their works. The Japanese scholar Katsumata `Shunkyo` pointed out in his Buddhist Theories of Mind and Consciousness, that Hsuan-tsang accepted the views of `Dharmapala` as the correct explication, and consulted the interpretations of the other masters only partially.

The most important dichotomy between the views of `Dharmapala` and Sthiramati concerns the question of presence or absence of images in consciousness. According to Hsuan-tsang's `Vijnaptimatratasiddhi` and it's commentaries, Sthiramati asserts that the manifesting and manifested components of knowledge are not present in the outside illusionary nature [`abhuta` parikalpa],and thus emphasizes the unconditionally pure nature of consciousness, propounding the theory of unadulterated original mind,free from all images. `Dharmapala's` view on this point differs. He not only inherits `Dignaga's`epistemology,clearly developing the theory of images within the philosophy of mere consciousness, but also establishes an interpretation of two truths in the framework of the mere consciousness theory, by adopting the method through which `Dignaga` interpreted the different processes of knowing within the structure of conventional and absolute truths. Therefore,`Dharmapala` upholds in the beginning the view,based on the level of dealing with relative truth, propounding existence of images within conciousness, though denying the existence of
outside world. He persistently criticizes Sthiramati for the assertion of absence of images within the
consciousness which ignores the importance of relative truth, and rejects as erroneous the view of
`Madhyamika` scholars like `Bhavaviveka, who propound unreality of consciousness within the doctrine of emptiness of all the dharmas. On the level of dealing with relative truth, he emphasizes that both manifesting and manifested components of knowing are based on the nature dependent on other (paratantra),that mind and it's concomitants have a different essence,that the essence(ti) and function(yung) of consciousness have both their own innate natures, that knowledge free from it's function and from objects is not the knowledge of the Buddhas, etc. However,`Dharmapala` does not stop at thi
ISSN10177132 (P)

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