


已收錄 10 篇著作,其中有2 篇全文  

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Stevenson, Daniel B.



全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  Book Review: Zen in Medieval Vietnam: A Study and Translation of the Thìên Uyê'n Tập Anh by Cuong T. Nguyen Stevenson, Daniel B. (評論) Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 2000
  Death-Bed Testimonials of the Pure Land Faithful Stevenson, Daniel B. (著) Buddhism in Practice 1995
  Pure Land Buddhist Worship and Meditation in China Stevenson, Daniel B. (著) Buddhism in Practice 1995
  Tales of the Lotus Sutra Stevenson, Daniel B. (著) Buddhism in Practice 1995
  That this Realm may Become like a Pure Buddha Land--Social and Cultural Aspects of Tsun-shih's Pure Land Liturgics=現世可成清淨佛土--慈雲《往生淨土懺儀》的社會和文化層面 Stevenson, Daniel B. (著)=史蒂文生 (au.) 中華國際佛學會議實錄(第3屆):人間淨土與現代社會: = The Record of Chung-Hwa International Conference on Buddhism(3rd): The "Earthly" Pure Land and Contemporary Society 1998.02
  The four kinds of samadhi in early T'ien-t'ai Buddhism Stevenson, Daniel B. Traditions of meditation in Chinese Buddhism 1986
  The Meaning Of the Lotus Sūtra's Course Of Ease and Bliss: An Annotated Translation and Study Of Nanyue Huisi's (515-577) Fahua Jing Anlexing Yi Kanno, Hiroshi ; Stevenson, Daniel B. ; Kanno, Hiroshi 2006
  The Renewal of Buddhism in China: Zhuhong and the Late Ming Synthesis Yü, Chün-fang (著); Stevenson, Daniel B. (前言) 2020
  Tradition and Change in the Sangha:A Buddhist Historian Looks at Buddhism in America Stevenson, Daniel B. (著) Buddhist Ethics and Modern Society: An International Symposium 1991
  止観の理論と実践の接点:宋代天台僧院における、懺堂、観堂への入堂に際して求められるもの=Where Meditative Theory Meets Practice:Requirements for Entering the 'Halls of Contemplation/Penance'(観/懺堂) in Tiantai Monasteries of the Song Stevenson, Daniel B. 天台学報=テンダイ ガクホウ=Journal of Tendai Buddhist Studies=天台學報 2007.10.30