序號: |
17772 |
別名: |
Schlü, Morten |
分類: |
個人著者 |
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全文 |
題名 |
作者 |
出處 |
出版日期 |
“Who Is Reciting the Name of the Buddha?” as Gongan in Chinese Chan Buddhism |
Schlütter, Morten |
Frontiers of History in China |
2013 |
Book Review: "Dogen: Textual and Historical Studies," edited by Steven Heine |
Schlütter, Morten |
Religious Studies Review |
2014.12.05 |
Book Review: "Power of Place: The Religious Landscape of the Southern Sacred Peak (Nanyue 南嶽) in Medieval China," by Robson James |
Schlütter, Morten (評論) |
The Journal of Asian Studies |
2010.11.10 |
Book Review: "The Record of Linji," trans. and comm. by Ruth Fuller Sasaki, ed. by Thomas Yūhō Kirchner, fwd. by Mumon Yamada and Kazuhiro Furuta |
Schlütter, Morten |
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies |
2010 |
Book Review: "The Record of Linji: A New Translation of the Linjilu in the Light of Ten Japanese Zen Commentaries," translated by Jeffrey L. Broughton with Elise Yoko Watanabe |
Schlütter, Morten |
Religious Studies Review |
2014.12.05 |
Book Review: "the Records of Mazu and the Making of Classical Chan Literature," by Mario Poceski |
Schlütter, Morten |
Studies in Chinese Religions |
2016 |
Book Review: "Zen Ritual: Studies of Zen Buddhist Theory in Practice," edited by Steven Heine and Dale S. Wright |
Schlütter, Morten |
Journal of Japanese Studies |
2009 |
Book Review: Yongming Yanshou's Conception Of Chan In the Zongjing Lu: A Special Transmission Within the Scriptures. By Albert Welter. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. Pp. xix + 381. ISBN 10: 0199760314; 13: 9780199760312 |
Schlütter, Morten |
International Journal of Asian Studies |
2012.07 |
Book Reviews: Fathering Your Father: The Zen of Fabrication in Tang Buddhism By Alan Cole |
Schlütter, Morten |
History of Religions |
2011.08 |
Out of the Cloister: Literati Perspectives on Buddhism in Sung China, 960-1279 |
Schlü, Morten |
The Chinese Historical Review |
2007.01.01 |
Pojo Chinul 普照知訥 (1158–1210), the Fabaoji tanjing 法寶記壇經, and the Evolution of the Platform Sūtra |
Schlütter, Morten (著) |
Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2021.10 |
Readings of the Platform Sūtra |
Schlütter, Morten (編); Teiser, Stephen F. (編) |
2012.02.07 |
The Platform Sütra of the Sixth Patriarch: The Text of the Tun-huang Manuscript |
Yampolsky, Philip B. (譯); Yampolsky, Philip B. (引言); Yampolsky, Philip B. (補注); Schlütter, Morten (前言); Schlütter, Morten (更新詞彙表) |
2012 |
The Transformation of the Formless Precepts in the Platform Sūtra (Liuzu tanjing 六祖壇經) |
Schlütter, Morten (著) |
Rules of Engagement: Medieval Traditions of Buddhist Monastic Regulation |
2017 |
Vinaya Monasteries, Public Abbacies, and State Control of Buddhism under the Song (920–1279) |
Schlütter, Morten |
Going Forth, Visions of Buddhist Vinaya, Essays Presented in Honor of Professor Stanley Weinstein |
2005 |
