序號: |
49208 |
別名: |
Chang, Hsun |
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個人著者 |
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題名 |
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出版日期 |
《台灣本土宗教研究導論——少壯派觀點》 大陸版序言 |
張珣 (編); 江燦騰 (編) |
弘誓=弘誓雙月刊=弘誓通訊 |
2004.02.01 |
Book Reviews:Yuhang Li: Becoming Guanyin: Artistic Devotion of Buddhist Women in Late Imperial China |
張珣 (著)=Chang, Hsun (au.) |
臺灣人類學刊=Taiwan Journal of Anthropology |
2021.07.01 |
Incense-Offering and Obtaining the Magical Power of Qi: the Mazu (Heavenly Mother) Pilgrimage in Taiwan=Incense-Offering and Obtaining the Magical Power of Chi': The Matsu (Heavenly Mother) Pilgrimage in Taiwan |
Chang, Hsun |
1993 |
Religion in Taiwan and China: Locality and Transmission=臺灣與中國之宗教:地方性與傳承=Taiwan yu Zhongguo zhi zong jiao: di fang xing yu chuan cheng |
Chang, Hsun (編)=張珣 (ed.); Penny, Benjamin |
2017.04.01 |
台灣本土宗教研究的新視野和心思維=Searching for the paradigm new perspectives on Taiwanese religious studies |
江燦騰; 張珣 |
2003 |
台灣佛教史研究及其當代性 -- 兼評Charles Jones Buddhism in Taiwan: Religion and the State,1660-1990與江燦騰《台灣佛教史》 |
張珣 (著)=Chang, Hsun (au.) |
臺灣史研究=Taiwan Historical Research |
2009.09 |
妙果法師在台灣佛教教育史上之地位--現代社會科學主流理論中人性論反省個例=A MEASUREMENT OF CHINA LITERARY CREATIVETY You-yuh Kuo |
張珣 =Chang, Hsun |
思與言:人文與社會科學雜誌=Thought and Words:Journal of the Humanities and Social Science |
1986.11 |
香之為物:進香儀式中香火觀念的物質基礎=Scent as Substance: The Material Basis of Chinese Incense-Fire Rituals and Concepts |
張珣 (著)=Chang, Hsun (au.) |
臺灣人類學刊=Taiwan Journal of Anthropology |
2006.12.01 |
專題演講:馨香禱祝--談香的交換 |
張珣 |
中央研究院民族學研究所集刊=Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnology Academia Sinica |
2003.02/05 |
評江[燦騰]著<臺灣當代佛教>=Comment on the Contemporary Taiwan Buddhism |
張珣 (著)=Chang, Hsun (au.) |
思與言:人文與社會科學雜誌=Thought and Words:Journal of the Humanities and Social Science |
1997.06 |
評江著《台灣佛教百年史之研究(1895-1995)》=Comment on the Research of Taiwan Buddhism, 1985-1995 |
張珣 (著)=Chang, Hsun (au.) |
思與言:人文與社會科學雜誌=Thought and Words:Journal of the Humanities and Social Science |
1996.06 |
評江燦騰著〈台灣當代佛教〉 |
張珣 =Chang, Hsun |
思與言:人文與社會科學雜誌=Thought and Words:Journal of the Humanities and Social Science |
1997.06 |
漢人民眾宗教研究 : 田野與理論的結合=Chinese popular religion : linking fieldwork and theory : Papers from the fourth international conference on sinology |
張珣 (主編)=Chang, Hsun (Editor-in-Chief) |
2013.03 |
臺灣不同宗教的信徒與組織之比較研究=A Comparative Study of Members and Organizations in Three Religions in Taiwan |
張珣 (著)=Chang, Hsun (au.) |
國立臺灣大學社會學刊=National Taiwan University Journal of Sociology |
1985.09 |
