


已收錄 22 篇著作,其中有7 篇全文  

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Yao, Zhi-hua



網站: http://phil.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/web/staffDetail.php?staff_id=24&mid=16-17&lang=eng
全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  "Suddenly Deluded Thoughts Arise": Karmic Appearance in Huayan Buddhism Yao, Zhi-hua Journal of Chinese Philosophy 2010.06
  「我」的趣談 姚治華 佛教文化=The Culture of Buddhism=Buddhist Culture 1992.04
  A Note on Asvabhāva and Dignāga Yao, Zhi-hua Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka 2006
  Buddhist Theory of Self-Cognition Yao, Zhi-hua 2005.10
  Dignaga and Four Types of Perception Yao, Zhi-hua Journal of Indian Philosophy 2004.02
  Do Meditative Objects Exist? Yao, Zhi-hua Buddhist Meditative Praxis: traditional teachings & modern applications 2015.05
  Empty Subject Terms in Buddhist Logic: Dignāga and his Chinese Commentators Yao, Zhi-hua Journal of Indian Philosophy 2009.08
  Four-Dimensional Time in Dzogchen and Heidegger Yao, Zhi-hua Philosophy East and West 2007.10
  Introduction Yao, Zhi-hua Journal of Chinese Philosophy 2010.06
  Knowing That One Knows: The Buddhist Doctrine of Self-Cognition Yao, Zhi-hua (著)=姚治華 (au.) Dissertation Abstracts International 2003
  On Memory and Personal Identity Yao, Zhi-hua Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka 2008
  Reflexive Awareness: A Theravāda-Andhaka Debate Yao, Zhi-hua Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka 2005.08
  Sautrāntika-Madhyamaka' As Seen in the grub mtha' Texts from Dunhuang Yao, Zhi-hua Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka 2010
  The Buddhist Theory of Self-Cognition Yao, Zhi-hua 2005.12.22
  The Buddhist Theory of Self-Cognition Yao, Zhi-hua 2009.03.14
  生生之易與如如之真 -- 論智旭的三教合一思想 姚治華 (著)=Yao, Zhi-hua (au.) 東南文化=Southeast Culture 1994
  佛教倫理學 沙德哈提沙=Saddnatissa, H.; 姚治華 1992
  佛教倫理學 沙德哈提沙; 姚治華 1993
  異部宗輪論 姚治華; 姚治華 1996.08
  異部宗輪論 姚治華 2013
  敦煌心靈之旅 -- 求智與求真=Courage to Seek the Ultimate Truth 姚治華 2005.03.23
  補特伽羅與阿特曼的譯名問題 -- 兼談輪迴學說與無我說 姚治華 佛教文化=The Culture of Buddhism=Buddhist Culture 1991