
Chung, Bong-kil  


已收錄 13 篇著作,其中有5 篇全文  

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全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  An introduction to Won Buddhism:Wonbulgyo Chung, Bong-kil 1993
  Appearance and Reality in Chinese Buddhist Metaphysics from a European Philosophical Point of View Chung, Bong-kil Journal of Chinese Philosophy 1993.03
  Beneficence As The Moral Foundation In Won Buddhism Chung, Bong-kil Journal of Chinese Philosophy 1996.06
  Moral Perfection and the Ethics of Grace in Won Buddhism Chung, Bong-kil Hanguk munhwa wa won pulgyo sasang: Munsan Kim San-yong paksa hwagap kinyom 1985
  The Concept of Dharmakaya in Won Buddhism: Metaphysical and Relgious Dimensions Chung, Bong-kil Korea Journal 1987.01
  The Ethics of Won Buddhism:A Conceptual Analysis of the Moral System of Won Buddhism Chung, Bong-kil 1979
  The Position of Won Buddhism in the Cultural History of Korea Chung, Bong-kil Hanguk sasang 1988.09
  The Scriptures of Won Buddhism: A Translation of the Wonbulgyo Kyojon with Introduction Chung, Bong-kil 2003.02
  Ultimate Reality and Meaning in Sot'aesan's Irwonism Chung, Bong-kil Ultimate Reality and Meaning
  What is Won Buddhism? Chung, Bong-kil Korea Journal 1984.05
  Won Buddhism as a New Culture Sot`aesan`s Philosophical, Religious and Moral Thoughts Chung, Bong-kil (著) 원불교사상과 종교문화=Won-Buddhist Thought and Religious Culture 1994.12
  Won Buddhism: The Historical Context of Sot'aesan's Reformation of Buddhism for the Modern World Chung, Bong-kil Buddhism in the Modern World: Adaptations of an Ancient Tradition 2003.10.09
  Won Buddhism:A synthesis of the Moral Systems of Confucianism and Buddhism Chung, Bong-kil Journal of Chinese Philosophy 1988.12