
The Mon Ordination Tradition and its Practices
作者 Naing, Thet
出處題名 Journal of International Buddhist Studies (JIBS)
卷期v.8 n.1
頁次151 - 166
出版者Buddhist Research Institute, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
出版者網址 http://www.ojs.mcu.ac.th/index.php/JIBS/index
出版地Bangkok, Thailand [曼谷, 泰國]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
附註項1.Author affiliation: Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Lam Sai, Wang Noi, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya, 13170, Thailand.
2.Author Correspondence: e-mail: dsawma@gmail.com
關鍵詞Mon ordination; tradition; practice
摘要The intention of this study is to describe the three types of ordination ceremonies in Mon State and their practices: (1) A splendid Mon ordination ceremony; (2) a simple Mon ordination ceremony; (3) an emergency Mon ordination ceremony; and (4) the practices of these Mon ordination traditions. A splendid ordination ceremony is a ceremony that is mixed with entertainment, many decorations, and an abundance of donations. A simple Mon ordination ceremony is held with few cultural celebrations and those that celebrate adhere only to the requirements of the Vinaya as given by the Buddha. An emergency Mon ordination ceremony occurs in the event of a serious illness of a beloved one or, alternatively, during a funeral ceremony. The practices of a Mon ordination ceremony is most commonly practiced in the form of a splendid ordination ceremony that the Mon people perform in an attempt to represent the occasion of the Bodhisatta Siddhattha Gotama’s renunciation and associated legendary events. It is a beautiful tradition and embodies meritorious deeds which will be illustrated with the Mon traditional ways of life, stories and the stories from the Buddha’s time.

In summary, this article will show the attitude of the Mon people towards the celebration of an ordination tradition which some could accuse of involving extraneous work and unnecessary additions. However, the Mon takes it as a moral and religious expression of their Buddhist way of life and feels there are many good reasons behind those celebrations.
目次Abstract 151
Introduction 152
A splendid Mon ordination ceremony 153
A simple Mon ordination ceremony 153
An emergency ordination ceremony 153
The practices of Mon ordination tradition 154
(1) Avoid going out to sea, avoid climbing trees, and avoid travelling afar 154
(2) Worshipping the spirits 155
(3) Paying respect to parents, grandparents, and the elderly before getting ordained 156
(4) Taking ordination before getting married 156
(5) The age of an ordination candidate 156
(6) Sponsoring ordination 157
(7) The Mon ordination candidates go around the village 157
(8) Walking three times around the temple 158
(9) Shaving the head of a candidate 159
(10) Bathing with auspicious chanting water 159
(11) Offering the hand of the candidate to the teacher monk (uppajjhāya) 160
(12) The first donation to new ordination candidate 160
(13) To the Mon, ordination does not mean a lifelong commitment to live as a monk 161
Conclusion 162
References 165

ISSN19066244 (P); 25869620 (E)

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