+1912 ~ +1998 |
篇著作,其中有1 篇全文
序號: |
16197 |
別名: |
Raguin, Y. = Raguin, Yves E. = 甘易逢 |
分類: |
個人著者 |
網站: |
全文 |
題名 |
作者 |
出處 |
出版日期 |
Bouddhisme, christianisme |
Raguin, Yves |
1973 |
Buddhism in China. Lectures Given at Chabanel Language Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Republic of China, 1965-1966 |
Raguin, Yves E. (著) |
1966 |
Buddhism: Origins and Evolution |
Raguin, Yves (著) |
Areopagus: a living encounter with today's religious world |
1987 |
Buddhism:sixteen lessons on Buddhism and Christianity |
Raguin, Yves E. (著) |
1974 |
Buddhismus auf Taiwan |
Raguin, Yves (著) |
Buddhismus der Gegenwart |
1970 |
Christian Zen |
Raguin, Yves E. (著) |
Areopagus: a living encounter with today's religious world |
1992 |
Dialogue with Chinese Buddhism [tr by B A Maheu] |
Raguin, Yves E. (著) |
Tripod |
1992 |
Father Ricci's Presentation of Some Fundamental Theories of Buddhism |
Raguin, Yves E. (著) |
Chinese Culture: a Quarterly Review |
1969.03 |
Father Ricci's presentation of some fundamental theories of Buddhism |
Raguin, Yves E. (著) |
1969 |
Getting to know Buddhism: the eight-fold path and the problem of impermanence |
Raguin, Yves (著) |
Areopagus: a living encounter with today's religious world |
1987 |
Karma, the Self and Human Responsibility |
Raguin, Yves E. (著) |
Areopagus: a living encounter with today's religious world |
1988 |
Lao-Tzu et son importance pour le tao惩me |
Raguin, Yves |
Studia Missionalia |
1984 |
Le Bouddhisme Face aux Problèmes du Monde Moderne |
Raguin, Yves |
Les moines chrétiens face aux religions d'Asie |
1973 |
Lecons sur le Bouddhisme |
Raguin, Yves |
1985, 1982 |
L'eschatologie dans le monde Chinois |
Raguin, Yves |
Studia Missionalia |
1983 |
L'expérience Personnelle de Dieu Dans le Christianisme |
Raguin, Yves (著) |
Les moines chrétiens face aux religions d'Asie |
1973 |
Lion Head Mountain and Buddhism in Taiwan |
Raguin, Yves E. (著) |
Journal of China Society |
1971 |
Non-Christian Spiritualities Can Deepen and Enrich Our Christian Spirituality |
Raguin, Yves E. (著) |
Ching Feng: A Journal on Christianity and Chinese Religion and Culture=景風 |
1987.12 |
Samsara and the March to Nirvana |
Raguin, Yves E. (著) |
Areopagus: a living encounter with today's religious world |
1989 |
Terminologie Raisonee du Bouddhisme Chinois=台北法國文化科技中心叢刊 |
Raguin, Yves |
1985.11 |
The Spiritual Father: Toward Integrating Western and Eastern Spirituality |
Raguin, Yves E. (著) |
Abba: Guides to Wholeness and Holiness, East and West |
1982 |
The Ways of Liberation |
Raguin, Yves E. (著) |
Areopagus: a living encounter with today's religious world |
1989 |
Three Articles on Meditation in Buddhism in Eng, Fr and Sp Indexer-Assigned Title |
Boyd, J. (著); Lomez-Gay, J. (著); Raguin, Y. (著) |
Meditation in Christianity and other Religions |
1972 |
Ultimate Reality and the "Three Bodies" of Buddha |
Raguin, Yves E. (著) |
Areopagus: a living encounter with today's religious world |
1988 |
利瑪竇所述之佛教基本學說 |
甘易逢 (著) |
東西文化=Eastern and western culture |
1968.09 |
淺談佛學--天主教徒的觀點 |
甘易逢 (著) |
1991 |
