
以文化觀光觀點探討宗教建築的魅力因子-以基隆月眉山靈泉禪寺為例=From the Point of View of Cultural Tourist Attractions to Examine the Charm Factors of Religious Architecture-A Case Study of Lingquan Buddhist Temple on Yuemei Mountain, Keelung
作者 黃聖峰 =Huang, Sheng-Feng
出版者網址 https://www.tf.edu.tw/
出版地高雄市, 臺灣 [Kaohsiung shih, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞文化觀光=Cultural tourism; 靈泉禪寺=Lingquan Temple; 評價構造法=Evaluation Grid Method; 重要性-表現分析法=IPA method; 狩野模式=Kano Model

The cultural assets of a country record the historical tracks of that country. The accumulation of cultural assets takes a long time. It is wise to value and protect them and to make good use of them in an active manner. To make good use of them actively therefore means that it is necessary to manage them well and preserve them for future generations. This study explores the charm elements of design in religious and cultural architecture. Through relevant research, the charm and quality elements of religious cultural architecture are introduced into tourism activities. This is managed from the perspective of sight-seeing in the context of cultural tourism. The Lingquan Buddhist Temple on Yuemei Mountain, Keelung, the cradle of Buddhist Temple of north Taiwan, serves as an excellent example. The value and meaning of these cultural assets are explored by examining a wide variety of issues, including humanistic historical events, architecture, culture, religion and tradition, so as to create a knowledge-based cultural tour with new highlights in journey design.
This research explores the historical and cultural architectural evolution of the ancient temple Lingquan Temple from the perspective of cultural tourism. The study examines the Temple's contribution to the Buddhist world, and the development results that have been extended to the present. Through SWOT theoretical analysis and discussion, relevant strategies to promote the development of cultural tourism of Lingquan Temple were proposed. Interviews were conducted by using the EGM research method. Discussions were carried out and conclusions were made regarding the original, concrete, and abstract charm factors of the existing architectural designs of the Buddhist temple of the ancient temple Lingquan Temple. The Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) method was then used to identify the charm quality elements of Lingquan Temple's historical and cultural architecture. Interviewees generally felt that each item of the charm and quality of historical and cultural buildings of Lingquan Temple is important. (M=4.19). The average satisfaction degree is also as high as 4.25. Respondents highly affirm the charm of Lingquan Temple's historical and cultural architecture. The charm quality elements of historical and cultural architecture of Lingquan Temple were later classified by using the KANO Model. The results show that one-dimensional quality (8 items) is the first, whereas attractive quality (2 items) and indifferent quality (2 items) are the second.
The results of this study will provide relevant people with information and an understanding of the attributes of charm and quality, as applied to the religious and cultural buildings, by the public. In the future, from the perspective of the resource integration of the cultural tourism, the strategy may be formulated for the maintenance and the improvement through integration with cultural tourism in order to achieve the best charm quality and to enhance the public satisfaction for the visitors to the relevant religious, historical and cultural sites.
目次第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3研究範圍及限制 3
1.4研究的流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1文化觀光 5
2.2個案研究 8
2.3 SWOT研究法 31
2.4評價構造法 34
2.5重要性-表現分析法 37
2.6狩野模式 38
第三章 研究方法 43
3.1 SWOT問題設定 43
3.2 EGM訪談設計 46
3.3 IPA問卷設計 60
3.4 KANO MODEL雙向問卷設計 62
第四章 研究結果分析 64
4.1 SWOT結果分析 64
4.2 EGM結果分析 66
4.3 IPA問卷結果分析 90
4.4 KANO MODEL問卷結果分析 93
第五章 結論與建議 96
參考文獻 98

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