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Kitagawa, Joseph M. = Kitagawa, Joseph Mitsuo = J. M. 北川 = Kitagawa, Joseph



全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  Appreciation of Daisetz Suzuki 北川三夫 (著)=Kitagawa, Joseph M. (au.) 印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 1967.03.31
  Book Review: Buddhism and the State in Sixteenth-Century Japan by Neil Mcmullin Kitagawa, Joseph M. (評論) The American Historical Review 1986.06
  Book Review: Buddhism Under Mao by Holmes Welch Kitagawa, Joseph M. (評論) The American Historical Review 1973.12
  Book Review: Five Mountains: The Rinzai Zen Monastic Institution in Medieval Japan by Martin Collcutt Kitagawa, Joseph M. (評論) The American Historical Review 1982.02
  Book Review: The Zen Master Hakuin. Translated by Philip B. Yampolsky. Kitagawa, Joseph M. (著) The Journal of Asian Studies 1972.05
  Buddhism and Asian history Kitagawa, Joseph Mitsuo 1989
  Buddhism and Asian Politics Kitagawa, Joseph M. (著) Asian Survey 1962.07
  Buddhism and social change:an historical perspective Kitagawa, Joseph M. Buddhist studies in honour of Walpola Rahula 1980
  Buddhism in America:with special reference to Zen Kitagawa, Joseph M. Japanese Religions=日本の諸宗教 1967.07
  Buddhism in Taiwan Today Kitagawa, Joseph M. France-Asie 1962
  Buddhism, History of Kitagawa, Joseph M. Encyclopaedia Britannica; Macropaedia 1974
  Buddhism, History of Kitagawa, Joseph Mitsuo The New Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th edition 1974
  Buddhist ethics and international relations Kitagawa, Joseph Mitsuo (著)=北川三夫 (au.) 印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 1960.03.30
  Buddhist Medical History Kitagawa, Joseph Mitsuo Healing and Restoration: Health and Medicine in the World's Religious Traditions 1989
  Dimensions of the East Asian Religious Universe Kitagawa, Joseph M. History of Religions 1991.11
  Experience, Knowledge and Understanding Kitagawa, Joseph M. (著) Religious Studies 1975.06
  Introduction To "The Shintō World Of the 1880s" Kitagawa, Joseph M. History of Religions 1988.02
  Kobo-Daishi and Shingon Buddhism Kitagawa, Joseph Mitsuo 1951
  Kukai as master and savior Kitagawa, Joseph M. The biographical process 1976
  Modern Trends in World Religions Kitagawa, Joseph M. 1959
  Modern trends in world religions:Paul Carus Memorial Symposium Kitagawa, Joseph M. 1959
  Myths and Symbols: Studies in Honor of Mircea Eliade Kitagawa, Joseph Mitsuo; Long, Charles H. 1969
  One of the Many Faces of China: Maoism as a Quasi-Religion Kitagawa, Joseph M. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 1974.09
  Paradigm Change in Japanese Buddhism Kitagawa, Joseph M. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 1984.06-09
  Religion in Japanese History Kitagawa, Joseph M. (著) 1966
  Religions and Cultural Ethos of Modern Japan Kitagawa, Joseph M. (著) Asian Studies: Journal of Critical Perspectives on Asia 1964.12
  Religions of Japan Kitagawa, Joseph M. The Great Asian Religions: An Anthology 1969
  Some Reflections On Japanese Religion and Its Relationship To the Imperial System Kitagawa, Joseph M. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 1990.06-09
  Some Reflections on the Japanese World of Meaning Kitagawa, Joseph M. Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia (JOSA) 1976
  Some Reflections on the Japanese World of Meaning Kitagawa, Joseph M. The Charles Strong lectures, 1972-1984 1987
  Some Remarks on Shintō Kitagawa, Joseph M. History of Religions 1988.02
  The Buddhist Transformation in Japan Kitagawa, Joseph M. History of Religions 1965
  The Career of Maitreya, with Special Reference to Japan Kitagawa, Joseph M. History of Religions 1981.11
  The Contemporary Religious Situation in Japan Kitagawa, Joseph M. Japanese Religions=日本の諸宗教 1961.05
  The Japanese "Kokutai" (National Community) History and Myth Kitagawa, Joseph M. History of Religions 1974.02
  The Many Faces of Maitreya: A Historian of Religions’ Reflections Kitagawa, Joseph M. Maitreya, the Future Buddha 1988
  The many faces of Maitreya:a historian of religions' reflections Kitagawa, Joseph M. Maitreya, the future Buddha 1988
  Three stages in the development of new religions in Japan Kitagawa, Joseph M. (著) Christian presence in Japan: essays in honor of William J. Danker 1981
  Three Types of Pilgrimage in Japan Kitagawa, Joseph; Urbach, E. E.; Werblowsky, R.J. Zwi; Wirszubski, Chaim Studies in Mysticism and Religion Presented to Gershom G. Scholem on His Seventieth Birthday by Pupils, Colleagues and Friends 1967
  Two Creative Epochs in East Asian Buddhism Kitagawa, Joseph M. History of Religions 1982.08
  Unitive and divisive factors in contemporary Buddhism Kitagawa, Joseph Mitsuo 1957
  エリアーデ仏教事典=Buddhism and Asian history Cummings, Mark D. (編); Kitagawa, Joseph M. (編)=北川三夫 (ed.); 中村元 (監修)=Nakamura, Hajime (supervise); 木村清孝 (編譯)=Kimura, Kiyotaka (Translate and Edit); 末木文美士 (編譯)=Sueki, Fumihiko (Translate and Edit); 竹村牧男 (編譯)=Takemura, Makio (Translate and Edit) 2005.10.15
  二十世紀的上座部佛教 陳貞輝; 北川三夫; 雷諾茲, 弗 世界宗教資料=Shijie Zongjiao Ziliao=Shih Chieh Tsung Chiao Tzu Liao 1980.06
  中國の佛教 J. M. 北川; 中村元; 増谷文雄 1989
  今日臺灣的佛教 北川三夫 現代佛教學術叢刊(八十七) -- 中國佛教史論集(八) -- 臺灣佛教篇 1979.01
  日本ブディズムの考察 J. M. 北川 仏教=季刊仏教=ブッキョウ 1987.10
  日本仏教と『ことば』 - 日本ブディズムの考察3 J. M. 北川; 荒木美智雄 仏教=季刊仏教=ブッキョウ 1988.04
  宗教的冒険家河口慧海とチベット - 日本ブディズムの考察4 J. M. 北川; 荒木美智雄 仏教=季刊仏教=ブッキョウ 1988.07
  変容と相続 - 日本ブディズムの考察2 J. M. 北川; 荒木美智雄 仏教=季刊仏教=ブッキョウ 1988.01