
Bronkhorst, J.  


已收錄 39 篇著作,其中有23 篇全文  

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Bronkhorst, Johannes = Bronkhorst



全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  A Note on Nirvikalpaka and Savikalpaka Perception Bronkhorst, Johannes Philosophy East and West 2011.04
  Abhidharma in early Mahayana Bronkhorst, Johannes 불교와 사회=佛教與社會 2012
  Book Review: "The Ideas and Meditative Practices of Early Buddhism", by T. Vetter Bronkhorst, J. Indo-Iranian Journal 1993.01
  Book Review: Book Reviews Werner, Karel; Bhikkhu Pāsādika; Lindtner, Chr.; Bronkhorst, Johannes; Crook, John; Chryssides, George Buddhist Studies Review 2002
  Book Review: Contextualizing the History of Yoga in Geoffrey Samuel's "The Origins of Yoga and Tantra": A Review Symposium Sarbacker, Stuart Ray (評論); Samuel, Geoffrey (評論); Patton, Laurie L. (評論); Bronkhorst, Johannes (評論); Chapple, Christopher Key (評論); Wallace, Vesna (評論) International Journal of Hindu Studies 2011.12
  Buddhism and Sacrifice Bronkhorst, Johannes Asiatische Studien : Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Asienkunde=Etudes asiatiques : revue de la Société Suisse d'études asiatiques 2012
  Buddhism in the Shadow of Brahmanism Bronkhorst, Johannes 2011.02
  Buddhist Teaching in India Bronkhorst, Johannes 2009.06
  Dharma and Abhidharma Bronkhorst, Johannes Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 1985
  Did the Buddha Belive in Karma and Rebirth? Bronkhorst, Johannes Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 1998
  Die Verbreitung des indischen Buddhismus nach Afghanistan und Zentralasien Hartmann, Jens-Uwe ; Bechert, Heinz ; Bronkhorst, Johannes ; Ensink, Jacob Der Buddhismus I: Der indische Buddhismus und seine Verzweigungen 2000
  Etudes sur Bhartrhari, 4, L'absolu dans le Vakyapadiya et son lien avec le Madhyamaka Bronkhorst, Johannes In:Etudes bouddhiques offertes a Jacques May a l'occasion de son soixante-cinquieme anniversaire 1992
  From Vasubandhu to Caitanya: Studies in Indian Philosophy and Its Textual History Bronkhorst, Johannes; Preisendanz, Karin 2010.01.01
  Greater Magadha: Studies in the Culture of Early India Bronkhorst, Johannes 2007
  Hendrik Kern and the Body of the Buddha Bronkhorst, Johannes Asiatische Studien : Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Asienkunde=Etudes asiatiques : revue de la Société Suisse d'études asiatiques 2009
  How the Brahmins Won: From Alexander to the Guptas Bronkhorst, Johannes (著) 2016.03.31
  Innovation in Seventeenth Century Grammatical Philosophy: Appearance or Reality? Bronkhorst, Johannes Journal of Indian Philosophy 2008.10
  Karma Bronkhorst, Johannes 2011
  Karma and Teleology:A Problem and Its Solutions in Indian Philosophy Bronkhorst, Johannes 2000
  Kathavatthu and Vijnanakaya Bronkhorst, J. Premier Colloque Etienne Lamotte (Bruxelles et Liege 24-27 septembre 1989) 1993
  Language and Reality: On an Episode in Indian Thought Bronkhorst, Johannes; Allen, Michael S.; Raghunathan, Rajam 2011.04.30
  L'expression du moi dans les religions de l'Inde Bronkhorst, Johannes (著) Revue de l'histoire des religions 2003
  Logic and Language in Indian Religions Bronkhorst, Johannes (著) Journal of Indian Philosophy 2022.11
  Nagarjuna and the Naiyayikas Bronkhorst, J. Journal of Indian Philosophy 1985.06
  Panels of the 7th World Sanskrit Conference, vol 2/ Kern Inst, Leiden, Aug 23-29, 1987; index Bronkhorst, Johannes 1990
  Samkhya in the Abhidharmakosa Bhasya Bronkhorst, Johannes (著) Journal of Indian Philosophy 1997.08
  Some Uses of Dharma in Classical Indian Philosophy Bronkhorst, Johannes Journal of Indian Philosophy 2004.12
  The Buddha and the Jainas Reconsidered Bronkhorst, Johannes Asiatische Studien : Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Asienkunde=Etudes asiatiques : revue de la Société Suisse d'études asiatiques 1995
  The Buddhist Caves at Aurangabad: Transformations in Art and Religion (Brill's Indological Library) Brancaccio, Pia (著); Bronkhorst, Johannes (編) 2011
  The Correspondence Principle and Its Critics Bronkhorst, Johannes (著) Journal of Indian Philosophy 2013.10
  the Correspondence Principle and Its Impact on Indian Philosophy Bronkhorst, Johannes Studies in the History of Indian Thought=インド思想史研究 1996.06.20
  The Mahābhārata and the Revival Of Brahmanism Bronkhorst, Johannes (著) Journal of Indian Philosophy 2017.09
  The Peacock's Egg: Bhartṛhari on Language and Reality Bronkhorst, Johannes Philosophy East and West 2001.10
  The Riddle of the Jainas and ājīvikas in Early Buddhist Literature Bronkhorst, Johannes Journal of Indian Philosophy 2000.12
  The Structure of the Sarvadarśanasaṃgraha Bronkhorst, Johannes (著) Journal of Indian Philosophy 2021.09
  The Two Sources of Indian Asceticism Bronkhorst, Johannes 1993
  The Two Traditions Of Meditation In Ancient India Bronkhorst (著) 1993
  What can we learn from Musīla and Nārada? Bronkhorst, Johannes (著) The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies=IIJBS 2019
  초기 대승(大乘)과 아비달마 Bronkhorst, Johannes (著); 손의강 (譯)=동일 (tr.) 불교와 사회=佛教與社會 2012