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“空如來藏”與“不空如來藏”在中國的演變——以《勝鬘經》諸注釋書為中心 |
楊玉飛 (著) |
中國佛學=The Chinese Buddhist Studies |
2022 |
『勝鬘経』十受章について:中国諸注釈書の異同=Ten Great Vows Chapter of the Śrīmālādevīsiṃhanādasūtra: the Differences and Similarities in the Chinese Exegetical Tradition |
楊玉飛 (著)=Yang, Yu-fei (au.) |
仙石山仏教学論集=Sengokuyama journal of Buddhist studies |
2017.03.31 |
七種生死説の淵源=The Origin of the “Seven Kinds of Samsara” |
楊玉飛 (著)=Yang, Yu-fei (au.) |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2016.12.20 |
中国南北朝時代における煩悩論:『勝鬘経』の諸注釈書を中心として=The Theory of Defilements in the NorthernandSouthernDynastiesChineseBuddhism: Focusing on Several Commentaries on the Srīmālādevīsimhanādasūtra |
楊玉飛 (著)=Yang, Yu-fei (au.) |
仙石山仏教学論集=Sengokuyama journal of Buddhist studies |
2016.03.31 |
中国仏教における『勝鬘経』諸注釈書の研究 |
楊玉飛 (著)=Yang, Yu-fei (au.) |
2017.03.15 |
日本古寫經的研究現狀與展望=The Current Situation and Prospect of Japanese Ancient Writing Sutras |
楊玉飛 =Yang, Yu-fei ; 張文良 =Chang, Wen liang |
世界宗教文化=The Religious Cultures in the World |
2019 |
明空撰《勝鬘經疏義私鈔》的思想特徵=The Characteristics of Mingkong's Shengman Jing Shuyi Sichao |
楊玉飛; 張文良 |
佛學研究=Buddhist Studies=Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2019 |
明空撰『勝鬘経疏義私鈔』の注釈性格=The Annotated Character of Mingkong’s Shengmanjing shuyi sichao |
楊玉飛 (著)=Yang, Yu-fei (au.) |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2019.03.20 |
法藏如來藏緣起的思想特質=Dharmabhanaka Fazang’s Ideological Characteristics about Tathāgata-garbha-Pratītyasamutpāda |
楊玉飛 (著)=Yang, Yu-fei (au.); 張文良 (著)=Zhang, Wen-liang (au.) |
五臺山研究=Mt Wutai Researches |
2019 |
空・不空如来蔵について:隋唐時代における『勝鬘経』諸注釈書を中心にして=Śūnya Tathāgatagarbha and Aśūnya Tathāgatagarbha: Focusing on Several Sui and Tang Commentaries on the Śrīmālādevīsiṃhanādasūtra |
楊玉飛 (著)=Yang, Yu-fei (au.) |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2019.12.20 |
空・不空如来蔵の伝承:中国南北朝時代における『勝鬘経』諸注釈書を中心にして=The Inheritance of Śūnya Tathāgatagarbha and Aśūnya Tathāgatagarbha: Focusing on Several Commentaries on the Śrīmālādevīsiṃhanādasūtra in Northern and Southern Dynasties Buddhism |
楊玉飛 (著)=Yang, Yu-fei (au.) |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2017.12.20 |
唐初「一乗」解釈における『勝鬘経』の位置付け=The Position of the Śrīmālādevīsiṃhanādasūtra in View of the One Buddhist Vehicle in the Early Tang Dynasty |
楊玉飛 (著)=Yang, Yu-fei (au.) |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2023.12.20 |
凈影寺慧遠《勝鬘經義記》之煩惱論 |
楊玉飛 (著) |
中國佛學=The Chinese Buddhist Studies |
2017 |
唯識古学と唯識今学との異同:慧遠の『勝鬘経義記』と窺基の『勝鬘経述記』を中心にして=The Difference between Old and New Yogācāras: Focusing on Huiyuan’s Shengmanjing yiji 勝鬘経義記 and Kuiji’s Shengmanjing shuji 勝鬘経述記 |
楊玉飛 (著)=Yang, Yu-fei (au.) |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2022.12.20 |
菅野博史氏のコメントに対する回答 |
楊玉飛 (著)=Yang, Yu-fei (au.); 松森秀幸 (譯)=Matsumori, Hideyuki (tr.) |
東アジア仏教学術論集=Proceedings of the International Conference on East Asian Buddhism=中・日・韓国際仏教学術大会論文集 |
2019.01 |
隋唐時代に於ける心性思想:『勝鬘経』の「自性清浄心」を中心にして=Mind-Nature in Sui-Tang Buddhism: The Innately Pure Mind of the Śrīmālādevīsiṃhanādasūtra |
楊玉飛 (著)=Yang, Yu-fei (au.) |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2021.12.20 |
隋唐時代に於ける如来蔵縁起思想:『勝鬘経』諸注釈書を中心にして=The Dependent Origination of Tathāgatagarbha 如来蔵縁起 in the Sui and Tang Dynasties: On Several Commentaries on the Śrīmālādevīsiṃhanādasūtra |
楊玉飛 (著)=Yang, Yu-fei (au.) |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2020.12.25 |
楊歧派在日本的傳播——以圓爾辨圓的思想和實踐為中心 |
楊玉飛 (著) |
世界宗教研究=Studies in World Religions |
2019 |
照法師撰『勝鬘経疏』(S.524)について : 浄影寺慧遠『勝鬘経義記』と吉蔵『勝鬘宝窟』との比較を兼ねて=Comparisons among Master Zhao’s照, Huiyuan’s 慧遠 and Jizang’s吉藏 Commentaries on Śrīmālādevīsim4 hanādasūtra |
楊玉飛 (著)=Yang, Yu-fei (au.); 松森秀幸 (譯) |
東アジア仏教学術論集=Proceedings of the International Conference on East Asian Buddhism=中・日・韓国際仏教学術大会論文集 |
2019.01 |
遵式《注肇論疏》的歷史定位=The Historical Positioning of Zunshi’s Zhu Zhaolun Shu |
楊玉飛 (著)=Yang, Yu-fei (au.); 張文良 (著)=Zhang, Wen-liang (au.) |
佛學研究=Buddhist Studies=Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2021 |