序號: |
49291 |
別名: |
Zhang, Xiang-long |
分類: |
個人著者 |
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題名 |
作者 |
出處 |
出版日期 |
「Dasein」的含意與譯名(「緣在」理解海德格爾《存在與時間》的線索)=The Meaning and Interpretation of "Dasein": A Trace to the Understanding of Martin Heidegger's Being and Time |
張祥龍 (著)=Zhang, Xiang-long (au.) |
普門學報=Universal Gate Buddhist Journal |
2002.01.01 |
Language and reality in Taoism, Buddhism and Heidegger:a comparative study |
Zhang, Xiang-long |
1988 |
佛家的緣起終極觀與龍樹的中觀=Buddhist View on Ultimate Dependent Origination and Nāgārjuna Mādhyamika |
張祥龍 (著)=Zhang, Xiang-long (au.) |
普門學報=Universal Gate Buddhist Journal |
2005.07.01 |
現象學的構成觀與中國古代思想=The Phenomenological Construction and Ancient Chinese Philosophy |
張祥龍 (著)=Zhang, Xiang-long (au.) |
普門學報=Universal Gate Buddhist Journal |
2004.07.01 |
試論東方美學的特色=A Theory of Oriental Aesthetics (On the Features of Oriental Aesthetics) |
稲田亀男ケネス (著)=Inada, Kenneth K. (au.); 宮睿 (譯)=Gong, Rui (tr.); 李旭 (譯)=Li, Xu (tr.); 張祥龍 (整理)=Zhang, Xiang-long (arr.) |
普門學報=Universal Gate Buddhist Journal |
2002.09.01 |
緣起說的地位何在?=What is the Status of the Doctrine of Dependent Origination? |
普利甘德拉 (著)=Puligandla, Ramakrishna (au.); 張祥龍 (編纂)=Zhang, Xiang-long (comp.); 趙成文 (譯)=Zhao, Cheng-wen (tr.) |
普門學報=Universal Gate Buddhist Journal |
2003.09.01 |
