


已收錄 24 篇著作,其中有24 篇全文  

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Moon, Sang-leun = 정각 = Jung-gak = 正覺 = 文相連



全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  「화엄경 약찬게」와 『신중경』의 성립과 전개=The Establishment and Development of the Briefly Edited Verses of the Avataṃsaka Sūtra and the Guardian Deities Sūtra 문상련 (著)=Moon, Sang-leun (au.) 한국불교학=韓國佛教學 2023.02.28
  Talismans (pujŏk 符籍) for Rebirth in Chosŏn Buddhist Rituals and their Earlier Traces in China Moon, Sang-leun (著); Kim, Youn-mi (著) Journal of Korean Religions 2023.10
  갑사 소조보살입상 腹藏 백지묵서사경 고찰 試論 -- 일승법계도와 표훈대덕발원문을 중심으로=A Study on the White Paper Manuscript Sutra found in the Terracotta Bodhisattva Statue of Gapsa Temple -- with a focus on Ilseoungbeopgye-do and Pyohun Daeduk’s dedicatory prayers tex 문상련 (著)=Moon, Sang-leun (au.) 선학=禪學=Journal of Seon Studies 2017.04.30
  고려 묘지명을 통해 본 고승 상장례(喪葬禮)=Funeral and Burial Rituals for High Priests based on the Epitaphs of Goryeo 문상련 (著)=Moon, Sang-leun (au.) 동아시아불교문화=Journal of Eastern-Asia Buddhism and Culture 2020.03
  고려 묘지명을 통해 본 불교 상장례(喪葬禮)=Buddhist Funerary and Burial Rites as Seen Through Epitaphs of the Goryeo Period 문상련 (著)=Moon, Sang-leun (au.) 보조사상=普照思想=Journal of Bojo Jinul's Thought 2020.03
  고려 묘지명을 통해 본 불교 신앙의례=The Religious Rites of Buddhism on Epitaphs of Goryeo 문상련 (著)=Moon, Sang-leun (au.) 선학=禪學=Journal of Seon Studies 2020.04.30
  고려후기 불교 부인(符印)의 전개=Transformation of Buddhist Talisman-Seals during the Koryŏ Dynasty 문상련 (著)=Moon, Sang-leun (au.); 김연미 (著)=Kim, Youn-mi (au.) 불교학보=佛教學報 2021.09
  印度 法寶信仰의 변천 小考=A Study on the Changes of Dharma-Ratna Faith in India 문상련 (著)=Moon, Sang-leun (au.) 정토학연구=淨土學硏究=Journal of The Pure Land Buddhism Studies 2013.12
  대승불교에 있어 출생과 죽음의 과정에 대한 記述=A Description on the Process of Birth and Death in Mahayāna Buddhism 문상련 (著)=正覺 (au.) 불교학연구=Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies 2006.12
  대장경 소재 부적의 내용과 의미 - [대정신수대장경] 중 부적 수록 문헌을 중심으로=Content and Meanings of Talismans in Daizõkyõ: With a Focus on Pieces of Literature Containing Talismans in Taishõ Shinshū Daizõkyõ 문상련 (著)=Moon, Sang-leun (au.) 불교학보=佛教學報 2023.11
  納塔經典의 시대적 變遷考=A Study on the Changes of Sutras Enshrined in Stupa according to Periods 문상련 (著)=Moon, Sang-leun (au.) 불교학보=佛教學報 2012.08
  묘지명을 통해 본 고려의 경전신앙=Faith of Sutras in Goryeo based on Epitaphs 문상련 (著)=Moon, Sang-leun (au.) 한국교수불자연합학회지=Journal of Buddhist Professors in Korea 2020.04
  불교 祭禮의 의미와 행법 -- 施餓鬼會를 중심으로 =The significance and practices of Buddhist Ritual -- concerning the ritual of offerings to preta 文相連 (著)=Moon, Sang-leun (au.) 한국불교학=韓國佛教學 2002.02
  불교 부적(符籍)의 연원과 전개 - 돈황 사본에 실린 불교 부적을 중심으로=The Origins and Transformations of Buddhist Talismans - With a Focus on the Buddhist Talismans in Dūnhuáng Manuscripts 문상련 (著)=Moon, Sang-leun (au.) 불교학보=佛教學報 2023.03
  불교 喪祭禮를 통해 본 죽음과 사후인식=The Understanding of death and life after death in Korean Buddhism 문상련 (著)=Moon, Sang-leun (au.) 보조사상=普照思想=Journal of Bojo Jinul's Thought 2007
  수덕사 塑造 여래좌상 腹藏 典籍類 고찰=A Study on the Relics and Votive Objects Found in the Seated Clay Buddha of Sudeok Buddhist Temple 문상련 (著)=Moon, Sang-leun (au.) 정토학연구=淨土學硏究=Journal of The Pure Land Buddhism Studies 2018.12
  조선시대 불교 부적의 연원과 전개 - 고려시대 전통의 계승과 변화=The Origin and Development of Buddhist Fu-Talismans of Joseon - Sucession and Modification of the Tradition from Goryeo Period - 문상련 (著)=Moon, Sang-leun (au.); 김영미 (著)=Kim, Young-mi (au.) 한국불교학=韓國佛教學 2023.05.31
  조선의 승과, 선시(選試) 혁파에 대한 고찰=A Study on the Abolition of the Triennial Examination under the Examination for Buddhist Monks during the Joseon Period 문상련 (著)=Moon, Sang-leun (au.) 동아시아불교문화=Journal of Eastern-Asia Buddhism and Culture 2019.09
  조선의 승과, 선시(選試)에 대한 고찰=A Study on the Triennial Examination for Buddhist Monks in the Joseon Period 문상련 (著)=Moon, Sang-leun (au.) 정토학연구=淨土學硏究=Journal of The Pure Land Buddhism Studies 2020.06
  증명삼화상(證明三和尙)의 형성 배경과 불교적 위상=The Origin of the Three Verification Masters and Their Status in the Buddhist Tradition 문상련 (著)=Moon, Sang-leun (au.) 보조사상=普照思想=Journal of Bojo Jinul's Thought 2021.11
  지장신앙의 전개와 신앙의례=A Study on the Development and Religious Ceremonies of Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha Faith 문상련 (著)=Moon, Sang-leun (au.) 정토학연구=淨土學硏究=Journal of The Pure Land Buddhism Studies 2011.06
  한국불교 法寶信仰의 초기 형성 및 전개=A Study on the Early Formation and Development of Dharma-Ratna Faith in Korea 문상련 (著)=Moon, Sang-leun (au.) 한국불교학=韓國佛教學 2014.12
  해인사 소장 의식류(儀式類) 전적(典籍) 고찰(考察)=A Study on the Documents of the Ritual Kinds Housed in Haeinsa Temple 문상련 (著)=Moon, Sang-leun (au.) 동아시아불교문화=Journal of Eastern-Asia Buddhism and Culture 2015.03
  형상과 다라니의 융합 : 고양 원각사 소장 기전(琪銓) 작 <관음보살도>=Fusing Image with Dhāraṇī - The Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva Painting drawn by the Chosŏn-period monk painter Kijŏn at Wongaksa Temple in Koyang 신광희 (著)=Shin, Kwang-hee (au.); 문상련 (著)=Moon, Sang-leun (au.) 동아시아불교문화=Journal of Eastern-Asia Buddhism and Culture 2021.09