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Padmasambhava = 蓮花生大士 = Guru Rinpoche



全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  Advice from the lotus-born:a collection of Padmasambhava's advice to the Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal and other close disciples from the Terma treasure revelations of Nyang Ral Nyima Ozer, Guru Chowang, Pema Ledrel Tsal, Sangye Lingpa, Rigdzin Godem, & Chok Padmasambhava 1994
  Das Gebet in sieben Kapiteln=ཨུ་རྒྱན་པདྨས་གསུངས་པའི་གསོལ་འདེབས་ལེའུ་བདུན་མ་བཞུགས།=The Seven Chapters of Prayer Padmasambhava (教授); Chimed Rigdzin Rinpoche (譯); Low, James (譯); Chimed Rigdzin Rinpoche (前言); Low, James (著) 2021.02.12
  Ein unermesslicher Segensschatz: Eine Summlung von Gebeten an Guru Rinpoche Sogyal Rinpoche (著); Padmasambhava (著)
  Legend of the Great Stupa: Two Nyingma Treasure Texts Padmasambhava 2003.05.01
  Natural Liberation: Padmasambhavas Teachings on the Six Bardos Gyatrul Rinpoche (註釋); Karma-glin-pa (著); Padmasambhava (著); Wallace, B. Alan (譯) 1997.12
  Secret Teachings of Padmasambhava: Essential Instructions on Mastering the Energies of Life 蓮花生 (著); Lipman, Kennard (譯) 2010.10.12
  The Legend of the Great Stupa Padmasambhava (著) 1973.09
  The Legend of the Great Stupa: mChod rten Chen Po Bya Rung Kha Shor Gyi Lo Thos Pas Grol Ba: The Life Story of the Lotus Born Guru/ Zab Pa Skor Bdun L ... Bsam Ljong Shing Padmasambhava ; Yeshe Tsogyal 2003.05
  The Tibetan Book of the Dead: The Great Liberation Through Hearing in the Bardo Guru Rinpoche (著); Fremantle, Francesca (譯); Fremantle, Francesca (引言); Chögyam Trungpa (譯); Chögyam Trungpa (序); Karma Lingpa (著) 2019.08.20
  Treasures from Juniper Ridge: The Profound Instructions of Padmasambhava to the Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal Padmasambhava; Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche; Schmidt, Marcia; Erik Pema Kunsang 2008.11.04
  六中有自解脫導引 談錫永 (譯); 事業洲尊者 (巖傳); 蓮花生 (巖藏) 1990.01
  白話本西藏中陰度亡經:中陰聽聞救度教誡即得大解說秘法 蓮花生 (著); 蔡東照 (譯) 2003.05
  西藏生死導引書(下) -- 六種中陰的實修教授 蓮花生 =Padmasambhava 2007.07.31
  西藏生死導引書(上) -- 揭開生與死的真相 蓮花生 2007.07.20
  我就是本尊:大圓滿斷惑之道=Dzogchen Essentials:The path that clarifies confusion 蓮花生大士 (著)=Guru Rinpoche (au.); 頂果欽哲仁波切 (著)=Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (au.); 祖古烏金仁波切 (著)=H. E. Kyabje Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche (au.); 項慧齡 (譯)=Xiang, Hui-ling (tr.) 2023.09.01
  見鬘:九乘次第之見、修、果導引 蓮花生大士 (著); 蔣貢‧米滂 (著); 劉婉俐 (譯) 2023.10.06
  無染覺性直觀自行解脫之道 蓮花生 (著)=Padmasambhava (au.) 美佛慧訊 2010.11
  無染覺性直觀自行解脫之道 蓮花生 (著)=Padmasambhava (au.); 劉巧玲 (譯) 美佛慧訊 2002.11
  圖解西藏生死書 蓮花生 2007.12
  圖解西藏生死書 蓮花生 (著) 2009.04.01
  圖解西藏生死書——圖解經典02 蓮花生 (著) 2006.08
  障礙遍除:蓮師心要修持=Dispeller of Obstacles: The Heart Practice of Padmasambhava 蓮花生 (著)=Padmasambhava (au.); 趙雨青 (譯) 2018.02.01
  蓮花生大士祈請文集 蓮花生 2004.10
  蓮花生大士祈請文集 蓮花生 (著); 永殿侶握 (譯); 吉美切林 (譯) 2006.03
  蓮花生大士祈請文集 蓮花生 (著); 永殿侶握 (譯); 吉美切林 (譯) 1995.10
  蓮師在印度:追尋蓮師足跡系列二=Following in Your Footsteps II:The Lotus-Born Guru in India 蓮花生大士; 拉瑟.洛扎瓦=Lhasey Lotsawa; 谷平=Eric Gu 2022.06.03
  蓮師答空行母所問之伏藏法《皈依》=Padmasambhava Answered the Hided Dhama Conversion Asked by Vajrayogini 蓮花生 (口述); 益喜措嘉佛母藏岩 ; 楊奴寧瑪俄熱 ; 生嘰寧巴取岩 閩南佛學:第四輯(2005) 2006.10