


已收錄 16 篇著作,其中有10 篇全文  

著者本人提供授權著者本人提供書目校正著者資訊 2012.03.05 建檔, 2022.05.06 更新



Shih, Hui-Feng = Shi, Huifēng = Shìh, Hùifēng = Orsborn, M. B. = Shih, Hui-feng = Orsborn, Matthew Bryan = Orsborn, Matthew = Orsborn, Matt = 歐慧峰



網站: https://www.philo.ntu.edu.tw/?page_id=1537
全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  “ “Dependent Origination = Emptiness” – Nāgārjuna’s Innovation? An Examination of the Early and Mainstream Sectarian Textual Sources.” Shìh, Hùifēng Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka 2013
  《菩提道次第廣論》之奢摩他學(下) 釋慧峰 (著)=Shih, Hui-feng (au.) 普門學報=Universal Gate Buddhist Journal 2010.11
  《菩提道次第廣論》之奢摩他學﹝上﹞=Meditative Serenity as Presented in The Great Treatise On the Stages of The Path (Lamrim Chenmo) (I) 釋慧峰 (著)=Shih, Hui-Feng (au.) 普門學報=Universal Gate Buddhist Journal 2010.09
  Annotated English Translation of the ‘Sadāprarudita Avadāna’ in Kumārajīva’s Xiaŏpĭn Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra Orsborn, Matthew Bryan (著) Asian Literature and Translation 2021
  Chiasmus in The Early Prajñāpāramitā: Literary Parallelism Connecting Criticism Orsborn, Matthew Bryan (著)=釋慧峰 (au.) 2012.01
  Chiasmus in the Early Prajñāpāramitā:Literary Parallelism Connecting Criticism and Hermeneutics in an Early Mahāyāna Sūtra Shih, Hui-Feng (著)=Orsborn, M. B. (au.) 2012.01
  Chiastic Structure of the Vessantara Jataka: New Approach to Criticism and Hermeneutics for a Classic Buddhist Text Shih, Hui-Feng 日本印度学仏教学会第65 回学術大会 2014.08
  Chiastic Structure of the Vessantara Jātaka: Textual Criticism and Interpretation Through Inverted Parallelism Shi, Huifēng Buddhist Studies Review 2015
  From Exegesis to Hermeneutic: Use of Abhidharmic and Mahāyāna Interpretation in the Prajñāpāramitā Upadeśa (Dazhidu Lun《大智度論》)=從解經到詮釋學:《大智度論》中之阿毘達磨與大乘解釋的使用 Orsborn, Matthew (著)=歐慧峰 (au.) 哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture 2022.04.01
  Localization of Humanistic Buddhism in the West Shih, Hui-feng (撰)=釋慧峰 (compose) 人間佛教學報‧藝文=Humanistic Buddhism Journal, Arts, and Culture 2016.09.16
  New Methods for Old Problems: Chiasmus and the “Ur-Prajñāpāramitā” Shih, Hui-Feng 2013 第五屆東方人文思想國際學術研討會-東亞傳統學術中的佛學展開=5th Asian Humanities International Symposium2013-The unfolding development of Buddhism in East Asian Traditional Academia 2013.06
  Old School Emptiness: Hermeneutics, Criticism and Tradition in the Narrative of Śūnyatā Shi, Huifēng (著) 2016
  Something for Nothing: Cognitive Metaphors for Emptiness in the *Upadesa (Dàzhìdù Lùn)=以有為無 — 《大智度論》之空性認知隱喻 Orsborn, Matthew=歐慧峰 Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies=中華佛學學報 2018.07
  Śrāvaka Ordination in a Mahāyāna Embrace: Triple Platform Ordination in Chinese Buddhism Orsborn, Matt Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies 2021
  Vimalakīrti’s Aporia: Chiasmus & Apophasis in the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa=維摩詰之難題:《維摩詰經》中之交錯結構與否定論述 釋慧峰 (著)=Shi, Huifēng (au.) 佛光學報=Fo Guang Journal of Buddhist Studies 2016.01
  人間佛教在西方的本土化 釋慧峰 (撰)=Shih, Hui-feng (compose) 人間佛教學報‧藝文=Humanistic Buddhism Journal, Arts, and Culture 2016.09.16