
Blacker, Carmen  


已收錄 13 篇著作,其中有4 篇全文  

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全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  Book Review: Japanese Pilgrimag e by Oliver Statler Blacker, Carmen The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 1984
  Deliberate religious transformation in Japanese Buddhism:through the methods of Shingon and Rinzai Zen Blacker, Carmen Religious experience in world religions 1980
  Divination and Oracles Loewe, Michael (編); Blacker, Carmen (編) 2021.12.30
  Le Soka Gakkai japonais: L'activisme politique d'une secte Bouddhiste Blacker, Carmen (著) Archives de Sociologie des Religions 1964.01-06
  Makyo 安谷白雲 (著)=Yasutani, Hakuun (au.); Blacker, Carmen The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 2010.11
  Methods of Yoga in Japanese Buddhism Blacker, Carmen Comparative religion 1972
  Methods of Yoga in Japanese Buddhism Zen and Shingon Blacker, Carmen Milla wa-milla 1968
  Oracles and Divination Loewe, Michael (編); Blacker, Carmen (編) 1981
  Some reminiscences of Zen training in Japan Blacker, Carmen The nature of religious man 1982
  The Catalpa Bow: A Study of Shamanistic Practices in Japan Blacker, Carmen 1986
  The Divine Boy in Japanese Buddhism Blacker, Carmen (著) Asian Folklore Studies 1963
  The goddess emerges from her cave:Fujita Himiko and her Dragon Palace Family Blacker, Carmen Japanese new religions in the West 1994
  The Pure Land Sects of Buddhism Blacker, Carmen Journal of Shin Buddhism