全文 |
題名 |
作者 |
出處 |
出版日期 |
《阿含經》在回鶻人中的傳譯及其社會歷史原因 |
張鐵山 (著)=Zhang, Tie-shan (au.) |
西域研究=Western Regions Studies |
2003 |
A Further Fragment of Old Uigur Annals |
Zhang, Tieshan (著); Zieme, Peter (著) |
Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae |
2013.12 |
A New Fragment of an Unknown Commentary to the "Yuanjue Jing" |
Zhang, Tieshan (著); Zieme, Peter (著) |
Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae |
2012.12.05 |
An Old Uigur Version of the Kasibhāradvāja Sutta Extended by a Poem |
Zhang, Tieshan (著); Zieme, Peter (著) |
Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae |
2019.06 |
Further Fragments of the Commentary on the Yuanjue Jing in Old Uigur from Dunhuang |
Zhang, Tieshan (著); Zieme, Peter (著) |
Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae |
2020.10 |
Two Old Uigur Fragments from Dunhuang Connected with the Pure Land Belief |
Zhang, Tieshan (著); Zieme, Peter (著) |
Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae |
2018.09 |
Two Old Uyghur Fragments of the Research Department of Dunhuang Academy, China |
Zhang, Tieshan (著); Zieme, Peter (著) |
Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae |
2022.12 |
北京大學圖書館館藏敦煌本回鶻文《雜阿含經》殘葉研究 |
張鐵山 |
中央民族大學學報(哲學社會科學版)=Journal of the Central University for Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition) |
2002 |
北京圖書館藏回鶻文《阿毗達磨俱舍論》殘卷研究 |
王梅堂 ; 張鐵山 |
民族語文=Minority Languages of China |
1994 |
古代庫車的佛教與佛教遺址 |
買買提木沙; 張鐵山; 朱英榮 |
新疆大學學報(哲學人文社會科學版)=Journal of Xinjiang University(Philosophy,Humanities & Social Sciences) |
1985 |
四川博物院藏張大千集回鶻文《別譯雜阿含經》殘卷研究 |
張玉丹 (著); 張鐵山 (著) |
文獻=The Documentation |
2024 |
吐魯番伯孜克里克出土四件回鶻文《因薩底經》殘葉研究=A Study on Four Fragments of the Insadi Sutra in Uighur Script Discovered from the Bezeklik Grottoes in Turfan |
張鐵山 |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2012.04 |
吐魯番柏孜克里克出土回鶻文刻本《佛說天地八陽神咒經》殘頁研究 |
張鐵山 (著)=Zhang, Tie-shan (au.) |
敦煌學輯刊=Journal of Dunhuang Studies |
2011 |
吐魯番雅爾湖千佛洞5號窟突厥文題記研究=A Study on the Turk Inscription of the No.5 Cave of Yar-Hu Grottos in Turfan |
張鐵山 (著)=Zhang, Tie-shan (au.); 李剛 (著)=Li, Gang (au.) |
西域研究=Western Regions Studies |
2015 |
回鶻文《妙法蓮花經 普門品》校勘與研究 |
張鐵山 |
喀什師範學院學報=Journal of Kashgar Teachers College |
1990 |
回鶻文《金光明經》第八品研究 |
張鐵山 (著)=Zhang, Tie-shan (au.) |
新疆大學學報(哲學人文社會科學版)=Journal of Xinjiang University(Philosophy,Humanities & Social Sciences) |
1990 |
回鶻文《慈悲道場懺法》音譯詞語音系統研究 |
陳云聰 (著); 張鐵山 (著) |
敦煌學輯刊=Journal of Dunhuang Studies |
2024 |
回鶻文佛教文獻中夾寫漢字的分類和讀法 |
張鐵山 (著)=Zhang, Tie-shan (au.) |
西域研究=Western Regions Studies |
1997 |
國外收藏刊布的回鶻文佛教文獻及其研究 |
張鐵山 (著)=Zhang, Tie-shan (au.) |
西域研究=Western Regions Studies |
1991 |
莫高窟北區B128窟出土回鶻文《八十華嚴》殘頁研究 |
張鐵山 |
中央民族大學學報(哲學社會科學版)=Journal of the Central University for Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition) |
2003 |
莫高窟北區出土三件珍貴的回鶻文佛經殘片研究=A Study of Three Buddhist Sutra Pages in Uighur Script Discovered in the Northern Area of Mogaoku at Dunhuang |
張鐵山 |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2004.02 |
莫高窟北區出土兩件回鶻文佛經殘片研究 |
張鐵山 (著)=Zhang, Tie-shan (au.) |
敦煌學輯刊=Journal of Dunhuang Studies |
2003 |
敦煌研究院舊藏一葉回鶻文《阿毗達磨順正理論》殘葉及其相關問題研究=Research on a Fragment in Old Uighur of the Abhidharmanyāyānusāra-śāstra from the Dunhuang Academy Collection |
張鐵山=Zhang, Tie-shan; 茨默, 皮特=Zieme, Peter |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2021 |
敦煌研究院舊藏三件回鶻文“阿毗達磨論藏”殘片研究=On Three Fragments of the Abhidharma(“阿毗達磨論藏”) in Uigur Script from the Dunhuang Academy |
張鐵山 (著)=Zhang, Tie-shan (au.) |
敦煌學輯刊=Journal of Dunhuang Studies |
2022 |
敦煌研究院舊藏兩葉回鶻文《阿含經》殘片研究=Two Fragments of Uigama in Old Uygur at the Dunhuang Academy |
張鐵山 (著)=Zhang, Tie-shan (au.) |
敦煌學輯刊=Journal of Dunhuang Studies |
2021 |
敦煌研究院藏回鶻文《圓覺經》注釋本殘片研究=A Study on the Fragment of the Annotated Version of Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment in Uighur Kept at Dunhuang Academy |
張鐵山=Zhang, Tieshan ; 茨默=Zieme, Peter |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2015.04 |
敦煌莫高窟北區B464窟回鶻文題記研究報告=A Research Report on the Uighur Inscriptions in Cave B464 in the Northern Area of Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes |
張鐵山=Zhang, Tie-shan; 彭金章=Peng, Jin-zhang; 茨默, 皮特=Zieme, Peter |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2018 |
敦煌莫高窟北區B77窟出土木骨上的回鶻文題記研究=A Study on Uygur Scripts on Timber Framing Unearthed from B77 Cave of the Northern Area of Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang |
張鐵山 (著)=Zhang, Tieshan (au.); 彭金章 (著)=Peng Jinzhang (au.) |
敦煌學輯刊=Journal of Dunhuang Studies |
2018 |
廬江草堂藏回鶻文“七聖財”疏釋書研究 |
毛選 (著); 張鐵山 (著) |
敦煌學輯刊=Journal of Dunhuang Studies |
2023 |