
Book Review: Book Reviews
作者 Upasaka Wen Shu=Hunn, Richard ; Walshe, Maurice ; Phra Khantipalo ; Norman, K. R. ; Much, M. T. ; Chryssides, George
出處題名 Buddhist Studies Review
卷期v.4 n.1
頁次68 - 94
出版者Equinox Publishing Ltd.
出版者網址 https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/
出版地Sheffield, UK [謝菲爾德, 英國]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article; 書評=Book Review
附註項The Śūraṅgama Sūtra. Translated, with commentary and notes, by Lu K'uan Yü (Charles Luk). B.I. Publications, New Delhi 1978. 262 pp. Rs 15. (Repr. by Century Hutchinson as a Rider paperback, London - Oct.1987 - £6.95
The Secrets of Chinese Meditation. Charles Luk. Rider, London 1964; repr. 1984. 240 pp. £3.95.
Ten Suttas from Dīgha Nikāya (Long Discourse of the Buddha). 1984. 504pp., and Three Fundamental Concepts and Comments on Salient Points in each Sutta. 1985, 166pp. Both publ. Burma Pitaka Association, Rangoon.
The Great Discourse of Causation. The Mahānidāna Sutta and its Commentaries. Translated from Pali by Bhikkhu Bodhi. Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy 1984. xii + 151 pp. $6.00.
The Sutta-Nipāta. Tr. H. Saddhatissa. Curzon Press, London 1985. xi + 135 pp. £4.00.
A History of Classical Poetry: Sanskrit - Pāli - Prakrit. Siegfried Lienhard. (A History of Indian Literature, Vol.III, Fasc. 1) Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1984. viii + 307 pp. DM 128.
Acaryaratnakirtiviracitam Udayananirakaranam. Deciphered and critically edited by Ragunath Pandey. Sri Satguru Publications, Delhi 1984. (Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica 10). XII + 95 pp. Rs 95.
Selfless Persons. Steven Collins. Cambridge University Press, 1982. ix + 323 pp. £22.50.
The Ten Pillars of Buddhism. Maha Sthavira Sangharakshita. Windhorse Publications, Glasgow 1984. xiii + 96 pp. £3.50.
目次The Śūraṅgama Sūtra. Translated, with commentary and notes, by Lu K'uan Yü (Charles Luk). B.I. Publications, New Delhi 1978. 262 pp. Rs 15. (Repr. by Century Hutchinson as a Rider paperback, London - Oct.1987 - £6.95 68
The Secrets of Chinese Meditation. Charles Luk. Rider, London 1964; repr. 1984. 240 pp. £3.95. 71
Ten Suttas from Dīgha Nikāya (Long Discourse of the Buddha). 1984. 504pp., and Three Fundamental Concepts and Comments on Salient Points in each Sutta. 1985, 166pp. Both publ. Burma Pitaka Association, Rangoon. 74
The Great Discourse of Causation. The Mahānidāna Sutta and its Commentaries. Translated from Pali by Bhikkhu Bodhi. Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy 1984. xii + 151 pp. $6.00. 76
The Sutta-Nipāta. Tr. H. Saddhatissa. Curzon Press, London 1985. xi + 135 pp. £4.00. 81
A History of Classical Poetry: Sanskrit - Pāli - Prakrit. Siegfried Lienhard. (A History of Indian Literature, Vol.III, Fasc. 1) Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1984. viii + 307 pp. DM 128. 84
Acaryaratnakirtiviracitam Udayananirakaranam. Deciphered and critically edited by Ragunath Pandey. Sri Satguru Publications, Delhi 1984. (Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica 10). XII + 95 pp. Rs 95. 88
Selfless Persons. Steven Collins. Cambridge University Press, 1982. ix + 323 pp. £22.50. 90
The Ten Pillars of Buddhism. Maha Sthavira Sangharakshita. Windhorse Publications, Glasgow 1984. xiii + 96 pp. £3.50. 93
ISSN02652897 (P); 17479681 (E)

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