序號: |
2810 |
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全文 |
題名 |
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出處 |
出版日期 |
Book Review: Buddha Mind – Christ Mind: A Christian Commentary on the Bodhicaryāvatāra by Perry Schmidt-Leukel |
Cattoi, Thomas (著) |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2021 |
Book Review: Conventional and Ultimate Truth: A Key for Fundamental Theology by Joseph O'Leary (review) |
Cattoi, Thomas |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2019 |
Book Review: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Hagiographical Strategies: A Comparative Study of the "Standard Lives" of St. Francis and Milarepa by Massimo A. Rondolino (review) |
Cattoi, Thomas |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2018 |
Book Review: Dispelling the Darkness: A Jesuit's Quest For the Soul of Tibet by Donald S. Lopez Jr. and Thupten Jinpa (review) |
Cattoi, Thomas |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2018 |
Book Review: Jesus and Buddha: Friends in Conversation by Paul Knitter and Roger Haight |
Cattoi, Thomas |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2017 |
Book Review: Rainbow Body and Resurrection: Spiritual Attainment, The Dissolution Of the Material Body, and the Case of Khenpo a Chö, by Francis V. Tiso |
Cattoi, Thomas (著) |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2020 |
Book Review: The Celestial Web: Buddhism and Christianity: A Different Comparison (Das Himmlische Geflecht: Buddhismus Und Christentum: Ein Anderer Vergleich) by Perry Schmidt-Leukel |
Cattoi, Thomas (著) |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2022 |
Book Review: The Wheel & The Cross: An Anthology By Jesuits & Friends on Buddhism and Dialogue ed. by Cyril Veliath, SJ |
Cattoi, Thomas (著) |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2022 |
Editors' Introduction |
Anderson, Carol; Cattoi, Thomas |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2017 |
Editors' Introduction |
Anderson, Carol S.; Cattoi, Thomas |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2018 |
Editors' Introduction |
Anderson, Carol S.; Cattoi, Thomas |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2019 |
Flawed Subjectivities: Cyril of Alexandria and Mahāyāna Buddhism on Individual Volition, Sin, and Karma |
Cattoi, Thomas |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2017 |
Holy Anger, Holy Wrath: The Role of Anger and the Emotions in Early Christian Spirituality and the Mahāyāna Buddhist Tradition |
Cattoi, Thomas |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2019 |
Icons, Deities, and the Three Transcendentals: Deification and Post-Kantian Holiness in Byzantium and Tibet |
Cattoi, Thomas |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2016 |
Ippolito Desideri and the Universality of Aristotelian Rationality: A Model or a Hindrance? |
Cattoi, Thomas |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2018 |
Merit, Demons, and Karma: Catholic Victim Souls and the Tibetan Practice of gCod |
Cattoi, Thomas (著) |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2022 |
Normative Texts and Multiple Meanings: Rescuing Alternative Voices in Origen's and Tsong kha pa's Approaches to Scriptural Interpretation |
Cattoi, Thomas |
Religion East & West |
2012.10 |
Pussy Riot and Chögyam Trungpa: Reinventing Crazy Holiness for Post-Modernity |
Cattoi, Thomas (著) |
Journal of Dharma Studies: Asian and Transcultural Religion, Philosophy, & Ethics |
2020.04 |
The Incarnate Logos and the Rūpakāya |
Cattoi, Thomas |
Religion East & West |
2008.10 |
The Incarnate Logos and the Rūpakāya: Towards a Comparative Theology of Embodiment |
Cattoi, Thomas |
Religion East & West |
2008.10 |
The Jesus Prayer and Deity Mantras: The Athonite Imiaslavie Teaching and Tibetan Visualization Practices |
Cattoi, Thomas (著) |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2021 |
Transformation or Rediscovery? Soteriological and Cosmological Themes in the Lotus Sutra and the Philokalic Tradition |
Cattoi, Thomas (著) |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2020 |
What Has Chalcedon to Do with Lhasa?: John Keenan's and Lai Pai-chiu's Reflections on Classical Christology and the Possible Shape of a Tibetan Theology of Incarnation |
Cattoi, Thomas |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2008 |
